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Florida Governor Who Opposes Prescription Drug Monitoring Joins Drug Trade Panel

"Human beings feel dishonor the most -- sometimes when they most deserve it!" - Mark Twain

(TALLAHASSEE, Fla.) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott Earlier this week we published Rick Scott Elected Governor of Florida, But Voters Have a Charlatan in Office -- Not a Governor!

The story that illustrated the outrageous side of Florida politics, the state's new governor, and the relationship both play in the expanding Oxycontin crisis. Florida is where 85% of all Oxycontin sales take place.

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2011 06:30)

It`s a Small World, After All

After Visiting 120 Countries, World Traveler Sees Few Differences Between Peoples.

(CLEARWATER, Fla.) - No More Heroes When Henry Biernacki was 17 years old, he hopped a Greyhound bus from Colorado to Mexico with nothing but a small backpack, the clothes on his back and a few bucks in his pocket. He hasn’t stopped moving since.

Today, Biernacki is an airline captain with Virgin America and he has traveled to more than 120 countries, but his travel habits haven’t evolved much since his teen years.

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2011 03:57)

Rick Scott Elected Governor of Florida, But Voters Have a Charlatan in Office -- Not a Governor!

"Once you give a charlatan power over you -- you almost never get it back" - Carl Sagan

(TALLAHASSEE, Fla.) - Gov. Scott the charlatan Florida sells nine times the number of prescription pain pills, compared to any other state. Yet newly elected Gov. Rick Scott blocked a prescription drug monitoring system in Florida, why would this be?

Maybe because Florida sees 85% of all OxyContin sales in the U.S.?

Read Full Article (Mar-28-2011 06:40)

Part 2 - FDA`s Continual Responsibility for Making Our Children Into a Nation of Drug Addicts!

Why are parents allowing this to happen?

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - I recently wrote an article regarding the "Flamingo Pipeline" from Florida to New York of OxyContin Trafficking.

Every state in the U.S. -- as well as Canada -- has been fighting a war to keep our children from becoming a statistic in the OxyContin epidemic the FDA has allowed to become a runaway train in death.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2011 20:28)

Florida Conservatives Standing Up For Liberty With New Law to Ban Farm Photo

Republicans are the anti-freedom party.

(MIAMI) - Cows Once again, right-wing politics smells like freedom:

Taking photographs from the roadside of a sunrise over hay bales near the Suwannee River, horses grazing near Ocala or sunset over citrus groves along the Indian River could land you in jail under a Senate bill filed Monday.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2011 21:08)

Former MADD President Busted for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Police say former MADD chapter president had been driving erratically, swerving and crossing lanes.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Debra Oberlin A former president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Debra Oberlin, used to dedicate her life to keeping drunk drivers off the road and in many cases, behind bars.

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2011 23:56)

Evidence Emerges that BP Gulf Disaster Not Over

New reports of fissures and oil leaks are routinely being suppressed.

(CHICAGO) - Deep under the Gulf of Mexico, beyond the light, beyond the waves, beyond most humans' sight, dark death lingers.

When the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster occurred the world's attention became riveted on the spectacle of horror and disaster that terrorized Gulf residents, sent the media into a frenzy, and galvanized environmentalists around the globe.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2010 01:54)

Schneider Sentencing: Dr. Stephen Schneider 30 Years - Linda Schneider 33 Years

Judge spares Schneiders a life sentence in running a "pill mill" resulting in the deaths of 68 patients.

(WICHITA, Kansas) - Dr. Stephen Schneider and his wife, Linda Schneider Dr. Stephen Schneider and his wife, Linda Schneider, who were convicted in Federal Court of dozens of deaths of patients attributed to running a "pill mill" had asked a federal judge to sentence them to the minimum of 20 years in prison, rather than the life sentence prosecutors were seeking.

The Schneiders also were found guilty on five counts of unlawfully writing prescriptions and 11 health care fraud counts.

Read Full Article (Sep-16-2010 19:23)

Books Are Not Sacred

Stupid might be a good way to describe the Reverend Jones' exercise of his right.

(GOLD RIVER B.C.) - Terry Jones Well, Terry Jones backed off on the Koran burning. So what? Why should any rational person care if someone burns a Koran, or a Bible, the Sears catalogue or a Donald Duck comic book? That would depend on the nature of the burning.

Book burnings by governments or others with the intent to deprive society of their content would be a direct attack on the right of free expression and the open exchange of ideas.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2010 01:00)

Schneider Trial Aftermath

My, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way" - (Lyrics to Abba song)

(WICHITA, Kansas) - Schneiders I had planned on writing an article on the sentencing of Dr. Stephen Schneider and his wife in the fall, but some interesting events occurred recently that caused me to change my mind.

For starters, federal prosecutors told a federal judge last week that Stephen and Linda Schneider should be made to forfeit more than $4.2 million in assets to help pay for their crimes. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Annette Gurney and Tanya Treadway filed a motion asking U.S. District Judge Monti Belot to award the government money the Schneiders illegally obtained.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
