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Salem-News.com (Nov-29-2010 20:53)

Reward Offered to Help Solve Unlawful Shooting of 3 Elk Near Clatsop / Columbia County Line

(SALEM, Ore.) - Poached Elk Near Clatsop / Columbia County Line Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish & Wildlife Division (OSP) troopers from the Astoria Area Command office are asking for the public's help to identify the suspect(s) responsible for illegally shooting three elk and leaving them to waste near borders of Clatsop and Columbia counties.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-23-2010 19:25)

ODFW: Chance to Win Special Deer, Elk or Pronghorn Tag

Because not all hunters are reporting their results, some hunters may still receive a call from ODFW’s telephone hunter harvest survey.

(SALEM, Oregon) - Hunter with Elk Josh Schmalenberger of Etna, California harvested a four-point buck more than 30 inches wide in the Paulina Unit on Nov. 16 on a special tag that he won because he reported his 2009 hunts on time.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-22-2010 19:33)

Reward Offered to Solve Illegal Kill and Waste of Elk in Tillamook County

(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) - Salem-News.com Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish and Wildlife Division is asking for the public's help to identify the suspect(s) responsible for the illegal killing of three elk, and the waste of two of them, in the Trask Unit near Tillamook.

A reward of up to $1000 is being offered by the Oregon Hunter's Association for information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-22-2010 19:15)

Oregon Ocean Crab Season Opens December 1st

(NEWPORT, Ore.) - Crab The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife today announced that the commercial ocean Dungeness crab season will open at 12:01 a.m. Dec. 1.

Under Oregon Administrative Rules, the commercial pot presoak in Oregon waters will begin no sooner than 8:01 a.m. Nov. 28.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-22-2010 19:05)

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Proposed Marine Reserve Sites now Posted Online

(NEWPORT, Ore.) - Inter tidal area The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has posted for public review the maps and descriptions of proposed marine reserves and protected areas on its marine reserves website (www.oregonocean.info/marinereserves).

ODFW received the final marine reserve recommendations from three local community teams that considered proposed reserves at Cape Perpetua near Florence, Cascade Head near Lincoln City and Cape Falcon near Manzanita.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-16-2010 20:41)

ODFW: Public Meetings On Revised Dog and Raptor Training Rules

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem-News.com ODFW will host several public meetings to present proposed new rules related to the training of hunting dogs and raptors and competitive field trials for hunting dogs.

The purpose of the revision is to relax and clarify the current rules, which are inconsistent with most commercial and recreational dog and raptor training taking place

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Salem-News.com (Nov-08-2010 18:07)

Recreational White Sturgeon Fishery Closes on Willamette River

(SALEM, Oregon) - White Sturgeon photo: Laura Tesler ODFW Oregon fishery managers announced today the closure of recreational sturgeon fishing on the Willamette River downstream from the Willamette Falls, including Multnomah Channel and the Gilbert River.

According to fishery managers, the closure is needed to remain near the guideline of 3,600 fish set earlier this year.

“For 2010, white sturgeon harvest guidelines were reduced 40 percent because of declining trends in numbers of fish,” said John North, fisheries manager for ODFW’s Ocean Salmon and Columbia River Program.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-04-2010 21:35)

ODFW presents Willamette Salmon and Steelhead Plan at Eugene, Salem Meetings

(SALEM, Oregon) - ODFW and NOAA logo from pdf copy The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will co-host meetings in Eugene and Salem next week to present the state and federal plan for restoring spring chinook and winter steelhead populations in the upper Willamette River Basin.

The meetings will be co-hosted by ODFW, the State of Oregon’s Governors Natural Resource Office and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Fisheries Service.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-02-2010 17:50)

Reward Offered to Help Solve Unlawful Shooting of Elk in Rural Clatsop County

(ASTORIA, Ore.) - Elk illegally killed in Clatsop County Oregon Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish and Wildlife Division troopers from the Astoria Area Command office are asking for the public's help to identify the suspect(s) responsible for an illegal shooting of an elk in rural Clatsop County last weekend. A reward of up to $500 for information leading to an arrest in this case is being offered by the Oregon Hunters Association Turn in a Poacher (T.I.P.) Program.

According to Trooper Jim O'Connor, on October 30, 2010, OSP Fish and Wildlife Division troopers responded to a report of a wounded cow elk on the Youngs River mainline near milepost 6. The elk had been shot with a firearm and the meat was salvaged by OSP troopers.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-29-2010 19:13)

Wild coho find new digs in Cedar Creek

(CLACKAMAS, Ore) - Coho Salmon For the first time in more than 50 years, wild coho are moving into the upper reaches of Cedar Creek near Sandy.

After years of planning and preparation, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is in the process of releasing more than 100 wild coho into the stream in the Sandy River Basin.

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