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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-01-2012 04:06)

Did a Ghost Crawl Inside My Laptop?

Sri Lanka war crime victim's spirit seems restless over involuntary death pose.

(SALEM) - Tamil Tiger flag Having your life and dignity ripped away by heartless militant thugs with orders to kill kill... that is exactly what happened to Isaipriya Veeravanakkam and tens of thousands of minority Tamil Hindus and Christians in Sri Lanka only three years ago.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2012 21:21)

India`s Frustration with Sri Lanka Reaches Breaking Point

The Delhi Pundits are well aware of the above nefarious history of Sri Lanka.

(CHENNAI, India) - Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Frustrated and exasperated the Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, is sending a top-level emissary, Shiv Shankar Menon, to Sri Lanka to convey in “the strongest terms” New Delhi’s concerns over a string of important issues.

Though this may be a late reawakening of the Indian Pundits to the realities of the situation in Sri Lanka, for the beleaguered victims of genocide, this is a welcome reprieve.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2012 15:44)

Why Should You Care About Our News Anyway?

We constantly expose the truth to an often hostile world.

(SALEM) - Father and dead child Many of you who follow our work understand that we have a tendency to turn remote informational trails into six lane freeways.

As we wallow through the mire of news, I want to share a few thoughts about why we cover certain topics and the importance of reader support.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2012 01:55)

Sri Lanka War Crimes Against Tamils: Oregon Journalist Will Give Key Note Address at FeTNA in Baltimore

2,000–3,000 Tamil Americans and Canadians are expected to attend the 25th year celebration.

(BALTIMORE) - Tim and Bonnie King of A key note address will be delivered at the Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America conference in Baltimore, Md. by's Tim King.

Tim King says being invited to FeTNA as a distinguished guest to deliver a key note address is an extreme honor and he believes hope for the Tamil Diaspora is on the horizon.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2012 01:54)

UNHCR in Sri Lanka gives Confidential Information to the Defence Ministry?

In the event the Rajapaksa government deports these people, the matter is to be taken up at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka Brief) - Asylum seekers in Sri Lanka Diplomatic circles are currently discussing whether the UN High Commission for Refugees office in Sri Lanka was providing information on foreign refugees to the Defence Ministry.

The reason is a directive issued under the Defence Ministry that all 150 refugees from Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan leave Sri Lanka within four days.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2012 18:18)

`Eelam Tamil Cause` Basically about Saving Tamil Lives

Sri Lanka's successful subterfuges that misled the world initially in demonetizing the Eelam Tamils resistance as terrorists are now well exposed.

(LONDON PFLT) - Tamil Eelam If India wants to be in the global world, to be regarded as an upcoming world power, then it cannot allow a dubious failed genocidal Sri Lank government to play games with it.

Let India come out in open world and boldly join the free democratic nations which uphold human rights...

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2012 00:32)

Protest at Thirumurukandi: Various Threats made Against Demonstrators

Tamil National Alliance staged the special protest against land grabbing and Sinhala resettlement at Thirumurukandi.

(JAFFNA LankaSri News) - Thirumurukandi Tamil National Alliance began its protest against land grabbing of Tamil people in Northern Province. In the earlier occasion protesters received various threats from military personals, police and government intelligence unit members.

This protest begun at 10:00 a.m. in front of Thirumurukadi Pilliayar kovil compound.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2012 15:53)

The Grease Devil Is Not Real

An old wives’ tale returns, revealing post-war Sri Lanka.

(COLOMBO Sri Lanka Guardian) - Sri Lanka coastline During my first two days on Sri Lanka’s Jaffna Peninsula, I heard about the Grease Man from everyone who spoke English.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2012 02:44)

Torture by any other Name: How the Abomination Continues

A Sequel to The Forgiveness Fallacy.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Human Rights violated Torture is a criminal act under the law; abuse is not. And so while it may profit the torturers known as church and state to moderate and minimize their crime with doublespeak, it is, contrarily, a matter of life and death for the tortured to know their condition for what it is, and to call it so.

But for them to do so is a direct challenge to not only the torturers but to we not so innocent bystanders.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2012 18:06)

Colombo`s Military Instructs Civil Officials Not to Voice Against Land Grab in Vanni

The British fort in question was attacked and the weapons there were seized by the last Tamil king of the Vanni, Pandara Vanniyan.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka TamilNet) - Mullaiththeevu refugees in the Vanni, May 2009. The occupying Sri Lanka Army's 59-1 Brigade took over one third of the five acre land that belonging to Mullaiththeevu District Secretariat during the war.

Now they are refusing to relocate their base from the land situated in the town.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
