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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-22-2012 23:32)

Conservation Not Technology will be our Saviour - Chris Martenson Interview (Part 2)

Saving energy is something that really gets overlooked, but it's where the biggest savings always happen to be.

(LONDON - Oil storage facility In part 1 Chris spoke about:

Why we shouldn't be speaking about Energy Independence, why we could see $200 a barrel oil in the near future, why peak oil is not a defunct theory, what we aren't being told about the shale boom, and much more…

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2012 22:44)

Don`t Fall for the Shale Boom Hype - Chris Martenson Interview

Looking at our energy future in more detail we were fortunate to speak with the well known economist and author of the Crash Course Chris Martenson.

(LONDON - Oil We are in the midst of an amazing energy boom, but by sweeping the idea of peak oil under the rug we are ignoring a significant fact.

That is the relationship between hydrocarbon reserves and flow rates are not the same as they used to be—reserves have increased but flow rates are not as high or sustainable.

Read Full Article (Dec-20-2012 00:45)

Shattering Myths Can Be Dangerous

A review of Gaither Stewart's new novel, Lily Pad Roll.

(OLDENBURG, Germany) - Book: Lily Pad Roll by Gaither Stewart Gaither Stewart is a shatterer of myths.

In The Trojan Spy, volume one of the Europe Trilogy, he shattered the myth that the USA is fighting terrorism and showed instead how our government works in a symbiotic relationship with the so-called terrorists.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2012 23:09)

Tell Senator Wyden: Step up and be a Leader on Climate and Energy Policy

Wyden recently signaled a willingness to compromise with Senate Republicans.

(EUGENE, OR) - Ron Wyden Friends and family, season’s greetings from the proposed NW coal export corridor.

Oregon's own Senator Wyden is uniquely positioned to chart a different course for Oregon and the rest of the country.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2012 14:30)

Exporting Fracked Shale Gas/Health Risks: 107 Doctors Urge White House to Go Slow on LNG Export Terminals

First, Do No Harm: Get the Health Facts Now Is the Message From Petitioners to Obama

(WASHINGTON DC) - Fracking danger Experts say moving ahead rapidly with plans to approve several new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals would require “a rapid increase in fracking in the United States without credible science”.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 15:50)

Oil Prices Could Drop Substantially: An Interview with Michael Levi

The oil and gas industry is heading towards transformation.

(LONDON - Dropping oil prices There's been plenty of talk about potentially radical US foreign policy changes as a result of the shale boom.

While one shouldn't expect any dramatic US foreign policy move away from the Middle East, factors are influencing a greater focus on Asia.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2012 16:01)

US Power Grid Vulnerable to Just About Everything

What they are hinting at is revolution—and it wouldn't take much.

(LONDON - US power grid As Washington hunts ill-defined al-Qaeda groups and concerns itself with Iran's eventual nuclear potential, it has a much more pressing problem at home.

A lack of basic physical security on the US power grid means that anyone with a gun—like disgruntled Michigan Militia types, for instance--could do serious damage.

Read Full Article (Oct-16-2012 21:08)

Forget Renewables, We Need Cheap Oil - An Interview with Gail Tverberg

We are right now experiencing adverse financial impacts from high oil prices, but these impacts are being disguised by artificially low interest rates and huge amounts of deficit spending.

(LONDON - Gail Tverberg What does our world's energy future look like? Does renewable energy feature as much in the energy production mix as many hope it will?

Will natural gas and fracking help reduce our dependence upon oil and how will the world economy and trade fare as supplies of cheap oil continue to dwindle?

Read Full Article (Oct-03-2012 09:51)

Energy New Front in Economic Warfare

The future is now, and the fight for energy is real.

(LONDON / - wind turbines Opposition leaders in Canada suggested a string of cyber security threats to domestic companies might be the work of Chinese hackers. Twice last week, the Canadian government confirmed two separate companies -– both in the energy sector -- were the target of cyber-attacks.

In the United States, meanwhile, the Obama administration said national security interests trumped energy concerns and blocked a Chinese company from constructing wind turbines near a Navy installation in Oregon.

Read Full Article (Oct-01-2012 22:46)

Big Oil Funding U.S. Politics

Boehner has been tossed more than his share of extra bones...

(LONDON - U.S. Rep. John Boehner A new report shows U.S. Rep. John Boehner receiving nearly twice as much financial support from donors tied to the energy sector than the next-closest recipient.

A 20-page report from the National Wildlife Federation highlights the role it says oil companies play in U.S. politics, stating energy companies are working behind the scenes on Capitol Hill to influence legislation in favour of oil, natural gas and coal policies.

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