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Are Rohingyas and Kamans Less (Than) Human Beings?

If the vulnerable situation of Rohingyas and Kamans continue, it will not take long for the humanity to see exterminations of more ethnic communities in the modern time, why?

(KUALA LAMPUR) - Burma map The world has been witnessing the well-planned Genocide of Rohingyas and Kamans in Arakan, Burma for more than eight months now.

Consequently, Rohingyas and Kamans are now without foods, any access to medical treatments and their other ways to livelihoods are blocked. They are being arbitrary arrested, tortured and killed.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2013 10:06)

#Shahbag: What Revolution? Who`s Revolution?

If these chains of corruption and the political nexus are not broken they will keep ruling and oppressing forever.

(YORK, UK) - Bangladesh protest #Shahbag movement began on 5th February 2013, with the demand of capital punishment for Abdul Quader Mollah and all the other accused war criminals of the 1971 war.

#Shahbag is in line with specific demands, those are political and economical in nature. In Pakistan, the Hindus were declared enemies of the state and that victimization continued in free Bangladesh.

Read Full Article (Feb-12-2013 21:56)

#Shahbag: Social Revolution

#Shahbag is a stereotype of a movement for a select few...

(YORK, UK) - #Shahbag Bangladesh badly needs industrial, societal and economic reorganization.

Bangladesh has root and reasons for a bottom-up, social revolution, which will reorganize all of society.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2013 12:55)

President Zillur Rahman Stop Being a `Political Slave`

William Nicholas Gomes asks the President of Bangladesh to lead his people.

(DHAKA, Bangladesh) - President of Bangladesh Zillur Rahman Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes, has asked the president of Bangladesh to stop being a “political slave”.

Mr. William Nicholas Gomes says he is sending President Zillur Rahman an early warning, stop misusing the constitutional power and position for the benefits of your masters.

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2013 14:34)

Bangladesh Awarded Torturer Police Officer

It is well known that that Bangladesh police have widely used torture as their method of law enforcement.

(YORK, UK) - Chattro League Police Beating Chief Whip Zainul Abdin Farroque Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes has condemned the prime minister of Bangladesh for awarding the police officer who were involved in torturing opposition political leader, Zainal Abdin Farroque.

In this letter to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, the Human Rights Ambassador asks for the implementation of 'zero tolerance against torture'...

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2013 10:47)

Today is the Birthday of Lalon Mark Gomes

Lalon Mark gomes was born on 5th of January 2011 in Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College (HFRCMC) in Dhaka Bangladesh.

(DHAKA, Bangladesh) - Lalon Mark Gomes Today is the second birthday of Lalon Mark Gomes, the second son of prominent Bangladeshi human rights activist and journalist William Nicholas Gomes and Annie Jhumur Halder.

William Nicholas Gomes is the human rights ambassador and assistant editor Influential US based news agency

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2012 12:48)

Briefing Report on Rohingyas at the MAS-ICNA Annual Convention in Chicago

(MAS-ICNA Convention held on December 21st to 25th, 2012)

(CHICAGO) - Pro Rohingya demonstration Burma is a home country to numerous ethnic groups and about 60% of the area is inhabited by nearly 140 ethnic races and Rohingya is one of them.

Currently, Burma has a population of about 60 million of which nearly 8 million are Muslims.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2012 02:24)

BANGLADESH: NGO Ban Hurting Undocumented Rohingya

"Since the NGOs stopped coming our kids don't get medicine. They don't get treated for what they need. They don't get the food they need," Sokeya Begum, 39, a undocumented Rohingya, said.

(COX’S BAZAR IRIN) - Rohingya The Most Stateless People Some 40,000 undocumented Rohingya refugees are being adversely affected by a government ban four months ago on NGOs working at two makeshift sites in southeastern Bangladesh.

“If we get some rice, we eat. Otherwise, we don’t eat,” Anowara Begum, an undocumented Rohingya refugee and 40-year-old mother-of-four at the Leda makeshift camp outside Nayapara, one of two makeshift sites outside two official government camps for Rohingya refugees told IRIN.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2012 13:34)

Demand the Reconstitution of the Tribunal based on International Standards

Evidence suggests that the guilty verdict was reached by the judge before even defense witnesses were done.

(DHAKA, Bangladesh) - Bangladesh map Bangladesh, a progressive country, is at risk at the hands of a ruthless regime, which is killing the opposition, labor and media.

At the eve of the Bangladesh Independence Day, we must act now to save Bangladesh from sliding backward.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 12:03)

Statement on International Human Rights Day

Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) speaks out as Burmese Muslims continue to suffer...

(MILWAUKEE, WI) - Rohingya boat people On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, the United States and international community celebrate and salute those around the world who struggle to defend, protect and promote the fundamental freedoms that are the birthright of all mankind.

In Burma (Myanmar), human rights at all levels have been violated by the Burmese successive military governments for many years and still today...

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