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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-10-2012 16:35) Under Attack Again? disappeared today in the UK and on the U.S. east coast.

(SALEM) - I know we have enemies; we are a hard driving Human Rights news group with connections that would make any journalist's head spin.

I know governments that practice state terrorism would like to see us go up in a cloud of smoke, but something is taking place that we can't put our finger on and it is an invisible assailant...

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2012 13:22)

Eleventh Year of Societal Deconstruction -View from South Asia

19 days after the attack on South Asia, the Patriot Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush without any discussion.

(CHENNAI, India) - WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 are the buildings in gray. How many western soldiers want to stake their lives to capture global resources for corporations in which they would not have one red cent to share?

Their life is not worth even a cent. When they die, the US and NATO bugle will blow; if they survive, they will beg.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2012 11:34)

Police Atrocity In Koodankulam; One Person Shot Dead (Shocking Video and Photos)

Indians are being brutalized by police and shoved into the sea, literally...

(KOODANKULAM, India Countercurrents) - Protestors at Koodankulam Police rampage against anti-nuclear protesters resisting the fuel loading in Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant in .

Polce beat up hundreds of protesters and lobbed tear gas shells into the crowd.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2012 09:29)

The Judas Kiss: Politics of Betrayal

" the hypocrite’s outward appearance shines brightly and passes for holiness, but under that show lies the terrible weight of his deceit which the soul must bear through all eternity." (from John Ciardi’s notes, Canto XXIII, “The Inferno” by Dante)

(LAVERNE, CA) - Judas kiss The Gospels’ narrative of the betrayal of Jesus encompasses a moral lesson dutifully taught and dutifully ignored.

It is eloquent in its simplicity. Jesus as Son of the Father brings truth to all who inhabit this earth...

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2012 00:47)

Urgent: Zakaria Zubeidi on Death Fast!

Palestinian Authority imprisoned co-founder of The Freedom Theatre and former Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade leader nearly four months ago.

(JENIN, West Bank Occupied Palestine) - Zakaria Zubeidi Today the release of Zakaria Zubeidi was yet again postponed for 8 days.

As a response Zakaria announced he'll embark on a food and fluid strike, a so called 'death fast'. If the Palestinian Authority fails to release Zakaria he will most probably not make it through the week.

Read Full Article (Sep-09-2012 11:04)

Contagious Paranoia

As the U.S. and Israel move closer to a larger pre-emptive war with Iran, our only hope is that enough of the American public can resist those with paranoid delusions.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Paranoia Five years ago I wrote an article on mass paranoia. At the time I argued that U.S. and Israeli paranoia threaten to lead the entire world to oblivion.

In that previous article, I defined paranoia as “a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason. It involves an extreme, irrational distrust of others.”

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2012 18:55)

Breaking Communique from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

One Week to go before Direct Actions commence against child-killing churches: An Update and Plan of Action from Kevin D. Annett, ITCCS fieldworker.

(DUBLIN, Ireland) - Kevin Annett Vatican officials have one week to respond to ten requirements issued last May by survivors of church terror.

If they fail to do this, they will face permanent banishment, occupations and legal summonses. I'm writing this from Dublin, where the top Catholic prelate in that land, Cardinal Sean Brady, is implicated in protecting child rapists..

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2012 17:34)

9/11: Eleven Years On And Still Many Questions Remain

Reinvestigate 911, along with many 9/11 families, first responders, firefighters, pilots, scientists, architects, military officers, CIA and FBI whistleblowers, are calling for an independent re-investigation into 9/11.

(LONDON) - Some became suspicious when the BBC and other media announced the collapse of WTC7 before it happened. Its eleven years since the world changing events of 11 Sept 2001, used to justify wars abroad and erosion of civil liberties at home.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2012 12:40)

The Election, the Market, the Fed and the Irish Bookies...
Now Poll This

The Republicans are predicted to prevail in both Congress and the Senate, winning clear majorities in both. The White House is something else.

(DAYTONA BEACH, FLA) - Howie Mandel With the launching of the second week of the Convention Circus, the main question on most people's minds is:

"What will the Democrats come up with to offset Clint Eastwood putting bad words in the President's mouth?"

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2012 20:47)

Bishop Desmond Tutu Wants George Bush Prosecuted for the Iraq War

Tutu has been a fighter for human rights for decades and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Bishop Desmond Tutu Bishop Desmond Tutu stated in no uncertain terms that George W. Bush and Tony Blair should be held accountable for what they did during the war in Iraq.

Tutu says that the men behaved like “playground bullies,” and that they falsified information to justify Iraq's invasion.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
