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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-27-2013 13:27)

Barring Medicines in Syria... US-led Sanctions Contribute to the Destruction of Syria`s Millenary History

Anger toward the US government is rife in Syria, over severe, illegal sanctions targeting civilians.

(DAMASCUS, Syria) - Sanctions: It’s War by Any Other name What a difference a week can make. The heaviest snow in Syria in a quarter-century, some claimed, last week’s storm even closed the main highway from Damascus to Beirut.

But that was then and now its spring in Damascus, or so it feels to those of us used to a New England January.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2013 14:33)

Obama, Osama, 911 and Jap Oranges...
The Great Dershowitz/Chomsky Debate

Give a man a spade and he'll plant a seed. Give him a plow and a horse and he'll plant a crop. Give him a tractor and he'll drive to the nearest liquor store.
- Ancient Peace Corps rubric

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Alan Dershowitz, Brian Mandell and Noam Chomsky This has been the decade of the great divide.

Since September 11, 2001, two diametrically opposite opinions have been expressed to the world incessantly, both concerning a simple set of unassailable facts...

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2013 12:51)

You can`t handle the truth!

The real problem however is the stark and depressing truth that America by nature is an incredibly vicious and violent society, but to admit that would require action.

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Jack Nicholson A Few Good Men Now that some of the emotionalism has faded from the Sandy Hook school disaster we should reflect on its cause.

Is it surprising that someone would walk into a school and kill innocent children? Not really. It should be expected.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2013 20:04)

Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama

President Obama begins another four years in office.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts administers the oath of office to President Barack Obama What makes us exceptional -- what makes us American -- is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2013 14:08)

Lyrics & Free Studio Quality Recording of An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King

The new recording by Vic Sadot features beautifully moving viola by Eric Golub.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Vic Sadot Get the Free MP3 of the song by Vic Sadot that highlights what came out in the trial that the book presents.

The new recording by Vic Sadot features beautifully moving viola by Eric Golub. Six Black and six White jurors unanimously convicted Loyd Jowers and un-named government co-conspirators.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 23:05)

Beware! After Impeachment He May Look Towards An `Election-less Miracle`!!

The new CJ is selected, appointed, sworn in and has assumed office.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka Colombo Telegraph) - Sri Lanka's chief justice Shirani Bandaranayake has been sacked in an impeachment process. “I am no Messiah ! No fortune reader !!

I am only proposing, no matter where, events from history can be chosen to be replayed in the future, if the people decide, wise !!!” – Wonder who’d said it, before.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 21:55)

Martin Luther King, Inauguration Day and Our Shifting Awareness

The entire war economy demands a complete review as we face the finite fragile future of our planet.

(PORTLAND, OR) - MLK This year’s presidential inauguration on Martin Luther King Day finds us as a nation and people at a remarkable crossroads.

We have the same daunting issues we have faced for years before us; and yet there is something different. There is a developing shift in our consciousness and responsibility.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 13:35)

Taking the Law into Our own Hands: A Fine and Necessary Tradition in the Face of Tyranny

To no-one will we sell, to no-one will we deny or delay right or justice. - Clause 40, The Magna Carta, 1215

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - V for Vendetta The retired New York City cop stared at me with the eyes of someone who knew too much. He said matter of factly,

“It’s standard practice here not to prosecute child rapists for a first offense. They have to rape a kid ten, maybe fifteen times before there’s a good chance of conviction.”

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2013 12:58)

First Nest Ever Discovered of One of the World`s Most Endangered Birds

Two Brazilian researchers credited with discovery.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Stresemann's Bristlefront by Ciro Albano - NE Brazil Birding. Photo may be used with credit. The first known nest of one of the world's rarest birds - the Critically Endangered Stresemann's Bristlefront - has been discovered in Brazil. Of perhaps equal significance is that strong evidence of active nestlings was also found.

The Stresemann's Bristlefront is one of the world's most threatened bird species -- unrecorded for 50 years until it was rediscovered in 1995 near Una, Bahia, in Brazil's Atlantic Forest region.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2013 19:18)

Second Amendment Truths

So-called militias of today exist and operate subversively with the object of attacking, rather than protecting our free State.

(PASO ROBLES, CA) - anti-gun protestor Instead of declaring what will not be allowed, why don’t we say what will?, other weaponry to be used only by the “well regulated Militia necessary for the security of the United States of America.”

In 1783-9 ‘Militia’ meant a well regulated body of men under the leadership of such as Geo. Washington who succeeded in defeating the English whose Officers surrendered to him at York.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
