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| Next Page (May-19-2014 20:06)

One Nation the U.S. Actually Should Liberate: Hawai`i

Jon Olsen's new book, Liberate Hawai'i: Renouncing and Defying the Continuing Fraudulent U.S. Claim to the sovereignty of Hawai'i, makes a compelling case.

(CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA) - Liberate Hawaii Some nations the United States should probably not liberate -- except perhaps the 175 nations which could be liberated from the presence of U.S. soldiers. But one nation I would make an exception for, and that is the nation of Hawai'i.

Olsen's case, in very condensed summary, looks like this: Hawai'i was an independent nation, recognized as such by the United States and numerous other nations, with treaties in effect between Hawai'i and other nations, including the United States, that have never been terminated.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2011 00:18)

The Burnt City: A Novel of Iran on the Eve of Revolution by Robert Bangor gets two thumbs up from socio-political hip-hop artist

The Warriors of Truth, who open the book with a bank robbery, vie with Kurds, SAVAK, a US CIA contractor, and several individuals for the prize...

(TUCSON, Ariz.) - THE BURNT CITY: <i>A Novel of Iran on the Eve of Revolution The Islamic Republic of Iran is much in the news these days with the spectre of nuclear warfare now looming in the background.

What was life like in Iran just before the return of Ayatollah Khomaini to his native land in early 1979? A new book by Robert Bangor gives one spectator’s view of the country, neatly dressed in an entertaining tale.

Read Full Article (Nov-06-2011 03:10)

From Tribalism to Humanism

The Path to Freedom - A journey from the narrowness of egotism to the splendour of Universalism.

(LONDON) - War to peace In his new book “The Wandering Who”, Gilad Atzmon reflects on his transforming journey from an IDF “Israeli”, a racist tribalist, self-ghettoized Zionist, with exclusionist mentality, who was greatly influenced as a child by his “veteran Zionist terrorist” grandfather, into simply a Universalist and Humanist.

A courageous and enthralling journey that began in the most unexpected places, in one of the suburbs of occupied Jerusalem, Al Quds, and by no other tool than a musical instrument, a saxophone!

Read Full Article (Oct-03-2011 14:34)

The Wandering Who is Out This Week

"It is no secret that some very forceful elements have been investing a lot of effort trying to stop the book and its message. So far, they have failed." - Gilad Atzmon

(LONDON) - A wave of understanding accompanies Gilad Atzmon's new book, 'The Wandering Who' and it is no wonder that his opponents, who support apartheid laws in Israel, are fuming. Truth is a dangerous drug and Gilad overdosed his share of readers with this one.

Gilad is only one of's writers who doubles as an author, but none have drawn the response that we are seeing with this clever-titled book that rips the lid off of the racism that sets the stage for Israel's very existence.

Read Full Article (Sep-20-2011 15:07)

Elmer Berger`s Anti-Zionism: Keeping the Humane Jewish Tradition Alive

Rabbi outcast: Elmer Berger and American Jewish anti-Zionism by Jack Ross is published by Potomac Books.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Elmer Berger's Anti-Zionism: Keeping the Humane Jewish Tradition Alive While many Americans, and many American Jews, may not know it, Jewish opposition to Zionism has a long history.

Rabbi Elmer Berger, a long time leader of the American Council for Judaism (ACJ), was probably the best known Jewish anti-Zionist during most of his lifetime, particularly from World War II through the l967 Six Day War and its aftermath.

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2011 13:15)

POSTMODERN IMPERIALISM Geopolitics and the Great Games

Eric Walberg on Post-Modern Imperialism The Great Games.

(LONDON) - The Great Games Though the number of critical voices concerning Israel, Zionism and Jewish power is growing steadily, a clear distinction can be made on the one hand between contributors who operate within the discourse and are politically oriented, and others who transcend themselves above and beyond any given political paradigm.

The former category refers to writers and scholars who operate 'within the box,' accepting the restrictive measures of a given political and intellectual discourse.

Read Full Article (Jul-18-2011 17:29)

`Tillamook Passage, Far Side of the Pacific`

“...years of research on the local native cultures were fascinating and led to a tale of fiction mixed with rich cultural facts”.

(WARRENTON, Ore.) - Tillamook Passage</span></i> will soon be available at bookstores, libraries and <a href= Tillamook Passage is historical fiction that journeys back to the early days of the coastal Indians. This new novel for young adults and up is the latest book in an adventure series by award-winning author Brian Ratty.

The novel’s storyline is spun around the 1787 passage of the ship, Lady Washington, under the command of Captain Robert Gray, and his discovery of the Tillamook Indians and their large, pristine bay.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2011 22:40)

New Book: The Skull and Crossbones Squadron - VF-17 in World War II

New book about legendary fighter squadron includes accounts of three Oregon fighter pilots.

(LONDON) - The Skull and Crossbones Squadron - VF-17 in World War II A new book tells of the remarkable air combat achievements of the brave men who flew in the now legendary U.S. Navy squadron - Fighting 17 the Skull and Crossbones Squadron in World War II.

Amongst Fighting 17’s many heroic exploits was shooting down 152 enemy aircraft in aerial combat in only 76 days.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2010 14:20)

Book Review: Coffee with Hezbollah

The satire is harsh, and nobody escapes the treatment, including the author.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Amelia Opalinska took when she and Belen were in the town of Meiss al Jabal in south Lebanon with these resistance fighters honoring their fallen comrades in 2006. Here’s a strange and sparkly, jumpy and tightly-packed little book by PULSE’s own Belen Fernandez, in which our heroines (Belen and the photographer Amelia Opalinska) hitch-hike through Lebanon and Syria a few weeks after the war of summer 2006, consuming far more caffeine than is good for them.

Beyond Gonzo, it doesn’t pretend to journalism at all. Instead it recounts a fairly lunatic, fairly random sight-seeing tour towards ‘the dark force’ Hezbollah.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2010 14:40)

Age of American Unreason: Chapter 1

Those who believe that America and its Constitution are the greatest things in the Galaxy, are living in a world of denial and fantasy.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Susan Jacoby and her book The Age of American Unreason There is no kind or easy way to state the simple fact that America is a society of unremittingly ignorant people.

I started Susan Jacoby’s book The Age of American Unreason (2008) and she hit my pet peeve immediately on the first page.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
