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Is it Justice or is it Revenge?

The death penalty was made legal by statute in 1864. Oregon has a rich history of killing death-row inmates.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Man in electric chair BANG BANG, You’re Dead!

And so at 12:01 a.m. on January 17, 1977 the state of Utah exacted what it called “justice,” when Gary Gilmore was shot to death by a “volunteer” firing squad of 5 police officers.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 17:19)

How the Mighty have Fallen: The Next Steps in Reclaiming our World and Ourselves A Special Communique from ITCCS Central

The mask has finally slipped, for those who can see and understand.

(BRUSSELS ITCCS Central) - ITCCS logo In just over one month, history has been made.

One Pope has fallen, the Vatican is in disarray, and heads of state are evading arrest warrants after being publicly tried and sentenced for Crimes against Humanity.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 15:43)

Cardinal Mahony: The Catholic Church`s Cross to Bear

No one can say for sure how many Catholics have left the church over this crisis, but many of those that have done so have said they left more because of the cover ups than because of the actual crimes.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Cardinal Roger Mahony Pope Benedict XVI has fled the Vatican and left the Catholic Church still deeply mired in a pedophilia crisis he could have alleviated, but didn't.

The horrific cases of priests sexually abusing young boys (mostly) in their care are well known and don't need to be recounted here.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 14:30)

Does Hugo Chavez`s Death Mean The End Of His Bolivarian Revolution?

I personally like the idea of a Latin American union similar to the European Union largely free from U.S. control.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Hugo Chávez Under a Painting of Simón Bolivar On March 5, 2013, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frias, the president of Venezuela, died of a massive heart attack and his cancer was very advanced when he died.

Was his dream of a "Bolivarian Revolution" buried with him?

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 10:39)

Dusty Old Helmet, Rusty Old Gun

I salute my old friends in the corner,
I agree with all they have said -
And if the moment of truth comes tomorrow,
I'll be free, or By God, I'll be dead!

(CARLINVILLE, IL) - Audie Murphy Many years ago I quoted the 2nd paragraph in a speech I gave to a group of veterans in Carlinville Il.

They saw an article about it and wrote me on how to get permission to use it on a granite veterans memorial they were building. I ended up as the guest speaker at its dedication.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 10:12)

American Women Must F.U.C.K. More Effectively!

Where are we, in March 2013, the month we celebrate women’s achievements?

(SALISBURY UNIVERSITY) - Women empowerment With respect to International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2013, this also applies to every country where women’s rights are being challenged, including the Middle East (where this student visited last year.) We need to Fight our fears; Use our brains; Control our destinies; Know our strengths.

It’s time for us to F.U.C.K., as in: Face our oppressors. Unchain our voices and ambitions. Challenge the prejudices unleashed against us. Knock down those who are trying to return us to the dark ages.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2013 21:29)

DALET: Another Dirty Word in the Conspiracy to Steal the Land of Palestine

Zionist terror plan is still legitimized by political half-wits in the West.

(LONDON) - Israeli bloody flag I have to admit, I was only dimly aware of the Dalet Plan before reading Alan Hart's latest article ’The green light for Zionism’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine’.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2013 18:31)

Attempt To Assassinate Sheikh Hasina Failed Before, Could it Happen Again?

Bangladesh has a bloody past, the father of Hasina, Mujib, was assassinated.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina The 2004 attempt to assassinate Sheikh Hasina failed; but in the midst of growing civil unrest in Bangladesh the threat remains.

In his twitter response to Sabir Mustafa, William Gomes mentioned that the last failed coup in the military and involvement of outlawed Islamist outfit Hizbut Tahri reminds us that the threat is high at this time.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2013 17:21)

Smoking Blunderbuss

Illegal failure to consult with tribal peoples dooms giant solar and wind plants across the West.

(SOLANA BEACH, CA) - Bird Singers, Blythe, California, October, 2010. Chris Clarke's recent article deconstructs a video clip from the film, "Who Are My People?"

It is important for the public (us) to get our heads around the idea that the federal government is legally responsible to Native people.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2013 16:14)

President Hugo Chavez, R.I.P.

The world bids farewell to a man who stood up for Venezuela.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Hugo Chavez The President of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frias, has died at the age of 58 after a long-running battle to regain his health.

He is one of the few men who as a political leader, dared to criticize former U.S. President George W. Bush for his warmongering nation's huge list of mistakes.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
