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Bat Found in Marion County Tests Positive for Rabies

Be suspicious of bats that approach people. See VIDEO below.

(SALEM, Ore.) - bat research Marion County health officials are reporting that a bat found inside a home tested positive for rabies on Tuesday, July 20, 2015. The test was conducted by the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory.

This is the fifth bat in Oregon to test positive for rabies in 2015, and the first in Marion County. Last year, eleven bats and three foxes tested positive for rabies throughout Oregon, but none in Marion County. The last time a bat found in Marion County tested positive for rabies was June 2012.

Read Full Article (Jul-07-2015 00:15)

Is Senator Joe Manchin of WV a Hero or a Hypocrite in the Prescription Opioid Epidemic?

The line between Heroism and Hypocrisy should not be so thin.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Senator Manchin Last week I received an email from a mother who lost her child to the prescription opioid/heroin health crisis crippling every state in the country.

The email read "I hope to get an appointment to see Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia when I visit Washington, DC -- I think he gets it." But, does Manchin "get it" in the sense this mother thinks?

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2015 15:58)

As Pets, Baby Chicks and Ducklings Aren`t What They`re Quacked Up to Be

As spring arrives, avoid buying baby poultry as they may carry dangerous salmonella bacteria

(SALEM, Ore.) - baby chicks Spring is the season when people purchase "baby chicks" for their backyard poultry flocks or to give as Easter gifts, but one public health expert advises caution around these cute, fuzzy birds.

Since 2010, nine outbreaks of illnesses caused by salmonella bacteria from chicks have occurred, affecting at least 37 confirmed salmonellosis cases and many more suspected cases.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2015 22:29)

St. Patricks Day Safety Message: Do you feel lucky?

Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving....don't push your luck.

(SALEM, Ore.) - st patricks day designated driver The Oregon State Police (OSP) is partnering with local police and sheriff's departments throughout Oregon by targeting drunk and impaired drivers during tomorrow's St. Patrick's Day Celebration.

For too many Americans, St. Patrick's Day has ended in tragedy due to drunk drivers getting behind the wheel.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2015 20:08)

Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Announce Bill Introduced in House of Representatives

"Agent Orange is persistent over time at a high toxicity rate, and it was capable of contaminating individuals who handled equipment that had been exposed." ~Institute of Medicine

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans New York Congressman Chris Gibson (NY) reintroduced our bill in the House of Representatives on Friday, Feb 13th, along with 130 original House sponsors. Co-sponsors are continuing to be added to that overwhelming bipartisan support.

On the Senate side, we have Sen. Gillibrand (NY) ready to introduce an identical Senate legislation. However, she is waiting for a Republican Senator to step out with her so there will be an initial bipartisan support.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2015 17:15)

Fear The Measles Virus - Not The Vaccine, Says WSU Researcher

Measles is highly contagious – and easily preventable.

(PULLMAN, Wash.) - measles When it comes to the measles outbreak that originated at California’s Disneyland, it truly is a small world after all.

The virus that took hold at the resort shortly before Christmas has journeyed beyond the “happiest place on earth” to sicken people in 14 states, including Washington, Oregon, Utah and Arizona.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2015 18:20)

Wyden Praises Senate Passage of Bill Helping Veterans At Risk of Suicide

Caring for the needs of our American Veterans is a must

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Ron Wyden Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement after the Senate unanimously approved the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act:

“I was proud to cosponsor and to vote for this bipartisan bill, which I’m convinced will save lives in Oregon and across the country,” Wyden said.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2015 20:30)

Oregon Farmers can Legally Grow Hemp as of Now!

Oregonians will soon be looking o'er fields of Hemp, after nearly 60 years.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Hemp benefits Hemp hasn't been grown in Oregon since 1957, when prohibitionists went on the offensive and demanded a total ban on hemp production...  but this spring that all changes.

As of today, the State of Oregon has accepted the rules presented by the committee and will accept applications to become a hemp farmer, handler, or hemp seed producer.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2015 20:10)

70th Anniversary of of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

Survivors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in Poland were liberated by the Soviet Red Army after more than 1 million people were killed.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - holocaust remembrance day We have seen newsreels of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps at the end of WW II and a number of movies depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. However, newsreels and movies did not really prepare us for an actual visit to the site of the largest mass murder in history.

As many as 1.5 million were murdered at Auschwitz, mainly Polish Jews, but also Soviet prisoners-of-war, Gypsies, Czechs, Yugoslavs, French, Austrians, and Germans.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2015 00:48)

Army Backs Out of Proposed Free Land Deal with Eastern Oregon`s Economic Development Leaders

As in many cases, the answer may be found when you follow the money...

(SALEM, Ore.) - umatilla chemical depot If the Umatilla Chemical Depot is closed, and all munitions have been safely destroyed, why hasn’t the Army passed the land to Eastern Oregon’s economic development leaders?

According to Don Chance, project manager for the Columbia Development Authority, the United States Army may be backing out of their agreement to gift the land at no charge.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
