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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-11-2010 00:51)

Several Points Worth Reading About Healthcare in Canada

Prescription drug prices are completely outrageous--to the point that people have to juggle between rent, food, bills or the medication that they desperately need. I don’t understand why Americans are so afraid of socialized medicine.

(SALEM, Ore.) - You have to wonder if this is all it comes down to in America. I am a Canadian citizen living in Oregon as a legal resident alien. I moved to the states with my parents when I was eight years old. All of my family still lives in Canada and receives medical treatment there.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2010 19:23)

Oh Canada... Healthcare on a Level With Europe

I have been to many hospitals in Europe including in England, and there is very little waiting time; the hospitals are clean and modern, so ignore all that nonsense that the anti-free medical care groups have been spouting in the States.

(SALEM, Ore.) - U.S. and Canadian flags One of the world's most highly developed countries, Canada has a diversified economy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon international trade.

Canada has a complex relationship with its worldwide memberships including G8, G-20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Commonwealth, Francophonie, OAS, APEC, and the UN. Canada has an independent foreign policy, maintaining full relations with Cuba! "hello America!".

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2010 00:49)

The Canadian Health Care Edge

About 41,000 Canadians a year go south for medical care; a tiny fraction of the millions who stay in Canada.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Canadian flag from Michael Moore's movie Danny Williams, conservative Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, is a multi-millionaire who used his wealth to fly to an unknown U.S. location for an unknown cardiac procedure done on February 4.

Read Full Article (Feb-09-2010 19:58)

Entertainment Will Not Save Us

In a recent report the New Economics Foundation hit the nail on the head when they said "economic growth no longer possible for rich countries."

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Symbol of the British Columbia Winter Olympics The ancient Romans were fond of games. So much so that a politician's popularity could hinge on the games that he organized during his tenure as a Curile Aedile, one of the career steps for a man rising in the Roman political establishment.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2010 00:22)

American Entropy

America has been a net debtor nation since 1986 with a current national debt of about $12 trillion, and a deficit of nearly $2 trillion.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Entropy, also known as the second law of thermodynamics, is the measure of disorder in a system. The entropy of the universe as a whole tends to a maximum.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2010 14:24)

FLASHBACK - Saudis Reject Pakistani Diplomat Whose Name Translates to `Biggest Dick`

In Saudi Arabia, size does count.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Pakistan High Commissioner Akbar Zeb A high level Pakistani diplomat has been rejected as Ambassador of Saudi Arabia because his name. Akbar Zeb, equates to "Biggest Dick" in Arabic.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2010 19:28)

The Second Amendment Fantasy and How Americans Have Been Taken In

People who advocate for concealed and assault weapons make up an anti-government segment of society.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - He has a concealed weapons permit, does that make you feel better?  Courtesy: The Second Amendment has evolved into an emotional issue par excellence that has divided American society. But the underlying issues are not about guns but about fear—on two levels.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2010 19:34)

Vancouver, B. C. Drug Injection Site Gets More Court Support

InSite serves more than 7,200 registered clients with 15,000 to 20,000 visits each month.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Control over controlled substances is gradually starting to loosen up across North America.

The various reports on medical marijuana being legalized in different U.S. jurisdictions plus California at least talking about legalizing and taxing it, are encouraging signs that a cultural shift has begun.

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2010 16:40)

Universal Healthcare`s Only Competition is Profit

Americans must learn the truth and stand up for their rights.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - A hospital in Italy We hear many debates about which country or countries provide the best healthcare systems. These discussions often become derailed and get bogged down in expressions of fear of what are perceived as the “socialist” ways of the European Countries.

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2010 00:34)

Thomas the Troll vs. Daniel Johnson, Enemy of the American People (in the pink tights)

Analyzing the words of a neoconservative.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - I don’t know who Thomas the Troll is. I don’t even know if Thomas is his real name. Never mind. He’s such an over the top neocon that I can’t resist puncturing his pretensions.

He’s already declared me an enemy of the American people, so I hardly see where I can go wrong.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
