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Salem-News.com (Jul-09-2012 17:22)

APN to Netanyahu: Repudiate Levy Commission Report

"For the sake of Israel’s future as a state that Israelis and their supporters worldwide can be proud of, we are calling on the government of Israel to reject the Levy report...”

(WASHINGTON DC) - Illegal Israeli settlements Americans for Peace Now (APN) joins its Israeli sister organization, in calling on Israel to repudiate the findings of the commission it appointed to address the problem of illegal outposts in the West Bank.

APN calls on other US Jewish groups that support the two-state solution to raise their voices in opposition to this report.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-08-2012 19:20)

Did Israel Nuke Arafat?

Avi Dichter, said that it was for Palestinians to investigate: "The body is in their hands. It is in Ramallah, and really, all the keys are in their hands".

(LONDON) - PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat Since we now have conclusive evidence that Arafat was poisoned by radioactive polonium 210. Since Israel is the prime suspect in Arafat’s 2004 assassination, one thing is clear...

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Salem-News.com (Jul-07-2012 14:54)

Why Were these Billboards to End Aid to Israel Torn Down in L.A.?

Celebrate July 4th by Taking Action to Support Freedom of Speech.

(LOS ANGELES ) - Anti-apartheid billboards As we mark our country’s independence today, we recall the ringing, aspirational words of the Declaration of Independence:

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Salem-News.com (Jul-05-2012 22:02)

The Hand That Spurs Iran Sanctions

Washington's vitriolic animosity towards Iran is nothing new.

(TEHRAN) - President Obama The illegal oil embargoes against Iran have begun to take effect; a precocious smile of satisfaction breaks upon the ugly face of Zionism; and the US once again proves its lapdog fidelity to the Zionist regime.

That's not all, though. Israel craves for more and Washington has no choice but to cater to the wanton demands of a decadent colonizing regime.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-04-2012 20:23)

Sheikh Salah: The Zionist Project is Dying

He also urged the Islamic and Arab nations to mobilize their efforts to swiftly liberate Palestine from the Israeli occupation.

(ISTAMBUL) - Sheikh Salah Head of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 occupied lands Sheikh Ra'ed Salah expressed his belief that the Arab region would see radical changes in the near future, including the decay and demise of the Zionist project.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-03-2012 23:09)

Iran Test-Fires Ballistic Missile

The last day of the drill would see Revolutionary Guard "bomber drones" also used.

(FAISALABAD, Pakistan) - Missile test launch from Iran Iran on Tuesday test-fired in its central desert a ballistic missile capable of striking Israel as part of war games designed to show its ability to retaliate if attacked.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-02-2012 18:07)

Lifta - Film-in-Progress (Must Watch)

Watch scenes from a documentary film-in-progress about this struggle.

(LONDON) - Salem-News.com Lifta is the only remaining Arab village depopulated in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence that has not been completely destroyed or re-populated by Jews.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-02-2012 14:10)

9-Year Old Child Accosted and Kicked by Israeli Soldier (VIDEO)

Child abuse is child abuse, regardless of whose boot is doing the kicking.

(SALEM / WEST BANK) - Israeli child abuse Video was just released that clearly shows a young boy being grabbed and then kicked by two adult men- Israeli soldiers.

The Palestinian child, 9-year old Abdul Rahman Al-Burgan, was outside his home and was attempting to walk from the side of the house to the front, when a soldier accosted the boy and forced him to the ground. Another soldier quickly ascended on the kid to give him a hard kick while being held.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-01-2012 19:01)

Perpetual Peace

In My Ego and Me, the haunting but surprisingly un-despairing figures are foregrounded by an empty boat with four white oars.

(BEER-SHIVA, Israel) - Hebrew copy of Immanuel Kant’s <i>Perpetual Peace</i> Last year I gave the Israeli artist Amir Nave an old Hebrew copy of Immanuel Kant’s Perpetual Peace, which I teach every so often in my Introduction to Political Theory class.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-29-2012 00:45)

Nazism, Zionism, and the Arab World

Countering the myths spread by pro-Israel ideologues.

(WASHINGTON DC Dissident Voice) - Jews for Palestine The intricate, sprawling architecture of deception that shapes understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict in America is probably unique in history.

For over six decades, the U.S. Congress, successive presidents, media, public opinion, all have supported a story which portrays Israel as wholly good and innocent, while painting those resisting its violence and injustice as anti-Semites, Nazis, and terrorists.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
