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Mar-12-2013 10:39printcomments

Dusty Old Helmet, Rusty Old Gun

I salute my old friends in the corner,
I agree with all they have said -
And if the moment of truth comes tomorrow,
I'll be free, or By God, I'll be dead!

Audie Murphy
Courtesy: Fort Lee Audie Murphy Club

(CARLINVILLE, IL) - Many years ago (late 70’s) I quoted the 2nd para in a speech I gave… a group of veterans in Carlinville IL saw an article about it and wrote me on how to get permission to use it in granite, on a granite veterans memorial they were planning/building. I wrote the widow, and she replied OK to use.

I ended up as the guest speaker at its dedication in front of a veterans post in Carlinville. The paper printed the entire speech. I accidentally found the poem on line…and decided to send it to you. (s) Dan Cedusky, Col Ret

Dusty old helmet, rusty old gun,
They sit in the corner and wait -
Two souvenirs of the Second World War
That have withstood the time, and the hate.
Mute witness to a time of much trouble.
Where kill or be killed was the law -
Were these implements used with high honor?
What was the glory they saw?
Many times I've wanted to ask them -
And now that we're here all alone,
Relics all three of a long ago war -
Where has freedom gone?

Freedom flies in your heart like an eagle.
Let it soar with the winds high above
Among the spirits of soldiers now sleeping,
Guard it with care and with love.
I salute my old friends in the corner,
I agree with all they have said -
And if the moment of truth comes tomorrow,
I'll be free, or By God, I'll be dead!

Poem by Audie Murphy
Medal of Honor Recipient


You can write to Col Dan at <>

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.