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About Bangladesh articles Page 9

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Bangladesh: Immediately Protect the Hindu Minorities Under Attack in Dinajpur

Fires raged in a Bangladeshi neighborhood as Hindus came under attack.

(SALEM) - Mrs. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh A local newspaper in Bangladesh says a series of attacks on Hindu minorities happened very suddenly.

An estimated 1,500-2,000 people with sticks attacked the houses of the Hindus at Rajapur village around 10am today (Saturday). The marauding mob set fire to houses and even stole precious livestock.

Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 03:18)

Murugan, Santhan, Perarivalan, and the Academic Achievements of Assassins

Growing numbers believe men Convicted in Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination should be freed after 20 Years of looming death.

(SALEM) -  Tamil girl holds banner to the visiting Indian Prime Minister in Myanmar. Asks for justice. The world focuses its energy on persecuting Muslims and Hindus, yet rogue Buddhist militant governments are the deadliest and most deceptive, history shows us.

The lack of understanding of this complex problem is a reflection of the poor level of education in the United States in regard to geography and culture; and we can also blame the mainstream media.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2012 23:48)

Why Are Buddhists Committing Genocide Again?

Before it was Sri Lanka; now bloody Buddhist hands are robbing life on an epic scale in Burma.

(SALEM) -  Rohingya refugees Buddhist militants are committing genocide again; the second time in 3 years.

Rohingya Muslims are being slaughtered in a spate of religious ethnic cleansing.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2012 18:32)

Media Accused of Biased Coverage of Unrest in Arakan State

The civilian government had announced changes to the legislation governing the media but they have yet to see the light of day.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Hillary Clinton and Aung San Suu Kyi A threat by Rangoon chief minister Myint Swe to prosecute news media that cover the current sectarian violence in the western state of Arakan in an irresponsible manner has highlighted the fragility of recent improvements in media freedom.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2012 17:54)

World Silent as Muslim Massacre Goes on in Myanmar

As reported by Associated Press, 1,336 homes belonging to the Rohingya Muslims were burnt during the unrest.

(TEHRAN) - Rohingya Muslim woman from Myanmar Mohammad Hossein Nikzad, a close personal friend and a senior student of political science just called me a few hours ago, worriedly talking about the dire situation of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and the atrocities the Buddhist Rakhines are committing in the East Asian nation.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2012 04:03)

Writing the Future of Bangladesh

But the question is what the working class people are getting, nothing but the highest degree of poverty.

(SALEM) - Bangladesh Tons of articles were written on the present situations of Bangladesh. Many analysis were written and that’s all are history, that either ignored or are part of popular history of the nation.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 21:41)

Bangladesh: Thousands of Refugees Fleeing Burma in Need of Food, Shelter

Our human rights ambassador contacts Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs to help refugees from Myanmar.

(SALEM) - Suffering Burmese refugees The face of a Burmese refugee pleading with Bangladeshi officials, is possibly one of the saddest moments ever captured.

Bangladeshi public officials know there is terrible secular fighting taking place in Burma's Arakan state; yet Bangladesh is failing to fulfill an obligation to humanity.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 22:47)

William Gomes Live on CII Radio

Human rights ambassador made strong showing for human rights.

(SALEM) - William Nicholas Gomes Our Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes, is on the CII Radio program live talking about his human rights campaign.

William has had a number of positive government responses to his letters criticizing human rights violations. In more than one case, his appeals have held major weight.

Read Full Article (May-30-2012 17:55)

BANGLADESH: Immediately Lift Ban on Website of William Gomes and Ask Unconditional Apology

Bangladesh should support human rights activists online, not target them.

(SALEM) - William Nicholas Gomes I am writing to express my concern regarding the Website, which is blocked by Bangladesh government.

I am shocked to hear that a disproportionate amount of force was used to turn off the website after publishing the poem “Anti State”.

Read Full Article (May-29-2012 03:44)

BANGLADESH: Brutal Attack on BDnews Journos

Human Rights Ambassador William Gomes contacts UN officials over media attacks in Bangladesh.

(SALEM, Ore.) - When mobs can attack journalists they disagree with and get away with it, all hope for an already hard pressed society is easily lost.

This is exactly what happened at the BDnews agency, which has issued reports that were not favorable to one local police agency.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
