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Salem-News.com (Apr-03-2012 21:11)

More Cop Garbage - This Time in Oakland

The cops know pot is not harmful, they crap on state laws and make a joke of our rights.

(SALEM) - Oaksterdam bust There is no respect for state's rights in the United States. Unpopular laws are not respected by our lawmakers and the people of America are getting sick of it.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-01-2012 23:48)

Support USMC K-9 Combat Veteran MWD Sgt Beyco

SUPPORT Sgt Beyco by submitting your VOTE at www.herodogawards.org for BEYCO. Sgt Beyco is listed in the Military Dog Category.

(LOUISVILLE, KY) - Sgt. Beyco USMC Marine Corps MP Explosive Detection Dog and Military Working Dog Sgt Beyco, a K-9 Combat Veteran, has entered the 2012 American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards Contest and needs your support and VOTES.

MWD Beyco worked and gave her whole life to the MARINE CORPS and was honored to be a MWD MARINE. She retired November 10, 2011 at Cherry Point, North Carolina.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-29-2012 17:41)

(UPDATE) Nazi-Style Attack on 1st Amendment in Eureka - Protester Jailed for Flying US FLAG

The End of Occupy Eureka?

(EUREKA, CA) - Occupy Eureka As expected, Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department deputies arrived in front of the Humboldt County Courthouse at 4 p.m. Wednesday to begin enforcement of the “urgency ordinance” passed by the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-27-2012 15:15)

Cops And Judges Ask California Legislator to Withdraw Marijuana DUI Bill

Law Enforcers Say Bill Will Criminalize Legal Medical Marijuana Patients & Distract Police

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - CHP car Former California police officers, prosecutors and judges are asking Assemblymember Norma Torres to withdraw a bill she has introduced that would criminalize driving with any amount of cannabinoids in the body.

Unlike cocaine and meth which leave the body after a day or two, marijuana stays for thirty days;

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Salem-News.com (Mar-26-2012 13:41)

Whitney Houston: What Killed Her?
Not Cocaine, Nor Heart Disease

Marijuana never killed anybody at any dose.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Whitney Houston Like everyone else, I've been waiting nervously for the Los Angeles Coroner's Office, for their report. Now that it is here, I am embarrassed for whomever released the report and their amateurish lack of evaluations of the results.

Results, for example, cocaine and heart disease did not kill Whitney Houston.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-22-2012 21:45)

Is Ciudad Juarez Turning Around?

“The perceived risk is smaller than before, probably because less violent acts are happening than before."
- Miguel Gomez of business organization 'La Red'.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Nightlife in Ciudad Juarez More than four years after a so-called narco war exploded and then devastated Ciudad Juarez, a different atmosphere is perceptible on the streets of the border city.

While still very high by historic standards, the rate of murders is way down from the height of the killing two years ago.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-20-2012 19:33)

Researchers Discover Protein Critical for Tissue Regeneration

UC Merced researchers show that a protein found in humans stops regeneration when disabled in planaria, providing a potential strategy for preventing the growth of cancer cells.

(MERCED, CA) - Nestor Oviedo is an Assistant Professor with the School of Natural Science, in Merced. A flatworm known for its ability to regenerate cells is shedding more light on how cancer could be treated and how regenerative medicine could better target diseases, according to researchers at the University of California, Merced.

Research published online found in humans and most other mammals — is crucial for planaria’s unique tissue regeneration.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-20-2012 15:12)

Handguns and the Second Amendment

Republicans do not constitute “A well regulated Militia,” and armed individuals alone are not necessary to the security of our free State: the Military, National Guard, FBI, police departments and The Supreme Court have been assigned that role.

(PASO ROBLES, CA) - Handgun Hardly a day goes by that we don’t read of another killing and or wounding of family members, or others, by handguns.

In fact in Arizona, it is legal for anyone to carry a gun, and a year ago a deranged man killed several, including a judge and a child, and seriously wounded a Congresswoman.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-17-2012 05:20)

Feds to Allow Sea Lion Killings in Oregon

The agency pegged the current West Coast population of California sea lions at nearly 300,000

(SEATTLE LID) - Sea lion The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has granted a five-year permit for the killing of California sea lions that are eating threatened salmon and steelhead near Bonneville Dam in northwest Oregon.

Oregon, Washington and Idaho may each year kill up to 92 sea lions that have a “significant negative impact” on at-risk salmon and steelhead runs on the Columbia River.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-17-2012 04:45)

Radiation Risk to El Toro Marine Veterans

Marines may have unknowingly been exposed to radiation in Hangar 296 at closed California base.

(IRVINE, CA) - Marine Corps danger The former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California is an EPA Superfund, closed by the Marine Corps in 1999 and most of the former base sold at a public auction in 2005.

There may have been as many as 300 Marines and more unknowingly exposed to radiation from 1969 to 1999 in the Wing Supply Support Division attached to MWSG-37, MCAS El Toro.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley