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Canadian Health Care Horror Story

Republicans today are saying that a flood of Canadians are crossing the border for “superior” American health care.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Image from a teabagger Website. America may have the best medical care in the world (e.g. Mayo Clinic) but it’s a good news/bad news situation. The good news is that health care in the U.S. is not rationed.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2010 18:18)

Sarah Palin Wins over Republican Calgary

Palin delivered her standard folksy message including an entreaty for smaller government, lower taxes, private enterprise and “common sense”—which she doesn’t realize is not common.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Sarah Palin Sarah Palin was in Calgary to give a speech on March 6, 2010. Calgary, as Republican as many red states, seems to attract the right wing speakers as places like Toronto do not.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2010 13:48)

Close call for Calgarian in Mexican Shooting

Mazatlan’s State Attorney has appointed a special prosecutor to the case.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Las Jaibas Trailer Park at Mazatlan Calgarian Yves Guay, 52, who has traveled to Mexico by RV with his wife Sharon for the last six years was shot during a scuffle at their RV in the evening of March 4th, when two men tried to force their way in. They were staying at the Las Jaibas Trailer Park in Mazatlan.

He was shot in the upper right leg and the bullet just missed the main artery. He is expected to be released from the hospital over the weekend. He and his wife will fly back to Calgary, and a relative will drive the RV.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2010 16:20)

Hockey: Canada/USA, USA/Canada

A Canadian perspective on the big match.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - USA vs Canada Did you watch the Canada-U.S. gold medal hockey game on Sunday? I didn’t, although I did check updates online from time to time.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2010 15:02)

Hockey: Canada vs USA, USA vs Canada: Torment, Torment, Torment

If my readers haven’t figured it out, I am a French Canadian Canuck Frog. So there!

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Canada's Olympic Hockey Team The Olympic Games Hockey Finals gave me an intense case of temporary schizophrenia. I wanted USA to win because I was born in the USA and consider myself to be a USA American.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2010 12:38)

Socrates` Gun

Perhaps it’s time for pro-gun people to seriously examine why they believe what they believe.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Growing Pains You may remember Walter Koenig, who played a Russian crew member on the original Star Trek from the 1960s. Last week, during the Olympics, his 41 year-old son Andrew committed suicide in Vancouver. Andrew had played “Boner” in the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2010 16:27)

The Tyranny of the American Mind

Americans are tyrannized by 1776, The Second Amendment, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution and other colonial-era artifacts.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Hot chick with a rifle In 1987 philosopher Allan Bloom published the best-selling book The Closing of the American Mind.

Read Full Article (Feb-23-2010 10:52)

Outdated Thinking Imperils Our Future

Everyone needs to be supported, but convincing people to destroy the future of their descendants to get that support is not a sensible way to do it.

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Prosperity Mine site near Willams Lake Canada There was an editorial in the Williams Lake Tribune last week by Walt Cobb, a former Liberal MLA and once Mayor of Williams Lake. It was like reading ancient history from a time when we did not know any better.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2010 11:32)


Just as Heller introduced the made up term “catch-22”, into the language, so Nabokov changed the meaning of “nymphet” from classical allusions, to one of down to earth female sexuality in contemporary society.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - The internet will probably go down in history as one of those world-changing inventions (like fire, the wheel, the printing press, the hula hoop) that changed the direction of human progress.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2010 20:55)

The Philosophy and Efficacy of Health Care

The American ethic is about individualism—which makes the false assumption that the individual is more important than the group.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Maple leaf The one reliable aspect of democracy is that you can almost always count on people to vote against their own best interests.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
