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Salem-News.com (Feb-02-2014 11:19)

Death List of 52 Rohingyas Given To National Human Rights Commission of Myanmar

The villagers submitted a death list of 52 people. They said that the death toll is higher than 100 and that they can have a full list once all the remaining villagers return to the village.

(MAUNGDAW Rohingya Blogger) - U Sit Myaing A delegation led by U Sit Myaing from National Human Rights Commission of Myanmar visited Duchiradan village on February 1, at 10 am where the mass killing took place.

The delegation met with villagers in Duchiradan middle hamlet and were told the following facts...

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Salem-News.com (Feb-01-2014 11:37)

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar): Urgent Appeal to the UN Regarding Recent Violence Against Rohingya

Myanmar’s government considers the estimated 800,000 Rohingya in the country to be foreigners while many citizens see them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and view them with hostility.

(ISTANBUL Burma Times) - Rohingya boat people We are deeply concerned over the recent reports of violence against Rohingya people in Myanmar, and we are writing to you in order to urge you to put pressure to bear on the government of Myanmar.

As you also know, Myanmar’s government considers the estimated 800,000 Rohingya in the country to be foreigners while many citizens see them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and view them with hostility.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-01-2014 10:38)

Rohingya MP U Shwe Maung to be Arrested for Speaking Truth to Media

"The government will sue him as he spoke to Democratic Voice of Burma Burmese service that the houses in Duchiradan west hamlet were torched by police" - Rohingya activist Nay San Lwin.

(NAYPYIDAW Rohingya Blogger) - U Shwe Maung, Member of Parliament After spreading rumors on social media since Friday morning, a reliable source from Naypyidaw confirmed that U Shwe Maung, Member of Parliament representing Buthidaung township constituency of Arakan state, will be arrested on Monday.

RB News learned that MP U Shwe Maung is in Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar today. According to parliament schedule he will have to be in Naypyidaw on Monday.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-31-2014 15:33)

The Rohingya People: the Most Suffering People on Earth

Denied citizenship in Myanmar, a Buddhist majority country, the Rohingyas have simply become the most unwanted people in our planet.

(PHILADELPHIA, PA) - The Rohingya people of Burma in particular, are suffering at the hands of a Genocidal Buddhist population The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the United Nations 65 years ago in December of 1948.

The U.S. didn’t ratify the Genocide Convention for another 40 years. The late Sen. William Proxmire, a Democrat from Wisconsin, took up the task in the 1960s of getting the convention ratified.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-29-2014 14:00)

Breaking News: Torching Rohingya Houses, Police Use Historic Mosque as Camp

A team of foreign Ambassadors from Yangon are now on their way to Maungdaw; the team may visit the violent village, Kiladong, tomorrow.

(MAUNGDAW ROHANG News) - Salem-News.com It is confirmed from a reliable source from Maungdaw that fire suddenly broke out last night in west Du-Chi-Ra-Don (Kiladong village). No villagers were present when the houses were torched, except police and Lun Htin forces.

However the military from Maungdaw did rush to the spot with a fire brigade. They stopped the fire from engulfing the entire village. At least ten houses were burnt to ashes.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-28-2014 16:41)

Breaking News: The Violence-Hit Rohingya Village, Duchiradan, Set Ablaze

Duchiradan is the village which was hit by the Myanmar-Regime-sponsored violence on 14th January 2014.

(DICHIRADAN, Maungdaw Burma Times) - 4-Year-Old Rohingya Girl Mercilessly Beaten By Military Men The west-hamlet of the village of Duchiradan (Kilaindaung) in southern Maungdaw is on fire now. The fire caught Rohingya houses at around 9PM on 28th January 2014 (Myanmar Standard Time-MST).

How the fire started in the village is unknown yet. Neither Rohingya from any other village is allowed to go the village nor many locals of the village live there because of the fear of becoming the victims of violence again. Those who were living in the village are believed to have fled to their nearby village as soon as the fire started.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-27-2014 12:49)

The Silent Massacre of Rohingya

To date, three million Muslims have been forced to migrate to neighboring countries, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been martyred, tens of thousands of settlement units have been burned and destroyed, tens of thousands of women have been raped...

(ISTANBUL Burma Times) - Harun Yahya The Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine province of Myanmar are going through a brutal ethnic slaughter campaign of an unimaginable size. The scale of the killings, persecution, torture and savagery are beyond comprehension.

The systematic slaughter policy waged towards Muslims since 1942 left only 70,000 out of the initial four million owing to mass murder and displacement.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-26-2014 12:41)

International Community Urged to Stop the `Silent Genocide` of Rohingya Muslims

According to the country's law, Rohingya are not a recognised minority group and have no rights of citizenship. Due to their statelessness, they are subject to systematic persecution and have been victims of violence and discrimination.

(GLASGOW) - Buddhist soldiers on the hunt for Rohingya Muslims A Scotland-based human rights organisation is calling on the international community to intervene in what is being called the ‘silent genocide’ of the Burmese Rohingya Muslims, who the United Nations has called the most persecuted minority group in the world.

Global Minorities Alliance, a human rights group which advocates for the rights of persecuted minority groups around the world...

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2014 14:57)

Concerning Chinese Presence in Myanmar

China’s investment in Myanmar has not resulted in any substantial economic gains...

(BRUSSELS Burma Times) - Burma PM Thein Sein and China Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing China and Myanmar share a 2,000-km border, and Myanmar is looked upon as the key to China’s pursuit of regional and border stability and to fulfilling its need for natural resources.

China today is Myanmar’s most important trading partner and one of its most important investors. There is a two way relation between China and Myanmar currently.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2014 12:59)

European Rohingya Council Sharply Denounces Brutalities of Burma`s Quasi-civilian Regime

ERC speaks out over ongoing looting, sexual assault, murder, arrest, torture in detention centers by Burmese Security Forces and State Backed Extremists in Maungdaw, Western Myanmar (Burma).

(FRANKFURT) - Religious violence across Myanmar We, the European Rohingya Council sharply denounce the brutalities of Burmese quasi-civilian regime led by President Thein Sein over Rohingya ethnic minority of western Burma.

Since last June, the regime itself triggered the violence which lead complete genocide against Rohingya with a high momentum and it stop some days when international community raises voice but resume when international community goes quiet.

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