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Oct-03-2011 14:34printcommentsVideo

The Wandering Who is Out This Week

"It is no secret that some very forceful elements have been investing a lot of effort trying to stop the book and its message. So far, they have failed." - Gilad Atzmon

Learn more, visit: Gilad's Website>

(LONDON) - A wave of understanding accompanies Gilad Atzmon's new book, 'The Wandering Who' and it is no wonder that his opponents, who support apartheid laws in Israel, are fuming. Truth is a dangerous drug and Gilad overdosed his share of readers with this one.

Gilad is only one of Salem-News.com's writers who doubles as an author, but none have drawn the response that we are seeing with this clever-titled book that rips the lid off of the racism that sets the stage for Israel's very existence.

Gilad explains that the The Wandering Who has received incredible support from some of the most inspiring people around (see below).

"It is no secret that some very forceful elements have been investing a lot of effort trying to stop the book and its message. So far, they have failed."

You can now order Gilad Atzmon's New Book on Amazon.com  or Amazon.co.uk

A new short video about the book:

Your support is much appreciated..


“Gilad Atzmon decided to open Pandora’s Box, and ignite a debate that has been frustratingly dormant for too long. His experiences are most authentic, views are hard-hitting, and, at times, provocative. It must be read and discussed.”  Ramzy Baroud,  Palestine Chronicle

‘A transformative story told with unflinching integrity that all (especially Jews) who care about real peace, as well as their own identity, should not only read, but reflect upon and discuss widely.’ Professor Richard Falk

‘Essential to an understanding of Jewish identity politics and the role they play on the world stage.’ Professor John J. Mearsheimer 

‘Atzmon’s insight into the organism created by the Zionist movement is explosive. Professor William A. Cook

‘A pioneering work that deserves to be read and Gilad Atzmon is brave to write this book!’ Dr. Samir Abed-Rabbo

“Gilad's escape from spiritual claustrophobia towards a free and open humanitarianism is fearless” Robert Wyatt

“In his inimitable deadpan style, Atzmon identifies the abscess in the Jewish wisdom tooth – exilic tribalism – and pulls it out. Ouch!” Eric Walberg, Al Aharam Weekly

“It is more than an academic exercise. It is a revelation!” Lauren Booth, Press TV

"A brilliant analysis that makes what appear to be contradictions in Jewish identity based political behavior not only comprehensible but predictable." Jeff Blankfort

 ‘Atzmon has the courage - so profoundly lacking among Western intellectuals’ Professor James Petras

“Having known Gilad for 25 years, I read the book in English, I heard it in Hebrew and reflected on it in Arabic. Gilad Atzmon is astonishingly courageous” Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool

“Gilad Atzmon is someone who encompasses what it means to be an intellectual.” Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice

“Gilad Atzmon is the Moses of our time, calling all of us out of the Egypt of our boneheaded nationalisms and racialisms and exceptionalisms and chosen-people-isms toward some form of humanistic universalism.”  Dr. Kevin Barrett

“Gilad's The Wandering Who? would have been a welcome delight to Albert Einstein just as it will be the irritating nemesis for Abe Foxman ideologues.” Dr. Paul Balles 

“A book that will shake up a few people….” Gordon Duff

“Engaging, provocative and persuasive.’ Jeff Gates

“When you finish reading this book, you may likely as well see a different face in the mirror.” Professor Garrison Fewell

 “The Wondering Who deconstructs the unique political identity that shapes the reality of the Jewish Nation and the crimes committed in its name. As a non-Jew, I found it illuminating!” Sameh Habeed, Palestine Telegraph

“The Last Jewish Prophet”  Professor William T. Hathaway

"Atzmon is an iconoclast.” Dr.  Paul Larudee

“Like all truth tellers of any merit Atzmon can expect the wrath of the powers that be and their minions as a reward for what he is exposing.   People like Atzmon will have played a vital role in saving us from ourselves if indeed we do manage to survive.  Love and respect to my brother Gilad Atzmon.” Ken O’keefe

“The magical and yet extremely subtle gift that Gilad Atzmon offers through his personal journeys in The Wandering Who? is the wisdom of disillusionment.” Shahram Vahdany, MWC News

 “Atzmon's writing respects no sacred cows. His wit is biting, his insight and logic compelling.” Richard A. Siegel

“Sometimes a brash, abrasive provocateur is what is required as a catalyst for genuine debate.” Sunny Singh


Book Launch: A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'

Monday, 10th October, 2011, 7:30 pm

Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA


Zero Books invites you to a panel discussion on "Jewish Identity Politics" to launch Gilad Atzmon's important new book The Wandering Who.

For more info click here.


For more information about Gilad's tour (concerts & talks) click here.



Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


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