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| Next Page (Jan-27-2014 11:02)

Jerusalem Post: Circumcision - Defending the Indefensible

By screening my TV documentary 'It’s a Boy!' for European parliamentarians I aim to help shore up their commitment to protection of children’s right to physical integrity.

(TEL AVIV Jerusalem Post) - Baby I am a Jewish filmmaker and I have been invited by the Council of Europe to its Parliamentary Assembly next week.

By screening my television documentary It’s a Boy! for European parliamentarians I aim to help shore up their commitment to protection of children’s right to physical integrity – a key step toward ending ritual circumcision of boys. Yet there is a struggle underway.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2014 14:22)

European Circumcision Debate to be Broadcast Live

In October the Council of Europe, an organization of 47 member States, overwhelmingly passed a non-binding resolution that called circumcision, among other procedures, a violation of the physical integrity of children according to established human rights standards.

(BOSTON) - Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center The Council of Europe will host an interdisciplinary dialogue about circumcision at a meeting in Strasbourg, France on January 28. The hearing will bring together experts and will be streamed live on the Internet, starting at 8 am eastern time.

A recording of the event will be available for two weeks at the Council of Europe website. Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center, a nonprofit educational organization in Boston, has been invited to participate.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2014 14:17)

Will Male Circumcision be Banned in 2014?

"It is simply immoral to surgically remove any healthy, natural, normally functioning tissue from a human being without their consent" - Asa Rubin, director of's Massachusetts state office in Brookline

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Anti-circumcision As momentum continues to build against male circumcision, intactivists from around the USA have flooded Congress and 10 state legislatures with proposed legislation to ban genital cutting of boys.

If enacted, the Male Genital Mutilation (MGM) Bill would amend existing female genital mutilation laws by making them gender neutral.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 11:32)

European Circumcision Debate Will Include Jewish American

Psychologist and Author Ronald Goldman Criticizes the Practice.

(BOSTON) - Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center, a nonprofit educational organization in Boston, has been invited by the Council of Europe to participate in an interdisciplinary dialogue about circumcision at a meeting in France on January 28.

There is a growing European debate about circumcision. In October the Council of Europe, an organization of 47 member States, overwhelmingly passed a non-binding resolution that called circumcision, among other procedures, a violation of the physical integrity of children...

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2014 14:26)

Let`s Talk About Circumcision

The idea that Judaism is inextricably linked to circumcision must be challenged and corrected.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Jewish anti-circumcision movement When my beloved son was born I didn’t circumcise him. It was an easy and natural step, which I saw as an expression of my existence as a free man.

I’m opposed to circumcision, and also have reservations about the use of the term “brit milah” (“covenant of circumcision”). It involves cutting the infant’s sexual organ, and I am opposed to the cutting of the sexual organs of boys and girls.

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2014 11:03)

Questions for Fellow Intactivists

Shyness is not allowed when the matter is saving the babies. We need at least 50 answers in each group to the questions below. For goodness' sake, answer the questions below and send this to others so they can do the same!

(PARIS) - Anti-circumcision May you or your companion be circumcised or intact, please answer or ask him and your friends the questions below.

The circumcision rate recently rose up again in the USA that have been scared by the the AAP and CDC campaign. Besides, Brian Morris is spreading the rumour according to which circumcision does not harm the sexual function, Doctor Podnar has shown that the penilo-cavernosus reflex scarcely exists with the circumcised (Clinical elicitation of the penilo-cavernosus reflex in circumcised men".

Read Full Article (Dec-27-2013 11:37)

Support Mother Who Resists Court Order to Circumcise Son

The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. Circumcision has been shown to result in physical, sexual, and psychological harm.

(LOS ANGELES) - The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center represents Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise their sons.

An Israeli religious court has fined a woman for refusing to circumcise her infant son. The matter is part of an ongoing divorce case. In Israel, religious courts have authority over various family matters like marriage, divorce, and child welfare.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 22:20)

ISRAEL: Jewish Mom Makes Case for Intactivism

What kind of a state is this?! What is this? Where do we live? Could the Religious Court force upon me anything during the divorce? In particular, religious oppression, unnecessary cutting of the penis of a helpless baby?

(TEL AVIV) - Jewish mother and Israeli Intactivist Elinor holds a sign that reads “Help! I’m asking for the help of the public! I am a mother to a baby. The Rabbinical Court is forcing me to cut my year old son against my will (circumcise him) while subjecting me to heavy financial sanctions daily!

After my exposure to the information regarding circumcision, I refuse to mutilate my baby. I don’t have the right and I do not agree! He was born whole and he will stay whole! His integrity is his full right!

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 22:04)

A Jew Argues for Child Rights Over Religious Circumcision

Censuring circumcision in Europe is about child protection, not anti-Semitism.

(TEL AVIV) - Jewish anti-circumcisiom demonstrators Circumcision without consent violates a person’s right to bodily integrity, a cornerstone of post-Holocaust human rights law.

Two years ago, in response to an article I wrote questioning circumcision, the British historian Geoffrey Alderman dedicated his column to my character assassination, describing me as “a leading anti-Jewish Jew of the younger generation.”

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2013 12:42)

Intaction Anti-Circumcision Activists Picket Home of Leading Pediatrician

On Saturday November 16, members of the anti-circumcision activist group INTACTION picketed outside the home of Susan Blank, M.D., chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision.

(NEW YORK CITY) - Intaction anti-circumcision members march to protest AAP policy Members of the anti-circumcision activist group INTACTION picketed outside the home of Susan Blank, M.D., chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision.

The Intaction picketers are demanding the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force retract it’s recently released report (Pediatrics Vol 130 No 3 Sept 2012 "Circumcision Policy Statement") that promotes infant circumcision.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
