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Rwanda: Peaceful Change is Not Dangerous

"The Road to Rwanda is a difficult journey but we will soon reach our destination." - John V. Karuranga

(WASHINGTON DC) - President Paul Kagame In an interview conducted with John V. Karuranga, President of the Rwanda Peoples Party, who lives in exile he expresses his current concerns for Rwanda and his vision of a peaceful and prosperous nation.

JF: Did the interview you recently did with a local online news outlet in Rwanda reach the intended audience and what was the reaction?

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2012 12:48)

APN, J Street and NIF Condemn Attack on Obama for Meeting with Supporters of the Three Groups

This campaign to drive a partisan political wedge through the heart of Jewish communal support for Israel should stop...

(WASHINGTON DC) - Americans for Peace Now, J Street and the New Israel Fund today issued their first-ever joint statement condemning the unseemly attack on President Obama by the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens. Stephens focuses on the President's association with our organizations and some of our key supporters.

This is simply the latest in a litany of partisan attacks on the President for standing for and with the values that are actually at the very heart of the Jewish community.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2012 12:06)

Behind the Presidential Curtain: President Kagame and his House Staff

Article by Noble Marara explores inner-workings of Kagame regime.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Noble Marara In 1994, our soldiers went out from Byumba to Musha, when I talk of our soldiers I mean the high command alongside President Kagame, they found a child of three years old her parents had been killed.

Though she was three she had been sent to explain more about herself. She was unable to provide her own name to the soldiers so was given the name of Kavutse.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2012 10:24)

Perception is Reality in the Eyes of the Beholder!

While our leaders tell a good story about defending the defenseless, they support those who practice evil against the very same defenseless.

(HARRISVILLE, NH) - American decline As one of what I believe is the vast majority of United States citizens who view all of the citizens of the world as brothers and sisters, it bothers me that we are perceived as a war mongering country.

What bothers me even more are our actions or lack of actions that spawn this perception.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2012 17:37)

UK Tells Lanka to Move Quickly

“We encourage the Sri Lankan Government to move quickly to implement the LLRC report’s recommendations” - Britain's Alistair Burt

(GENEVA The Sunday Leader) - British Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt Britain has urged the Sri Lanka government to move quickly on implementing the recommendations of the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission.

In a written statement to the British House of Commons, Alistair Burt Britain sees a political settlement, respect for human rights and accountability for alleged war crimes as being essential elements in post-conflict reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2012 15:00)

Rwanda: Authorities Continue Embezzling Public Funds with Impunity

Money disappeared, some was stolen; more went missing because tax laws were not properly enforced.

(KIGALI, Rwanda) - Paul Kagame Over 20 billion (20,000,000,000) Frw or $40 million US dollars have been embezzled from Rwanda national treasury.

One gets these numbers by putting together figures and spreadsheets that were recently made public in a report written by Rwanda's Public Accounts Committee.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 18:32)

Rwanda People`s Party Congratulates Vladimir Putin

"You are truly deserving of the victory you have received from the people of the Russia..."

(VAXJO, Sweden) - Russia's Vladimir Putin In this letter, John V Karuranga, President of the Rwanda People’s Party, contacts Russian President-Elect Vladimir Putin, offering congratulations on his new term.

Karuranga expresses hope that Putin's govt and the RPP can expand collaboration, build on our common goals and promote freedom and democracy in our sister countries.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 15:45)

Global Tamil Forum on the 19th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

GTF firmly believes that only an international, independent investigation can secure truth and accountability for what happened during the war...

(GENEVA) - Global Tamil Forum A true international effort, with the backing of key regional Governments, will bring real accountability for war crimes and reconciliation between communities in the island of Sri Lanka.

The United Nations Human Rights Council which is in session in Geneva right now presents a great opportunity for the international community to address the issues of accountability, for the alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity,

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 13:59)

Tamils Demonstrate in Geneva

The Sri Lankan government has strongly denied that its forces committed war crimes, and has resisted any international investigation.

(GENEVA) - Indian Tamil residents hold placards as they shout slogans against Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Mumbai (AFP, Punit Paranjpe) About 2,000 Tamils demonstrated in Geneva on Monday, calling for the establishment of a tribunal to judge alleged “war crimes” committed by the Sri Lankan authorities in 2009.

The Tamils, who had come from all over Europe, marched from the station to the United Nations headquarters, carrying the flags of Tamil Eelam, Britain and France. They also had placards calling for self-determination.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2012 13:43)

APN Commends Obama for Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace Speech

American/Jewish peace group applauds position of U.S. President.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Barack Obama Americans for Peace Now (APN) commends President Obama for an AIPAC speech that was staunchly pro-Israel, unabashedly pro-peace, and responsible yet sober on Iran.

APN President and CEO Debra DeLee, says the President’s AIPAC speech was a valuable reminder from the leader of Israel’s greatest ally that supporting Israel means supporting peace and sparing no effort to avoid war.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
