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Catapult: Crafting a Personality Profile

Where possible, humility can be woven in with inspiration.

(SALEM) - Human catapult This is essentially a How-to Article for adding spice to newspapers and newsletters. At the same time, it encourages building self-esteem among staff and the readership.

Having written personality profiles for well over a quarter-century, I felt it was time to put down in writing my successful "secret formula".

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2014 12:45)

Family Needs Strong Support from Advertisers

In the last decade there has been a spate of marital stability.

(MADRID) - Advertising continues to employ "the couple" (of children) in the campaigns. This is a breakdown of the marriage institution that aims to procreate, to have many children.

Recent campaigns that disseminate this misconception in Spain are: The insurance company "Ocaso", the carpet factory "Hamid" the cruises "Nautalia" and the constructor of chairs save-stairs "Thyssen Krupp".

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2014 14:17)

Petition Sent to Israeli Supreme Court About Circumcision

Over 35,000 Support Mother Who Resists Court Order to Circumcise Son.

(BOSTON) - ISRAEL: Jewish Mom Makes Case for Intactivism. The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center, representing Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise their sons, submitted a petition to the Israeli Supreme Court.

It supports a mother who wants to forgo circumcision and has over 35,000 signatures.

Read Full Article (Feb-12-2014 15:00)

New Video: Voices Against Oil Trains

Oil transport by rail is causing alarm amid consumer and environmental advocates.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Voices Against Oil Trains Staggering quantities of fossil fuels could soon be pouring into the West Coast for shipment overseas, putting local residents at incalculable risk with little return.

Nationwide, oil by rail transport has increased 4,211% (four thousand two hundred eleven per cent) since 2008.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2014 20:15)

The Global Elite is Insane

...we must recognise that individual members of the global elite are insane and cannot take responsibility for ending their violence.

(TASMANIA, Aust.) - Global elites In a recent report titled 'Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality' Oxfam informs us that 'Almost half of the world's wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population'.

Their report goes on to recommend that the World Economic Forum, an elite gathering held annually in Davos, Switzerland, take economic and political measures to ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2014 15:25)

Getting Ahead: An American Success Story

The American Dream is built on the American Nightmare.

(OLDENBURG, Germany) - Dr. William T. Hathaway's parents This photo of my parents reveals much about their personalities (hers vivacious and outgoing, his withdrawn and closed off), their relationship (little real contact), and also the times (could be captioned Gender Roles in the 1950s: The Bathing Beauty and the Soldier).

The typicality of their lives reveals much about the USA. My mother was a farmer's daughter whose father lost the farm to the banks, and they had to scrabble along in the slums of the big city, St. Louis.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2014 02:37)

WAR Comes to DC

Women Against Registry is the voice of the millions of innocent women and children being wrongly and unfairly punished because they have a family member who has been convicted of a sexual offense.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Women Against Registry The leaders of WAR and its members staged a protest rally today on the steps of the DC Superior Court in support of Dennis Sobin, a registered sex offender in DC who posted online pictures of the government employees who do the same to him.

In a total victory for WAR, Dennis Sobin, and free speech, Judge Todd E. Edelman ruled that distributing and posting online pictures of court employees by registered sex offenders forced to interact with them is a form of political speech protected under the Constitution.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2014 09:33)

Pope Praises the Fundamental Value of the Natural Family in Society

According to the French Statistical Institute, lone parents with a high percentage of single mothers, are already 19%, and its poverty rate rises to 46.2 %.

(MADRID) - Family in Spain The TV networks have broadcast live the "Family Day" in London, Nazareth, Barcelona and Madrid.

Pope Francis in his message to the families present in Madrid, Barcelona , London and Nazareth Pope said the family is an inviolable right. The family is the solution. He was also concerned about the elderly and children living as " exiles within their homes."

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2014 20:22)

`Footsteps for Rebecca`: Young Man Walking LA to Seattle for Needy Amputees

Approximately 2.5 million North Americans are currently living with limb loss.

(COOS BAY) - Jeremiah and Rebecca Jeremiah Ray, brother of a leg amputee, is walking up the west coast of the United States to increase awareness of the serious problems faced by amputees and raise funds for the Amputee Coalition, a support and advocacy group.

He and his hiking companion started in Los Angeles in late November, passed through northern California into Oregon over the weekend, passed through the Coos Bay area yesterday, and will be passing up the Oregon coast in the coming days.

Read Full Article (Dec-27-2013 18:28)

THE GUARDIAN: Time to End Israel`s Gaza Blockade

This blockade has also resulted in unacceptable limits on personal freedom. It is deplorable for us to allow this continuing collective punishment against Palestinians in Gaza.

(LONDON) - Today marks five years since the Israeli military launched missile and ground attacks on Gaza, which Israel named Operation Cast Lead. According to the UN, 1,383 Palestinians died as a result, including 333 children.

And what of the survivors? For the 1.7 million living in the tiny Gaza Strip, life has become increasingly desperate because of Israel's continuing blockade, backed by Egypt and with no effective challenge from governments around the world.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
