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About Domestic-violence articles Page 2

Page one | (Nov-25-2014 05:20)

Joshua Cavett is Guilty of Murder in the First Degree

The nightmare of a man who murdered a mother in front of her children gets 28 years in Prison.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Josh Cavett guilty “408 days. The family has suffered 408 days, waiting for the end of this torment. To finally lay their daughter, friend and sister to rest,” Christine Mascal, Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney, said as the hearing began.

Josh Cavett killed his wife, Jessie Doyle Cavett, in cold blood. Now, over a year after he confessed and was arrested, an agreement has been made, and he will begin his sentence.

“Justice is not served,” said the victim’s mother, Judy Doyle. “No number of years is enough."

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2014 01:10)

Murdered Mother-of-Two Honored at Fundraiser

The murder of Jessie Doyle is an example of Domestic Violence at it's very worst.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Jessie Doyle Cavett One year ago this week, a young mother was murdered in front of her two little girls. The perpetrator was the woman’s estranged husband, who had no care whatsoever that a Restraining Order said he should stay away from her. Joshua Cavett walked up the stairs to the second floor apartment where he yelled and banged on a door until, finally, the door was opened.

Before 27-year old Jessie Doyle could make a move, there was a gun at her head and suddenly it was over. He shot her once, point blank.

Read Full Article (Oct-06-2014 23:10)

Elder Abuse is On the Rise

A crippling social injustice toward a silent minority- the elderly.

(SALEM, Ore.) - elder abuse Child abuse is heard of and seen in the media almost daily in the United States. It is something that drives people to donate money to help children in need, to have people rally together to fundraise, and the thought of a helpless child being abused is like a dagger to the heart for most people.

What is even more painful is that there is another defenseless group of humans being abused where stories of it rarely make it to the television, that people rarely think about, and that not many people think about donating money towards: our elders.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2014 19:13)

Ray McDonald Case May Test NFL`s New Domestic Violence Policy

No level of celebrity-ism should result in society overlooking, therefore being complicit to, domestic violence.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Ray McDonald I have seen the terrible toll on victims of domestic violence as a volunteer at the Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic (CROC), helping victims of domestic violence obtain restraining orders against their abusers.

Statistics show that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, and 1.3 million women are victims of assault by an intimate partner each year. This is simply intolerable.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 11:53)

Misplaced Lessons of Tahrir

The lesson I take away from The Square is that we must prevent the operation of business as usual until the institution itself, not its face, is fixed.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Tahrir Square in Egypt I still want Dirty Wars to win the Oscar, but The Square is a documentary worth serious discussion as we hit the three-year point since the famous occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo that overthrew Mubarak -- in particular because a lot of people seem to get a lot of the lessons wrong.

I suppose some people will leave Dirty Wars imagining that we need clean wars, whatever those would be. But too many people seem to be drawing from The Square lessons they brought with them to it...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
