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Every State May Feel the Effects of Historic California Drought

California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued a drought State of Emergency in January.

(STATE COLLEGE, PA - California drought report the historic California drought is far-reaching not only impacting the Golden State but also the rest of the United States.

In the last 500 years, there have been only three years as dry as the current one, B. Lynn Ingram, a paleoclimatologist at the University of California at Berkeley, said.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2014 17:28)

Choosing Not to Circumcise - Last Frontier of Jewish Inclusion?

How can synagogues make their members — and prospective members — feel more welcome?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Parents washed their son's feet (Brit Rechitzah) as a symbolic sign of Jewish covenant and welcoming, rather than circumcising him. Some synagogues send a message of inclusion, stating on their websites that they welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jews, Jews of color, disabled Jews and interfaith families.

But there’s one Jewish minority that’s rarely, if ever, mentioned: the growing number of Jewish parents who choose not to circumcise their newborn sons.

Read Full Article (Feb-09-2014 17:27)

Dr. David Allen Becomes Medical Board Target (Part 2)

In his own closing arguments, Dr. Allen claimed that if the medical board could spell out clearly what the standard of care was, he would obviously comply with that law.

(SACRAMENTO) - Court case of David Allen, sketch by Ron Mullins The medical board hearing for Dr. David Allen continued these past two weeks. The State Medical Board of California put on its case. Representing the State was Deputy Attorney General Jannsen Tan.

Dr. David Allen represented himself, only after Attorney Lance Stenhouse was denied a motion by Judge Dian Vorters for a continuance.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2014 21:44)

California Radiation Levels Set New Record High

As many will tell you, this new reading is still below U.S. standards what would require any sort of warning or evasive action but it backs up what I have been saying that there is a slow but upward trend.

(EUREKA) - California radiation levels spike The Official Environmental Protection Agency in Eureka has recorded another record high beta radiation reading for Eureka on Tuesday. The previous record high reading was recorded on January 3rd. of 2014 and was 190 Counts Per Minute or CPM. Tuesday's high was 228 Counts Per Minute.

As many will tell you, this new reading is still below U.S. standards what would require any sort of warning or evasive action but it backs up what I have been saying that there is a slow but upward trend.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2014 16:22)

University of California, Davis Launches a Missile in the Opioid Prescribing Epidemic in the U.S. and Canada

UC Davis is responsible for launching the missile that has resulted in the Holocaust of death and addiction in supporting Dr. Fishman's push for opioids...

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - UC Davis Tens of thousands of families in the U.S. and Canada are dealing with the loss of their loved ones to addiction and death by a missile launched from the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). How?

By UC Davis encouraging and financially supporting the head of their Division of Pain Medicine, Scott M. Fishman, MD to convince physicians there was a low risk to prescribing opioids for long-term, non-cancer pain -- they launched a missile.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2014 22:52)

Curtis Keaton Story - Winning !!!

Today's court case proves that the people of California are not willing to convict legal patients that are protected by the law.

(SACRAMENTO) - Supporters of Curtis Keaton In Tehama County, Sheriffs deputies have been busy these past couple of years with a string of arrests all aimed at medical marijuana patients.

The most recent target of their war on the legal medical marijuana patients is Curtis Keaton, a disabled man who suffers from muscular dystrophy which is a condition that effects the musculoskeletal system. Curtis was arrested after placing an ad on Craigslist looking for fellow Prop. 215 patients. The person that responded to his ad was anything but a legal patient, rather a sheriff investigator Jeff Garrett.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 12:47)

New EPA Rule Requires Chemical Disclosure for Offshore Fracking

The latest EPA rule would merely require companies to report the chemicals that they are discharging into the ocean.

(LONDON - Offshore fracking The U.S. EPA published a rule on January 9, 2014 requiring oil and gas companies using hydraulic fracturing off the coast of California to disclose the chemicals they discharge into the ocean.

Oil and gas companies have been fracking offshore California for perhaps as long as two decades, but they largely flew under the radar until recently.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2014 09:32)

Crisis in the California Courts

Californians do not deserve rationed justice. It is time for the legislative and executive branches to infuse more money into the judiciary.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - California courts Last year, San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera, and San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi made statements on the importance of adequate funding for the California courts.

Why? Because the California state court system -- the largest in the world - is in crisis.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2013 02:01)

Mom in Marijuana Case Daisy Bram Found Guilty: Kids Remain in State Custody

Daisy Bram fought valiantly for over two years against impossible odds, winning her first bout only to have the Butte County DA refile the case this second time.

(MARYSVILLE) - Daisy Bram and her children This past week on December 10th, trial began for Daisy Bram, a well known mother who has made headlines everywhere for fighting to have her children back.

During an early morning raid Sept. 29, 2011, investigators found 95 marijuana plants in various stages and 7 lbs at the residence Daisy Bram and Jayme Walsh resided in.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2013 14:01)

Dr. David Allen Becomes Medical Board Target (Part 1)

In a pre-hearing conference before presiding Administrative Law Judge Dian Vorters, the cards of the medical board were laid out for all to see.

(SACRAMENTO) - Dr. David Allen Since voters approved Proposition 215 here in California, a number of physicians have come under fire from the California Medical Board for their issuance of medical marijuana recommendations. Today December 6th 2013 yet another physician.

Dr. David Allen, who is one of the most respected and outspoken advocates for medical marijuana in the Sacramento area is in the crosshairs.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin