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Breaking News: The Violence-Hit Rohingya Village, Duchiradan, Set Ablaze

Duchiradan is the village which was hit by the Myanmar-Regime-sponsored violence on 14th January 2014.

(DICHIRADAN, Maungdaw Burma Times) - 4-Year-Old Rohingya Girl Mercilessly Beaten By Military Men The west-hamlet of the village of Duchiradan (Kilaindaung) in southern Maungdaw is on fire now. The fire caught Rohingya houses at around 9PM on 28th January 2014 (Myanmar Standard Time-MST).

How the fire started in the village is unknown yet. Neither Rohingya from any other village is allowed to go the village nor many locals of the village live there because of the fear of becoming the victims of violence again. Those who were living in the village are believed to have fled to their nearby village as soon as the fire started.

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 16:31)

Sri Lanka`s own Northern Council Calls for Int`l War Crimes Investigation Against Sri Lankan Leaders

The call for international investigation is to investigate killings that took place in the final months of the war between Sri Lankan Government and Tamil rebels called Tamil Tigers.

(LONDON) - “So far call to establish Int'l investigation came from Int'l NGO’s & diaspora groups like Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE). This is the 1st time, Tamils within Sri Lanka speaks out.”

In a major humiliation to Sri Lankan President, the Sri Lanka’s Northern Provincial Council (NPC) unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the United Nations to establish an International War Crimes Investigation to investigate Sri Lankan leaders for committing War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide against Tamil people in that island.

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 13:58)

Sri Lanka: Resolution in Geneva Will Go Through

The Rajapaksa government may be good at vote-rigging and manipulating the counting, but are they capable of doing this in the HRC?

(PARIS) - Sri Lanka flag It has taken more than three decades for the International community to understand the attitude of Sri Lanka, which is unbending and characterizes each and every Sri Lanka government through history. Better late than never, two consecutive resolutions have been passed on Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights Council – HRC.

Now there are rumours, talks and discussions about a resolution on Sri Lanka in the forthcoming 25th session of the HRC. If so, this 3rd resolution may call for an ‘international independent inquiry’. Well and good.

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 13:31)

Hague, Sworn Enemy of Criminal Impunity, Still Soft on Israel`s War Crimes

Knowing his record, isn't that just another case of our brave Foreign Secretary shooting his mouth off? Judge for yourselves.

(LONDON) - Hague War Criminal A few days ago we were talking about Agent Willie Hague's self­proclaimed commitment to smoke out war criminals, bring them to account and support the International Criminal Court in its investigations.

“If you commit war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide you will not be able to rest easily in your bed,” he said. But knowing his record, isn't that just another case of our brave Foreign Secretary shooting his mouth off? Judge for yourselves.

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 12:28)

NPC Passes Resolution to Probe War Crimes Committed in Sri Lanka

A motion submitted by NPC member Ananthi Sasitharan on people reported missing in the North was also adopted on the same day.

(MELBOURNE) - Northern Provincial Council On the 27th January 2014, the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) passed a resolution seeking an international war crimes investigation in Sri Lanka.

Submitted before the NPC, the resolution also approved a proposal that an NPC member attend the March session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 17:32)

Welcome to Planet America

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
- From a sonnet by American poet, Emma Lazarus, engraved on a plaque on The Statue of Liberty

(LONDON) - Planet America The America that the founding fathers established almost 250 years ago is unrecognizable now. Since the Second World War, America has been transformed into the bully in the global playground.

What various American administrations can’t achieve by persuasion, bribery and coercion they destroy with brute force.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 15:04)

Jordan Revisited

Jordan, a constitutional monarchy where I did my bachelor degree, is still a fascinating, beautiful and diverse place.

(BETHLEHEM) - Prof. Zuhair in his lab The distance from Amman to my house in Beit Sahour is 45 miles (72 kilometers). In normal situations, that should take 1-1.5 hours. Sunday it took me some 13 hours (i.e. Ten times more) and I arrived at my home at 3 AM. I won’t bore you with details of misery and can just summarize the main reason: occupation.

The illegal military occupation and colonization of the West Bank by Israeli forces has now been in place for almost 47 years, one of the longest in history. I see the worst of people and the best of people daily. I spent five days in Jordan working on biodiversity issues with my friend Prof. Zuhair Amr.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 13:46)

Is Netanyahu Certifiable?

Though I am not an expert on the subject, it seems to me that what Netanyahu needs most of all is some psychiatric help.

(LONDON) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu The expanded and most explicit form of my headline question is this.

Is Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu of sound mind and knowingly talking propaganda nonsense about threats to Israel’s security in order to fool the world including most of its Jews, or, is he unbalanced, mentally disturbed, even clinically insane?

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 12:49)

The Silent Massacre of Rohingya

To date, three million Muslims have been forced to migrate to neighboring countries, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been martyred, tens of thousands of settlement units have been burned and destroyed, tens of thousands of women have been raped...

(ISTANBUL Burma Times) - Harun Yahya The Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine province of Myanmar are going through a brutal ethnic slaughter campaign of an unimaginable size. The scale of the killings, persecution, torture and savagery are beyond comprehension.

The systematic slaughter policy waged towards Muslims since 1942 left only 70,000 out of the initial four million owing to mass murder and displacement.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 12:11)

Village Destruction in the Jordan Valley

Israel is aided and abetted by every U.S. President and Congress and every American tax payer who elects pro-Israel governments. We are all guilty because we tolerate or encourage the permanent intimidation of our public officials by Israel and its American allies.

(CHICAGO) - Burhan Basharat British journalist and author Victoria Brittain traveled to the Jordan Valley to see the actual conditions and latest developments in one of the areas under discussion in the peace negotiations John Kerry is conducting between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

A people under military occupation, prisoners in their own land, controlled by outside forces, live in the area in which Victoria Brittain traveled.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
