(Mar-09-2014 16:53)
Still No Word on Missing Passenger Plane
Sunday, March 09, 02:43 PM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 8th Media Statement
Statement by MAS GCEO, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya
Together with all those affected by the MH370 incident, we understand the need to provide regular updates on the progress of the search and rescue operations. As the hours turn into days, we at Malaysia Airlines are similarly anxious and we appreciate the patience, support and prayers from everyone.
Read Full Article (Mar-08-2014 18:42)
Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 7th Media Statement
Passenger plane remains missing, officials are doing what they can to comfort and aid families.
More than 24 hours after the lost of contact with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the search and rescue teams are still unable to detect the whereabouts of the missing aircraft.
The airline is doing its utmost to provide support to the affected family members, this includes immediate financial aid. The airline has deployed a team of 94 caregivers consisting of well-trained staff and also Tzu Chi Foundation members to provide emotional support to the families.
Read Full Article (Mar-07-2014 11:27)
Reactor Reax Top Stories - Paying in Advance for Nothing at All
"Reactor Reax" is featured on, a Web site maintained by Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Today in Reactor Reax, Crain's Chicago Business reports, "If Exelon's nuclear plants are losing money, the company has only itself to blame. Exelon chose a business strategy that worked well for a while but turned south as market conditions changed..."
Three years after, Quake or tsunami? Panels at odds over cause of Fukushima nuclear disaster. Obama budget puts SC's MOX fuel project on ice, these stories and more...
Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 11:33)
Fukushima 3rd Anniversary/Lessons Unlearned?
Updated Fukushima Civilian panel report highlights largely unaddressed "Human Factors" as important as earthquake and tsunami in 2011 Reactor Disaster
An extensively updated and expanded version of the Independent Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident report published in English by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) has been released.
It cautions that Japan has not yet fully learned the lessons of the Fukushima reactor disaster, particularly the several ways in which the “human factor” played a major role paving the way for the crisis and worsening its aftermath.
Read Full Article (Mar-05-2014 09:03)
Why the Obama Administration Will Not Admit that Fukushima Radiation is Poisoning Americans
Article by Chris Carrington
Why isn’t GE being held accountable?
We all know that the radiation from the stricken Fukushima plant has spread around the globe and is poisoning people worldwide. We all know that the West Coast of the United States is being polluted with radioactive debris and that the oceans, the beaches that border them, and even the air is becoming more polluted by radioactivity as time goes on.
You have to ask yourself why the government won’t admit this. It’s not like a disaster half a world away is their fault, is it?
Read Full Article (Jan-24-2014 17:20)
Reactor Reax: Roundup of Nuclear Articles and Reports
The latest news from Physicians for Social Responsibility.
In this week's version of Reactor Reax, Nuclear power is set to disappoint, again, Reuters reports; The industry's hoped-for 'nuclear renaissance' has been thwarted by three developments: cheap natural gas from the shale revolution; regulatory delays due to environmental activism; and the disaster at Fukushima.
A Japan Times editorial, "Japan's nuclear waste problem," states: Japan's nuclear power generation has often been likened to a "condominium without a toilet" due to the lack of a final disposal site for radioactive waste that piles up as more fuel is used for power generation at nuclear plants.
Read Full Article (Jan-21-2014 09:59)
Source of Galapagos Eruptions is Not Where Models Place It
University of Oregon study finds plume to the southeast, explaining active volcanic activity in the islands.
Images gathered by University of Oregon scientists using seismic waves penetrating to a depth of 300 kilometers (almost 200 miles) report the discovery of an anomaly that likely is the volcanic mantle plume of the Galapagos Islands. It's not where geologists and computer modeling had assumed.
The team's experiments put the suspected plume at a depth of 250 kilometers (155 miles) and about 150 kilometers (about 100 miles) southeast of Fernandina Island, the westernmost island of the chain, and where generations of geologists and computer-generated mantle convection models have placed the plume.
Read Full Article (Jan-02-2014 11:50)
Gundersen: Very Visible Steam at Fukushima Unit 3 is from Constant Radioactive Releases
Steam is coming from hot rubble, it is not related to a new explosion.
Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 1, 2014: [...] the Internet has been flooded with conjecture claiming that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is ready to explode. Fairewinds Energy Education has been inundated with questions about the very visible steam emanating from Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3. [...]
Hot water vapor has been released daily by each of the four Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants since the accident. We believe that is one of the reasons TEPCO placed covers over Daiichi 4 and 1. [...] radioactive rubble (fission products) was left in each unit [...]
Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 12:25)
Magnitude 5.4 Quake Jolts Eastern Japan
The quake registered lower 5 on the Japanese seismic scale of 7 in the prefecture's Takahagi City, about 150 km north of Tokyo.
A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale struck eastern Japan on Tuesday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. However, there were no immediate reports of casualties and damage and no tsunami warning was issued for the 10:03 a.m. (0103 GMT) quake.
Focus of the tremor was 10 km underground in northern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the agency.
Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 09:47)
PRESS TV: US Sailors Sue Japan`s TEPCO Over Radiation Sickness
Tim King Press TV
They say TEPCO failed to notify first responders of the serious radiation levels from the Fukushima Daiichi energy plant
Several dozen US Navy sailors and Marines who conducted aid and rescue operations in earthquake and tsunami ravaged Japan, carried out their international aid duties during a nuclear meltdown. The affected Naval personnel have filed a lawsuit against Tokyo Electric Power Company, (TEPCO) for serious health problems; half of those suing TEPCO have cancer.
The attorneys representing the sailors and Marines say many have developed brain tumors, uterine bleeding, thyroid cancer, Leukemia, digestive disorders and other health conditions typically caused by exposure to radiation. They were aboard the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, and half a dozen other Naval ships in the fleet.
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