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About Drugs articles Page 10

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Mar-05-2014 12:52)

You Can`t Handle the Truth

We once, as a Nation, had respect. We had honor. Our leaders were respected. They earned it.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - The destruction at Benghazi Most Americans cannot even name the names of the Benghazi fallen... Ask them. I have. Some of the replies in reference to Benghazi were embarrassing.

Oh Yes! What was the purpose of Benghazi, Fast and Furious and those other corrupt activities of our leaders that have now dropped from our radar screens?

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2014 11:56)

Parents Should be MAD as Hell Over `Heroin in a Capsule` (Zohydro ER)

Deadly drug for Americans is Launched with the Approval of the FDA... Part 2 of a Series

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Zohydro ER In Part 1, I received some comments from readers indicating I should suffer the pain they are experiencing.

Since we are dealing with an opioid epidemic in the U.S. and Canada, I challenge these people in so much pain to experience the pain of the tens of thousands of families who have lost a loved one to the opioids in plentiful supply compliments of the FDA.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2014 10:41)

Monster Drug Pushers: The Army and the VA System

Even though marijuana/cannabis is still illegal in many states, Veterans and non-Veterans are willing to take the chance and use it for PTSD...

(PORTLAND, OR) - Prescription marijuana The Army and I presume the Marine Corps, trains its own addicts. If you don't believe me, pay attention.

I can't remember much about basic training, they kept us on the run from about five in the morning until some time after supper.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2014 12:33)

Commentary on the arrest of Chapo Guzmán

What’s about to occur in Mexico happens on a small scale in the United States every day.

(WASHINGTON, DC LEAP) - Chapo Guzmán, head of the Sinaloa cartel Chapo Guzmán was arrested in recent days, he was the head of the Sinaloa cartel.

This story is a perfect example of what law enforcement calls a triumph causing violence and chaos in the long run–and why it’s important to understand the war on drugs from a law enforcement perspective.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2014 10:41)

New Advertising Campaigns Warning About the False Paradises of Drug Evasión

Drugs, sex, terror and fanaticism spiral are not successful havens of escape.

(MADRID) - musica dance para que tu no la bailes According to the National Department of Traffic (DGS), about 23 % of drivers up to 30 years who died in a traffic accident had consumed drugs.

"Bad night . Tonight may be your turn " is the slogan of another FAD campaign, which seeks to educate the youth against the alkaloids that cause hallucination or distress and can lead to suicide.

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2014 10:11)

Sinaloa Cartel Chief `Chapo` Guzman Arrested

The operation had been in the works for four or five weeks...

(WASHINGTON, DC CNN) - Joaquin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the boss of one of Mexico's most powerful drug trafficking operations, was arrested in Mexico, a U.S. official told CNN Saturday.

The official said Guzman, accompanied by a female, was captured in a joint operation with Mexican marines and Drug Enforcement Administration authorities overnight at a hotel in the beach resort of Mazatlán.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2014 13:16)

Duty to Warn - It`s the Drugs, Stupid!

People, especially the parents of teens who are taking these drugs, call them the “I don’t give a damn” drugs for a good reason.

(DULUTH, MN) - drugs A year ago an email correspondent of mine from out east, Charles Gant (M.D., Ph.D. and a member of the American Academy of Psychiatrists in Addiction and Alcoholism) forwarded an article to me that he co-wrote with Greg Lewis, PhD.

It had been published on the American Thinker website (see link below) and was titled It’s the Drug, Stupid!

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2014 16:37)

First in a Series: Why did the FDA approve Zohydro ER?

Countdown to thousands of deaths and addictions with blood on the hands of the FDA!
Heroin in a capsule will be coming to your local pharmacy and medicine chest in 2 weeks -- it is called Zohydro ER!!!!

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - FDA approves Zohydro ER Is the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) immersed in corruption with their approval of a highly dangerous opioid?

I'll lay it out and you decide if there has to be a "showdown" at the FDA by every AG in the country as well as the U.S Senate.

Read Full Article (Feb-09-2014 11:31)

Afghanistan Continues to Be Hub of Poppy Cultivation

"Drugs in Afghanistan are not only a problem for our country. They are a problem for the whole world" - Afghanistan’s Deputy Minister for Counter-Narcotics Mohammad Ibrahim Azhar

(KABUL) - Poppies growing in Afghanistan. A recent U.S. government report notes that more Afghan land is under poppy cultivation today than it was under the Taliban in 2002.

Demand for drugs, especially on the streets of rich countries, and the poor economic and security situation in Afghanistan are often cited by experts as the reasons for the failure of the fight to combat poppy cultivation.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2014 18:40)

Salem PD SWAT Team Arrests Man in Stolen Motorcycle Case

At least one person was taken into custody.

(SALEM) - Salem SWAT team The Salem Police SWAT team served a search warrant Wednesday evening at a residence in the 2000 block of Trade Street SE as the result of an investigation concerning a suspected stolen motorcycle.

At about 5:30 PM, the SWAT team and several other police vehicles arrived on the scene. The police action closed the street and gave citizens much to be concerned about. 49-year old Anthony Salmons was taken into custody.

Read Full Article
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