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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-11-2012 15:45)

EU Bites the Hand that Feeds It: Gazprom Will Bite Back

The EU has tried numerous tactics to loosen the Gazprom grip...

(LONDON - Gazprom Gazprom has Europe's natural gas market in a stranglehold and Europe is attempting to fight back, first with a raid last year on the Russian giant's offices and then with a probe launched earlier this week against its allegedly illicit efforts to control the EU's natural gas supplies.

The bottom line is that the same natural gas revolution in the US, which was enabled by hydraulic fracturing (fracking), is now threatening the EU.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2012 21:59)

The Real Reason Behind Oil Price Rises - An Interview with James Hamilton

Is our energy future one of falling prices and plentiful supply or should we prepare for declining supply and sky high prices?

(LONDON ) - Oil barrels Nowadays the energy picture is confusing at best as the more information we are shown the more blurred our vision seems to become.

Read Full Article (Aug-20-2012 15:06)

Ocean Power Technologies Awarded FERC License For Oregon Wave Power Station

License is the first to be issued ever in the U.S.

(PENNINGTON, NJ) - This markes the first FERC license for a wave power station issued in the United States. The Reedsport OPT Wave Park has received approval from the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to build its planned 1.5 megawatt, grid-connected wave power station off Reedsport, Oregon.

This is the first FERC license for a wave power station issued in the U.S. It provides an important regulatory approval to develop ten OPT devices generating enough electricity for approximately 1,000 homes.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2012 15:20)

Making Scotland the Green Energy Capital of Europe - Interview with Alex Salmond

Nuclear power will also leave a legacy of waste and vast decommissioning costs for the next generation of Scots

(LONDON) - Alex Salmond Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond discusses a broad range of topics from Scotland’s ambitious renewable energy targets and North Sea oil & gas to Scottish independence and Donald Trump.

Alex Salmond is a champion of green energy and has a vision to transform Scotland into a renewable energy powerhouse whilst aggressively reducing the country’s carbon emissions.

Read Full Article (Aug-13-2012 12:35)

Border Coal Battles Continue

Denouncing the latest fatalities as constituting “industrial homicide,” Mexico’s National Miners Union said it would pursue criminal charges against AHMSA.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Mexico coal mine death Mexican and U.S. opponents of a planned new open surface coal mine on the Texas-Tamaulipas border rallied August 10 on an international bridge between Eagle Pass, Texas, and Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2012 03:31)

Who is the Winner of Sanctions Game?

President Bush and his successor who came to power with the flaunting and pompous slogan of "change" identically pursued a policy of antagonism with Iran.

(TEHRAN) - Iran sanctions Less than a week ago, the European Union put into effect its comprehensive oil embargo against Iran that member states agreement to on 23 January.

The EU's unilateral sanctions come after the US targeted Iran with sanctions against the country's Central Bank and threats to penalize foreign firms and banks which have financial transactions with Iranian counterparts.

Read Full Article (Jun-20-2012 18:55)

The Most Immediate Threats to Global Energy Security - Jellyfish Interview

Energy supplies have always been at risk, particularly due to geopolitical maneuverings, transit through countries in conflict and those suffering from ongoing political instability, as well as piracy on the high seas.

(LONDON - Oil threat Global energy supplies are under increasing attack by non-state actors and private energy holdings are becoming key targets of political maneuverings and criminal activities. discusses the nature of the growing threat and how to reverse the risk with “smart power.”

Read Full Article (May-30-2012 19:39)

The Third Industrial Revolution

A Farewell to Daddy Warbucks in The Post-America World...

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Daddy Warbucks My friend Tom sent me one of those email chain letters the other day, the kind that most of us exchange from time to time.

This one was full of current economic and social truisms with which we're all familiar.

Read Full Article (May-09-2012 21:48)

Imprisoned Climate Activist Tom DeChristopher`s Appeal Hearing Thursday

Legal Defense Team to present appeal in front of 10th District Federal Court of Appeals.

(DENVER, CO) - Tim DeChristopher On Thursday May 10, 2012 the Legal Defense Team representing imprisoned climate activist, Tim DeChristopher will present oral arguments before the 10th District Federal Court of Appeals.

DeChristopher is currently serving two years in federal prison for disrupting the December 2008 illegitimate sale of federal land in Southern Utah.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2012 18:48)

Oil & Politics - The Real Situation in Iraq

"I wouldn't hold my breath on getting anything accomplished on the oil law," - Professor Juan Cole

(WASHINGTON DC) - Iraqi flag A delegation from the International Energy Agency spent two days in Baghdad speaking with high-ranking officials in preparation for an end-of-year report on the country's oil sector.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley