(Feb-26-2014 00:38)
Waldo Canyon Report Offers Roadmap on How Communities Can Reduce Wildfire Risks
“Lessons from Waldo Canyon” is the first post-disaster field investigation report from the Fire Adapted Communities Coalition
A report has been released that details vulnerabilities leading to the destruction of nearly 350 homes in Colorado Springs from the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire.
The report provides today’s communities located in wildfire-prone areas guidance on how to reduce their risk of wildfire damage.
Read Full Article (Feb-17-2014 11:53)
Firefighters Save Horse Trapped in Pond
Marion County Fire District No. 1 would like to remind the public that there are inherent dangers when working alongside large animals in such circumstances.
This morning Marion County Fire District #1 responded to 6096 Juniper Ct for a public assist.
First arriving units found a horse approximately 100 feet out in a semi-flooded field with water depth approximately 4 feet.
Read Full Article (Feb-10-2014 12:34)
Marion County Fire District #1 On Scene of Natural Gas Leak
Roads are currently closed in the area, 12 homes have been evacuated and NW Natural Gas is attempting to locate the leak.
The Marion County Fire District #1 is currently on scene of a Natural Gas Leak in the 3800 Block of 48th Ave NE and Ricks Ln NE in Salem.
Fire crews were summoned by NW Natural Gas who were in the area investigating a possible gas leak.
Read Full Article (Feb-10-2014 11:21)
Keizer Fire Crews Team Up to Fight Difficult Fire In Snow Conditions
The cause of the fire is under investigation, but is not considered suspicious.
Keizer Firefighters were dispatched to a house fire, en route they were advised that it was "fully involved". Despite snowy roads and an engine that was chained up, the first engine arrived in less than five minutes from the time of dispatch.
At the time of the fire there were two teen males inside the residence, due to a lack of a working smoke detector they were unaware of a fast moving fire in their basement.
Read Full Article (Jan-18-2014 12:42)
2 Alarm Fire Destroys Garage
It took firefighters nearly two hours to control the blaze.
At just after 8:00 P.M. this evening multiple 9-1-1 callers began reporting an unattached garage on fire at 4932 Sunnyview Road NE, Salem, Oregon.
Marion County Fire District No. 1 was dispatched by the Willamette Valley Communications Center (Salem 9-1-1) and arrived within only 2 minutes to find an approximately 1,500 sq. ft. garage heavy involved in smoke and fire, immediately threatening the unattached home, only 10 feet away.
Read Full Article (Jan-15-2014 18:38)
Photos Reportedly Show Marines Burning Bodies in Iraq
WARNING: Video contains graphic images.
TMZ released 41 shocking new photos on Wednesday that they say show US Marines burning the bodies of dead Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah in 2004. TMZ did not reveal its source, and also said that some of the pictures were too gruesome to release.
"The actions depicted in these photos are not what we expect from our service members, nor do they represent the honorable and professional service of the more than 2.5 million Americans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan." a US Defense Department spokesman said in a statement.
Read Full Article (Dec-29-2013 22:18)
Vehicle Crashes Into Molalla River (PHOTOS)
The condition of the victims is unknown at this time. Their names are not being released at this time pending family notification.
Just after midnight Clackam as County received a 911 call reporting a vehicle crash on the Molalla Forest Rd east of Molalla. A vehicle had gone off the roadway and landed upside down in the river.
Two people were in the vehicle at the time of the crash. The crash occurred about 7 miles east of the intersection with Dickey Prairie Road.
Read Full Article (Dec-24-2013 09:55)
I`m Still Standing Fire Sweeps Chinese Skyscraper but...
Political Perspective by Tim King
Around 380 firemen battled the flames, which quickly overwhelmed the entire building.
Chinese residents in the city of Guangzhou were shocked last week when a massive skyscraper lit ablaze, tumbling to the ground at free fall speed, almost exactly like the three buildings in New York City that burned and fell on 11 September 2001.
OK, it isn't April Fool's Day, so I will cut the charade. The building in China did burn, for 11 hours in fact, but it didn't fall because fires do not make skyscrapers fall, implosions make them fall.
Read Full Article (Dec-10-2013 01:19)
Family Alerted of House Fire By Passerby
A woman observed the fire and pounded on the door alerting the residents. Everyone got out safely.
Monday at 2:07 p.m. the Albany Fire Department was called to a house fire at 2887 SE Grand Prairie RD. Arriving vehicles saw smoke coming from the house. The fire went to a second alarm about 3:00 p.m. Corvallis Fire, Lebanon Fire and Tangent Fire came to the scene while Jefferson Fire covered the city.
At the time of the fire Spencer Kernats and his daughter Brooklyn 2 Â1/2 were in the house along with their dog Gabby and their cat Mama. Andrea & Mark Ylen were the first at the scene after seeing the fire from across the bridge.
Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 11:38)
Marion County Firefighters Celebrate 15 Years of Fund Raising for Special Cause
'Fill the Boot' Also Involves Our Family Members and Close Friends All Coming Together
For over 15 years, Marion County Fire District #1 Professional Firefighters Local 2557 has been raising money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) to fight neuromuscular disease with 'Fill the Boot' fundraisers.
On November 29, 2013, MCFD#1 firefighters donated time and resources to lay the foundation for another successful 'Fill the Boot' fundraiser.
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