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A Response to Ken O`Keefe: The Egyptian Second Revolution Cometh

Ken O'Keefe filed a report earlier today from Tahrir Square in Cairo.

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - M. Dennis Paul and Ken O'Keefe I hope that your assessment is correct regarding the world following the path presented in this golden example of non-violence.

Our rapidly approaching Flotilla II- Stay Human once again will show the world that there is strength in non-violence and that compassion respects no artificially constructed borders or barriers.

Read Full Article (May-27-2011 21:58)

The Egyptian Second Revolution Cometh

A revolution isn't finished until changes are implemented

(TAHRIR SQUARE, Cairo, Egypt) - Ken O'Keefe In the U.S. it isn't unusual to hear people ask about the future of the people who gave so much to bring this revolution onto the world map.

Tahrir Square is now synonymous with the resistance of oppressive governments that make deals on the backs of their own citizens.

Read Full Article (May-13-2011 21:28)

The Tide has Turned in Favor of the Assad Government

The streets of parts of Damascus as late as two in the morning appear like Georgetown on a Friday night.

(DAMASCUS, Syria) - President Bashar Al Assad As many of us observe the great Arab and Islamic awakening of 2011 in stunned amazement, as it rapidly spreads across the region, this observer agrees with those who declare;

“well it’s about time—Godspeed to the rebels and goodbye to the despots.”

Read Full Article (May-10-2011 15:18)

U.S. Support for Brutal Dictators is a Source of Frustration in the Middle East: Anthony DiMaggio

Interview explores developments in the Middle East, popular uprisings, and the impacts on the political future of the US and Israel.

(TEHRAN) - Salem-News Writer Kourosh Ziabari and Prof. Anthony DiMaggio Anthony DiMaggio is a university professor, writer, political commentator and media expert.

He is the author of numerous books, including Mass Media, Mass Propaganda (2008), When Media Goes to War (2010), and Crashing the Tea Party (2011).

Read Full Article (May-08-2011 16:15)

Third Intifada Underway: Rallies To Kick Israel`s Ambassador Out of Egypt

This is the sad story of a people living in exile in their homeland.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “The Arab world is experiencing an earthquake” … thus commented Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minster, on the power of popular uprisings sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa.

Netanyahu overlooked the mighty earthquake taking place next door; Israel was bound to feel the aftershocks sooner or later.

Read Full Article (May-01-2011 17:39)

The Dos and Don`ts of Palestine - A Poem

This poem is by Remi Kanazi; a Palestinian-American poet, writer, and activist.

(NEW YORK) - Gaza: looks just like a Southern California beach... The audacity of Israel's Operation Cast Lead on the civilian population of Gaza is one of the darkest moments in the history of Israel.

The toll from what those on the ground called an obscene attack on families, included the deaths of over 400 children and Israel without any question, used weapons that are highly illegal under international treaty. These included white phosphorus and depleted uranium (DU).

Read Full Article (Apr-30-2011 21:10)

Family House Shelled: Two Children, Two Adults Injured

5-year old Maisa sits barefoot in her pink track suit on the hospital bed; covered in dust from the shells that crashed through the walls of her house.

(GAZA ISM) - Nasser's home in Gaza "I dreamt of my wife last night, she said the day would have a surprise in store for me". Nasser Abu Said is pleased: an NGO has confirmed a 2000 dollar contribution to the construction of his new house.

He often smiles, but his face is predominantly characterized with the traces of worries from his daily struggle for survival.

Read Full Article (Apr-30-2011 16:47)

Israel Slams Bombing of Gas Pipeline & Palestinian Reconciliation and Egypt strongly Responds

Arabs reject both the Israeli-Egyptian natural gas deal and the inhuman blockade on Gaza.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Bombing of Egypt's natural gas pipeline at Alarish terminal. At the first light of dawn Wednesday, Egypt witnessed yet another unusually turbulent day of post-Mubarak open display of anti-Israeli sentiments.

Those sentiments have been long entrenched in the Egyptian psyche, though not primarily directed at the Israelis but fueled by the Israeli aggressive policy towards its Arab neighbors.

Read Full Article (Apr-29-2011 22:26)

Israeli Drone War Crimes in Gaza Exposed

Everyday people living the best they can, suffer death and destruction under the guise of "rightful" retaliation.

(GAZA CITY / SALEM) - Gaza children Israeli air strikes and artillery fire hit Gaza nine times in one of the bloodiest sprees since "Cast Lead", leaving eighteen dead.

"Just another Israeli war crime in Gaza. A mother and her four daughters preparing for the daughters wedding in a couple of weeks... and then a Israeli rocket explodes between them as they sit in their yard," Ken O'Keefe said.

Read Full Article (Apr-28-2011 15:50)

Gilad Atzmon: Drama in London

The original panel was supposed to include John Rose, Ghada Karmi, Alan Hart and myself.

(LONDON) - Israel censorship A panel discussion titled ‘Zionism, Jewishness and Israel’ takes place at The University of Westminster - Cavendish Campus on Tuesday.

The venue came under severe pressure that verged on abuse: one of the panelists admitted to the organisers that he had received twelve phone calls from different Jewish ‘anti-Zionist’ activists, who insisted that -- ‘for the sake of Palestine’-- no one should share a stage with Gilad Atzmon.

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