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Sarkozy Was a Mossad Agent?

Le Figaro claimed that French police officials managed to keep secret a letter, which exposed Sarkozy's past participation in espionage activities for Mossad.

(TEHRAN) - Nicolas Sarkozy A report reveals that French President Nicolas Sarkozy worked for Israeli intelligence for a long time before he was elected president.

French daily Le Figaro has revealed the French leader once worked for the Zionist regime as a sayan, Hebrew for 'collaborator'.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 18:06)

Japanese Nuclear Reactor Crisis `Very Serious,` - UN Atomic Chief

The Security Council began its meeting today with a minute’s silence for the victims of the quake and tsunami.

(NEW YORK) - Council Observes Moment of Silence for Victims of Japanese Quake and Tsunami Repeatedly calling the nuclear reactor crisis in Japan “very serious,” the head of the UN agency that coordinates global nuclear safety announced today that he'll fly to the country to see what further help he can offer.

IAEA Director Gen. Yukiya Amano said he would spend one night in the country and then report back to the Board of Governors.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 12:36)

Quakes Shake up Globe, Impacting Ethnic Terrain

There is only one winner: Nature. And so the world turns.

(SALEM, Ore.) - (AP/Matt Marek/American Red Cross) Shattered dreams touching a wide diversity of ethnic groups have turned the world upside down over the last decade, and this upheaval continues its cruel thrust.

Over the last five years the power of earthquakes has made dents in the landscape of at least three continents. It has crushed vast populations in both the poorer and richer nations on this planet. Destruction has girded the globe.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 11:59)

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Tragedy beyond imagination is now unfolding in Japan.

(IWAKI, Japan) - Fukushima Nuclear Facility CNN’s Anderson Cooper reported on AC 360 Tuesday night that 50 Japanese workers suspended operations at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Northeastern Honshu.

At the risks of their lives, workers had been attempting to control fires and flood the site with seawater and boric acid in an effort to prevent a meltdown of the nuclear rods.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2011 19:26)

An Informed Citizenry is our Best Tool to Fight Corruption

You are the true strength of our country... not a corrupt Congress.

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - US flag Do you know how your Senators and Congressional Representatives voted? Are you aware of all issues coming-up for a vote? You should be . . . and you can be!

As conscientious U.S. citizens, it is our duty to exercise our right to vote for those individuals who would represent us in government. All too often, the voters of our country simply cast their vote for the incumbent believing that they have experience in the position and consequently will represent our values and beliefs better.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2011 16:16)

Stop Congress` New McCarthy Witch Hunt

We need to make sure that our national security experts are not trumped by the politics of fear.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Rep. Peter King and Sen. Eugene McCarthy. Congress is preparing McCarthyism 2.0. Rep. Peter King, the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee—the person in Congress who is in charge of our safety at home—plans to hold hearings next week about the threat we face from our fellow Americans.

Rep. King has said that 80% of religious leaders in mosques are radicalized. Not true. He has said that American Muslims do not cooperate with law enforcement. The police and FBI disagree.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2011 01:57)

Huckabee for President?

There is not an ounce of truth in anything he said. Yet here is a liar who would be president come 2012 if permitted to run against the man whose true Christian life he would defame.

(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - Mike Huckabee The prefix of REV. before one’s name is no guarantee that the person is a Christian, let alone a preacher of Truth. The so-called Rev. Huckabee presumes to be a man of God, but even that is doubtful. For he, as do so many Evangelists, make up their Gospels as they go along.

Rev. Huckabee is a pretender whose homilies are aimed at the Republican base who are trained to believe and accept as truth anything their leaders tell them.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2011 17:34)

An Empire of Lies: Why Our Media Betrays Us

Examining the role of mainstream media in defending Western imperial elites and peddling their narrative, and assesses the impact of new media in breaking the elites’ stranglehold on information.

(NAZARETH) - Israel F-16 Last week the Guardian, Britain’s main liberal newspaper, ran an exclusive report on the belated confessions of an Iraqi exile, Rafeed al-Janabi, codenamed “Curveball” by the CIA.

Eight years ago, Janabi played a key behind-the-scenes role – if an inadvertent one – in making possible the US invasion of Iraq.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 00:55)

Serious Injury Traffic Crash - Highway 229 North of Toledo

Police cautioning travelers to slow down and be alert for unexpected icy condition on roads that appear to be dry.

(TOLEDO, Ore.) - Head on crash near Toledo, Oregon 25 Feb 2011 Three people were injured, one seriously, in a two vehicle head-on crash Friday afternoon on Highway 229 about six miles north of Toledo.

This crash happened on Highway 229 near milepost 26 when a driver lost control on an icy stretch after passing other vehicles, fishtailed and then traveled into the oncoming lane colliding head-on with an approaching car.

Read Full Article (Feb-23-2011 16:46)

PETA Offers Salem Residents Urgent Information for Safeguarding Animals During Winter Weather

Group Warns Against Leaving Animals Outside in Freezing Temperatures.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Cold dog Every year, PETA receives complaints about people who leave dogs outside in the cold. Although they are equipped with fur coats, dogs and other animals can still suffer from frostbite and exposure, and they can become dehydrated when water sources freeze.

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