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Egypt Working with Road to Hope Convoy: Group Still Enroute to Gaza

The convoy looks like it will reach Gaza...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Photos from the Road to Hope convoy An update on the Road to Hope Convoy rolled onto the group's Facebook page at 10:00 p.m. BST Friday 29 Oct 2010.

Ellie Merton wrote, "The convoy is in the border area of Libya, near Tobruk, staying in temporary accommodation until our very kind hosts can get enough hotel rooms together in Tobruk..."

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2010 11:45)

Road to Hope Convoy with Ken O`Keefe Approaching Gaza

More help for the people of Gaza, as long as the convoy clears the Rafah border.

(SALEM ) - New Gaza Convoy People concerned for the well being of Gaza's 1.5 million residents, set out on the 'Road to Hope Convoy' from London and are presently in Libia.

They have made good progress so far; at last count the overland convoy that set out from Europe was making its way through Libya.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2010 21:22)

Egyptian Mummies Prove Cancer is `Man-Made`

The mute mummies have actually communicated a lot: their bodies' lack of cancers and tumors underscore many researcher's suspicions and tends to support their theories.

(CHICAGO) - Egyptian mummy Cancer is the bane of the modern world. It kills millions of people annually. Yet the strange fact is, that there is almost no trace of the insidious killer among the remains of ancient peoples.

This incredible epiphany rocked researchers on their heels. Ancient people simply didn't die from any cancer-related disease.

Read Full Article (Aug-20-2010 17:51)

Did Ancient Egyptians Possess the Electric Light?

Several years ago this exact experiment was conducted by the Discovery Channel.

(CHICAGO) - Relief on the temple crypt wall at Hathor Who discovered electricity and then harnessed it to create an artificial light source? Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison are the respective gentlemen--at least that's the answer which has been accepted as fact.
There's a growing contingent of researchers, however, claiming that we should no longer accept that popular version.

There's a growing contingent of researchers, however, claiming that we should no longer accept that popular version. They contend that electricity was originally discovered in the ancient world and the Egyptian priesthood was the first to harness the power to illuminate their underground tombs.

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2010 01:04)

Israeli Nukes 101

Deception clouds the air when it comes to the critical subject of Israel and nuclear weapons.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Israel nukes Ha'aretz published an article 7 July 2010 titled "Secret document affirms U.S.-Israel nuclear partnership" explaining that the U.S. has reportedly pledged to sell Israel materials used to produce electricity, as well as nuclear technology and other supplies.

The publication is Israel's most progressive daily newspaper, known for exercising more fairness with regard to the occupation of Palestine and subsequent oppression of Arab people, than most other Israeli media.

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2010 19:16)

Meet the Dead of the Mavi Marmara

Meen erhabi? - Who's the terrorist?

(SALEM, Ore.) - Israel's Flotilla shooting gallery The events leading up to Israel's illegal high seas attack on the ship Mavi Marmara, part of a Freedom Flotilla trying to break the military siege of Gaza, are both tragic and incredible.

That notion that a military force can attack a civilian ship with deadly weapons, kill several while carrying assassin 'hit lists', and then turn around and play the victim, might be the biggest stretch in Israel's history, and that is saying something.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2010 15:03)

Needed, A Just Accommodation

Displacing, assimilating or exterminating populations has been the course of human history from the beginning. Israel is no different than anyone else.

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Free Palestine child with tear Needed, A Just Accommodation As most everyone who follows the news is aware, on May 31 the Israel Defense Force attacked a humanitarian aid ship headed for Gaza, killing at least nine people.

The world went into an uproar over this attack, and Israel's global propaganda machine went into high gear to control the damage.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2010 14:21)

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Bit of Background

Almost 58 percent of Palestinians live in poverty, and about half of this group lives in extreme poverty.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Flags of Israel and Palestine Much of the reportage on the Israeli commandos attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Israel's Gaza strip invasion, the 2006 war with Lebanon, and its continued settlement building, gives the impression that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is 21st century phenomenon.

What is sometimes lost in such coverage is the deep background the events described above are but the latest chapters in a long saga stretching back to the creation of Israel in 1947.

Read Full Article (May-17-2010 21:19)

LIBERTY means Freedom and `Never Give Up!`

“The attack was the easy part; the aftermath in not being able to get our government to address this cover up has been the bastard.”- Gary Brummett, USS LIBERTY survivor

(TAMPA, Fla.) - The U.S.S. Liberty after it was attacked and seriously damaged by Israel's military during the Six Day War.  On a steamy evening in May, a social justice Methodist Church invited the community to dinner and a presentation intended to ignite a fire in all bellies.

Ernest A. Gallo, Chairman and Liberty Foundation President of the USS liberty Veterans Association, warned the crowd, “My intent is to tell you the truth and if I do a good job, you will leave here tonight with heart burn.

Read Full Article (May-15-2010 01:11)

History of Empire: Cecil Rhodes

“The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists.” – Cecil Rhodes

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Cecil Rhodes Cecil Rhodes was at one time one of the wealthiest men in the world. He was also an insane megalomaniac, which is pretty much par for the course in that department.

His wealth came primarily from exploitation of slavery and natural resources in Africa, where the country of Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe and Zambia, was named after him.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
