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Attack of the USS Liberty...

Survivors have been forbidden for 45 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

(WASHINGTON DC) - U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1967 On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

Read Full Article (Oct-04-2012 23:00)

Rohingya Vehicle Attacked in Maungdaw South

All the victims were inhumanely tortured and all the properties, goods and cash money that they had was looted by the mob

(RANGOON, Burma) - Maungdaw, Burma Now in Burma Rohingya Muslims travelling down the various roads are in danger of being overtaken and kidnapped as one group learned in recent days.

Read Full Article (Oct-04-2012 14:02)

Iraqi `Video Camera Sniper` Credited With Killing 200+ Americans May Have Been Israeli?

Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq?

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Israeli sniper rifle with video camera Fewer things are more shocking than this report; that a voracious sniper in the Iraq War, on the Iraqi side, was actually an Israeli.

The information is filtering in, the allegation is that a sniper who came to be known as 'Juba' is actually a member of the Israeli Defence Forces.

Read Full Article (Oct-02-2012 11:17)

Save the Michaels, ARPO, Other Advocacy Groups Protest FDA Failure to Protect Americans from Painkillers

The protest sponsors seek to compel the FDA to review the current labeling of prescription opioids...

(CHICAGO - FDA Consumer advocacy groups will stage a protest at the FDA’s White Oak campus in Maryland Monday.

They're targeting FDA’s failure to protect Americans from harms associated with prescription painkillers.

Read Full Article (Oct-01-2012 22:46)

Big Oil Funding U.S. Politics

Boehner has been tossed more than his share of extra bones...

(LONDON - U.S. Rep. John Boehner A new report shows U.S. Rep. John Boehner receiving nearly twice as much financial support from donors tied to the energy sector than the next-closest recipient.

A 20-page report from the National Wildlife Federation highlights the role it says oil companies play in U.S. politics, stating energy companies are working behind the scenes on Capitol Hill to influence legislation in favour of oil, natural gas and coal policies.

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2012 21:55)

Mr Sarkozy and the CIA. Based on Thierry Meyssan`s `Operation Sarkozy`

By Robert Thompson, Axis of Logic. Thierry Meyssan ( Axis of Logic (Translation). (Original in French) Friday, Jul 18, 2008

(PARIS) - Bush and Sarkozy A most interesting study dated 14th July 2008 by Thierry Meyssan, entitled Operation Sarkozy, has been brought to my attention on how the CIA managed to place one of its agents, namely Mr Nicolas Sarkozy, as president of the French Republic.

To make his point, Mr Meyssan does not content himself with vague conjecture, but puts together checkable facts relating to the relationship between our President and the CIA...

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2012 01:02)

Hindus & Jews Shocked at Gypsy Camp Burning in France by Vigilantes

Europe’s most persecuted and discriminated community, Roma are reportedly facing apartheid conditions in Europe.

(RENO, NV) - Rajan Zed (left) with Rabbi ElizaBeth W. Beyer (right) Hindus and Jews have expressed shock at the reported forcible eviction of Roma (Gypsies) and burning of their settlement in Marseille (southern France) suburb by vigilantes.

Religious leaders are urging the Council of Europe and European Parliament to urgently intervene and halt the demolition of Roma settlements.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2012 15:54)

Aaron M Kenefick: A Marine Who Knew Too Much

Retired General Mark Kimmitt in the U.S. State Dept. is going to have some answering to do.

(OCEANSIDE, CA) - Aaron Kenefick and Mark Kimmitt The oath that Aaron Kenefick held so seriously went far beyond the things that lead similar people to greatness.

He had to uphold his values against the malicious intentions of members of his own government who far outranked him. It would lead him to a mission that he would not survive, because the elimination of Aaron Kenefick was the real objective of the ambush at Ganjgal in September 2009.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2012 01:04)

It`s Time for Partnership for a Drug Free to Show us the Money and Save Our Kids` Lives!

Michael's doctor assured Avi that his son "needed" these painkillers...

(MYRTLE BEACH SC) - Michael Daviid Israel I have been writing about a man named Avi Israel from Buffalo, NY. His son, Michael died last year at the age of 20 - suicide. Michael had been prescribed addictive painkillers for his medical condition.

When he realized that he was addicted, he went to his dad and asked for help. Avi first approached Michael's doctor who assured Avi that Michael "needed" these painkillers.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2012 10:43)

Hearing Loss and Tinnitus: VA Practicing Below International Diagnostic Standards

What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. - Emerson.

(MONTEREY, CA) - Luther Glen McCall The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is willfully denying disability benefits with regard to Hearing Loss and Tinnitus. Veterans deserve the same standard of care used in civilian health care.

To do otherwise is a violation of contractual Intent of health care promised for service. Before making any disability claim with the VA a veteran is best served obtaining a civilian diagnosis including the condition’s Federal Procedure Codes.

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