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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-03-2010 23:44)

Dual Loyalty Revisited

Any American not outraged is not yet fully informed.

(TEMPE, Az.) - Truman and Ben Gurion Four-fifths of the U.S. House and Senate recently declared in correspondence to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the U.S. must reaffirm its “unbreakable bond” with Israel.

What persuaded our Congress to proclaim their loyalty to Israel while our military is waging war in the Middle East based on fabricated intelligence?

Read Full Article (May-02-2010 02:13)

USS LIBERTY: The Fifth Fleet Sacrifice Why did it happen?

“Truth and America’s honor were ignominiously sacrificed to provide cover for Israel’s transparent lies and despicable act of perfidy.” -Phillip F. Tourney, Pres. USS LIBERTY Veterans Association

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - U.S.S. Liberty We have long wondered, and conjectured, the “why” of the USS Liberty incident, as it has become known and referred to.

“Incident” in this case, being an easier event to push onto the back burner and forget while it simmers away harmlessly, unlikely to boil over and burn the stew.

Read Full Article (May-01-2010 14:31)

Introducing the MV Rachel Corrie

With everyone’s help, the MV Rachel Corrie will be painted, outfitted, then filled with cargo and ready to leave shortly after May Day

(DUNDALK, Ireland) - The 1200-ton cargo ship had been abandoned in July 2009, off the coast of Ireland.

She was then impounded after an inspection by the International Transport Federation (ITF) discovered her owners had exploited their Lithuanian crewmembers.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2010 20:17)

Sheep in Wolves Clothing: How Extremism and Misconceptions are Affecting Muslims Worldwide

What steps can be taken to put an end to ignorance about the Muslim world and what their practices mean to them and us?

(CAIRO, Egypt) - Writer Jyl Lytle-Gage says hello to a camel near Egypt's border with Israel. Terrorism is a word that instantly strikes fear into the hearts of millions.

Images of the Twin Towers going down in flames, kidnappings, decapitations, murdered women and children buried in the rubble left by suicide bombings are images many of us will never forget.

Read Full Article (Apr-03-2010 22:08)

Who`s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” —Queen Gertrude, Hamlet

(OSAKA, Japan) - Israel 911 Whenever someone insists too strongly about something not being true, we tend to suspect that maybe it is. In their denials of involvement in 9/11, do Israel’s apologists “protest too much”?

While it would take a small book to adequately document the Israeli connection to 9/11—as editor Justin Raimondo has attempted in The Terror Enigma—let us briefly recall some of the more intriguing facts as reported in the mainstream media...

Read Full Article (Mar-19-2010 17:01)

Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law escalated in the OPT during the reporting period (11 – 17 March 2010).

(HEBRON) - Israeli troops detain an international peace activist during a protest over land confiscation in Beit Ummar village near Hebron The Palestinian Center for Human Rights reports the latest military action by Israel's military toward Palestinian civilians. A number of shootings are reported.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2010 22:29)

An exclusive interview with Hamas leader Dr. Khalil Al Hayya

A candid interview with a senior member of the Islamist Hamas leadership.

(GAZA CITY, Palestine) - Dr. Khalil Al Hayya Dr. Khalil Al Hayya stressed in an exclusive interview with the Website Al Qassam, that the Hamas movement receives Iranian support financially, politically and morally without paying any political price.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2010 19:52)

Interview with George Galloway Inside Gaza

One month, thousands of miles, ten countries, one ship and a four flights later, Viva Palestina has entered the besieged Gaza Strip.

(GAZA/SALEM) - George Galloway surrounded by reporters, but almost none from Western news agencies, in Gaza. The people behind a 200+ car convoy who arrived in Gaza yesterday entered this embattled city with only about 75% of what they had hoped to deliver. 55 of these humanitarian aid activists were bloodied during attacks by Egyptian police.

Convoy Commander George Galloway, Member of Parliament, says it was still more than worth it.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2010 23:21)

Egyptian Police Launch Violent Attack Against Humanitarian Aid Convoy

The military might of Israel and Egypt combined, lacks the steel framing these humanitarian activists.

(SALEM/LOS ANGELES/CAIRO) - Injured activists in Gaza Israel trains its pet animals well. Hundreds of humanitarians have come under attack while trying to reach Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid.

They have been trying to reach Gaza for weeks, and now their pursuit has led them to ruthless violence at the hands of Egyptian police, under the command of Israel.

Read Full Article (Jan-04-2010 01:36)

Noam Chomsky Says Media is Blacking Out Effort to Aid Gaza

Money from Israel is closely tied to all of the major networks and newspapers that ignore the plight of Gaza.

(SALEM/CAIRO) - Gaza convoy Viva Palestina being loaded in Egypt U.S. and British media sources have been laying low in their coverage of a humanitarian aid mission to help the people of Gaza.

Noam Chomsky, noted author, lecturer and MIT Professor, told the group of well over a thousand, "Despite the media blackout, which is a disgrace, this is turning out to be a really spectacular triumph, I think, and it's hard to express properly my admiration and respect for those who are directly engaged."

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
