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Eezham Tamils: Declare for Referendum in any Unity Meeting

Only the Tamil militancy was able to arrest the process for three decades, but genocidal Colombo is now given with a free licence to carry out colonisation in full swing.

(CHENNAI, India TamilNet) - Eezham Tamils All groups of Eezham Tamils in the island and in the diaspora, seeking various shades of political solution beyond the present constitution of Sri Lanka, should meet together to present a joint stand of them.

It is an opinion currently pressurising all of them, mainly the TNA, both the factions of the TGTE, GTF and the Country Councils in various Western countries.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2012 01:34)

Enforced Disappearance: JSMM`s Muzaffar Bhutto Was Found Dead After More than a Year

He was neither a terrorist nor a criminal, he was a qualified engineer and a political activist working for the rights of people living in Sindh.

(KARACHI) - Shaheed Muzafar Bhutto Muzaffar Bhutto, who went missing on February 24, 2011, was found dead near Hyderabad on Tuesday 22 May 2012.

The 42-year-old’s bullet-riddled body, also bearing torture marks, was found at the roadside near Hatri and was taken to Civil Hospital, Hyderabad.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 04:14)

An Apple Sprouts in Manhattan: Mr. John Goes to the United Nations, Unfortunately

Gangsters like Ed John don’t like drawing more attention to bad publicity about themselves – especially when they know it’s all true.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - I first heard Ed John’s name mentioned when a large and nasty thug shoved his arm into my throat and bellowed in my ear, “Eddie John is pissed off at what you’re doing here, so cut it out now!”

The ruffian was named Dean Wilson, an enforcer with the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council in Prince George, British Columbia.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 02:20)

Heavy Military Presence in Sri Lanka`s North Traumatic for Children

Greater focus is required to ensure that children have not lost everything.

(MELBOURNE ABC Radio) - Tamil boy inside a Tamil refugee camp Courtesy: Heavy military presence in the island's former conflict zones continue to traumatise children who've experienced the civil war.

Sri Lanka's military defeated the Tamil Tiger rebels three years ago, and the UN children's agency UNICEF has described as 'remarkable' the progress made in child health and education.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 16:51)

UNCA Fans Anti Press Flames, Tries to Censor for Sri Lanka

Ban Ki-moon's MALU said it would grant Inner City Press re-accreditation -- and then refused to do so.

(UNITED NATIONS) - UN attack on media Big media representatives stirred up Sri Lankan extremists' threats against Inner City Press, then repeatedly said they didn't care and weren't responsible.

On June 14, an organization chaired by Kofi Annan's former chief of communications Edward Mortimer criticized UNCA for putting Inner City Presss at risk.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 16:25)

URGENT: Act Now for Mahmoud Sarsak on 88th Day of Hunger Strike

Israel's special laws that apply only to Palestinians, have shattered the life of an aspiring star athlete.

(MELBOURNE) - Poster for Mahmoud Sarsak by Hafez Omar As European soccer stars compete in the European Championship, the eyes of the world must turn to a soccer star at urgent risk of death:

Palestinian national team member Mahmoud Sarsak, 25, has been imprisoned under Israel’s “Unlawful Combatants Law” – the only prisoner so held – without charge or trial – for three years.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2012 18:27)

Colombo now Dealing with Delhi from a `Position of Strength`

The Rajapaksas believe that they can uproot Tamil nationalism by changing the demographic soil which nurtured it, and by using terror.

(LONDON) - A historical perusal or review of the long plight of Eelam Tamils would show that a subtle cold war between India and the USA, played over the national question in the island.

Their competition to have the dominant nation of Sinhalese, the majority on their side, denied justice to the nation of Eelam Tamils at every stage.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2012 17:10)

Today Baloch Blood Costs Nothing WHY?

Where is the international arrest warrant?

(SALEM) - Balochistan human rights Balochistan was independent in 1947, just like India and Pakistan.

A year later Jinnah revoked his congratulations and sent in the Pakistani Army and annexed Balochistan by military force.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2012 15:53)

President Paul Kagame on a Special Visit to Uganda: But Why?

Kagame believes that once his rebels are well hidden in Uganda, they will be beyond the reach of the DRC authority.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Museveni and Kagame The Congolese Government’s reaction against the continued support of Rwanda to their enemies in the Congo has led President Kagame back to Uganda to plead for help from His Excellence Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.

He was in Uganda yet again in order to seek help because he has nowhere else to turn to this time.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2012 15:24)

Ethnic Rohingya and Rakhine Refugees Fleeing Burma in Danger in Bangladesh Border

Human rights ambassador calls on Bangladesh to allow entry of refugees fleeing sectarian violence in Burma.

(SALEM) - Fleeing in Arakan state Bangladeshi border guards have turned back three boats carrying approximately 100 human beings; violating international laws that protect refugees.

About 100 people from Myanmar fleeing sectarian violence have been turned away from Bangladesh, as the UN refugee agency called for the border to be opened.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
