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Salem-News.com (Feb-16-2014 17:28)

Choosing Not to Circumcise - Last Frontier of Jewish Inclusion?

How can synagogues make their members — and prospective members — feel more welcome?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Parents washed their son's feet (Brit Rechitzah) as a symbolic sign of Jewish covenant and welcoming, rather than circumcising him. Some synagogues send a message of inclusion, stating on their websites that they welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jews, Jews of color, disabled Jews and interfaith families.

But there’s one Jewish minority that’s rarely, if ever, mentioned: the growing number of Jewish parents who choose not to circumcise their newborn sons.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-15-2014 13:25)

Today`s Egypt in a Song: `Rima is back to her old ways`

The lyrics are highly idiomatic where what is left unsaid is understood from the little that is said.

(LONDON) - Yasser Elmanawahly In Egypt, there is a new catchy tune circulating in social media pages.

The song, which gives a symbolic description of the current events in Egypt, is sung by an artist who is known for his strong leanings towards the 25th January 2011 revolution.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-03-2014 20:32)

Hearts On The Ground: Free the Lakota Children

"A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground."
- Native American Proverb - Please Help Spread the Word!

(NAIROBI, Kenya ECOTERRA) - Free Lakota children As clearly documented in the new short web video “Hearts on the Ground,” by Sundance award-winning director Kalyanee Mam (just released at www.LakotaLaw.org/action), the epidemic of child taking by the State of South Dakota is tearing thousands of Lakota Sioux families apart.

Every day, Lakota grandmothers are illegally denied their right to foster their own grandchildren. The South Dakota Dept. of Social Services rejects grandmothers for such trivial reasons as too few rooms in a home, too small of a home, too old, decades old crimes, and even rumors.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-03-2014 15:25)

Getting Ahead: An American Success Story

The American Dream is built on the American Nightmare.

(OLDENBURG, Germany) - Dr. William T. Hathaway's parents This photo of my parents reveals much about their personalities (hers vivacious and outgoing, his withdrawn and closed off), their relationship (little real contact), and also the times (could be captioned Gender Roles in the 1950s: The Bathing Beauty and the Soldier).

The typicality of their lives reveals much about the USA. My mother was a farmer's daughter whose father lost the farm to the banks, and they had to scrabble along in the slums of the big city, St. Louis.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-31-2014 11:27)

The Meaning Of Dieudonné

Dieudonné has reminded us what the Left stood for in the first place...

(LONDON) - Dieudonné Since the 1968 Student Revolution, the European and American Left, together with a herd of Jewish progressive intellectuals, have invested enormous effort in attempting to break society down into multiple segments of identities.

The Left adopted this peculiar approach because it could never cope with its own failure to bond with working people.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-27-2014 12:24)

Breast Cancer is the Second Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

A team developed a public health study of women in the state of New Mexico , attended by 692 women with breast cancer. The study explored the differences in impact among non-Hispanic and Hispanic women.

(MADRID) - The Spanish Association Against Cancer - AECC - has launched an advertising campaign requesting assistance under the slogan The Spanish Association Against Cancer - AECC - has launched an advertising campaign requesting assistance under the slogan "With your help we will overcome cancer."

Previous investigations showed a trend of lower survival in breast cancer in Hispanic women affected by socioeconomic factors, as lack of means to reach the healthcare and screening scores.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2014 14:22)

European Circumcision Debate to be Broadcast Live

In October the Council of Europe, an organization of 47 member States, overwhelmingly passed a non-binding resolution that called circumcision, among other procedures, a violation of the physical integrity of children according to established human rights standards.

(BOSTON) - Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center The Council of Europe will host an interdisciplinary dialogue about circumcision at a meeting in Strasbourg, France on January 28. The hearing will bring together experts and will be streamed live on the Internet, starting at 8 am eastern time.

A recording of the event will be available for two weeks at the Council of Europe website. Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center, a nonprofit educational organization in Boston, has been invited to participate.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2014 17:37)

See the Funny Little Jews

From Harper's Jan. 2014: Percentage of American Jews who believe that following Jewish law is essential to Jewish identity : 19
Who believe that having a sense of humor is : 42

(ST AUGUSTINE, FL) - Salem-News.com Believing this statistic is accurate, and I do, can lead to disturbing conclusions. American Jews by over 2-1 define themselves not by the Torah, but by appreciation of a good joke.

Soon I understood, one does not necessarily preclude the other.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2014 16:28)

Purbeck District Council: Housing and Homelessness

Mr. Gomes says homelessness is big problem in the UK.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes Salem-News.com William Nicholas Gomes, has addressed the Purbeck District Council with a number of questons about residents who are struggling to maintain housing.

Mr. Gomes asks a number of important questions about the racial and cultural breakdown of those who are struggling.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-22-2014 11:57)

Major Jewish Organizations Endorse Oregon`s Gay Marriage Campaign

They join 54 congregations and faith organizations and 175 clergy who have also endorsed the campaign.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Gay Jewish teen boys The Oregon Board of Rabbis, the Oregon Area Jewish Committee and the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland have endorsed the campaign to win marriage for gay and lesbian couples in Oregon.

The three Jewish organizations, among the most prominent in Oregon, join 54 congregations and faith organizations and 175 clergy who have also endorsed the campaign.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley