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David Bradbury Arrested Near Kudankulim Nuclear Power Plant

'Unconfirmed reports' say that David Bradbury, the Australian documentary maker, has been arrested in Kudankulum Nuclear Power Plant area.

(CHENNAI, India) - I received a phone call from a common friend where David, his wife and their two year old son Omar were staying while in Delhi.

We were to go to Narora NPP, near Delhi, to talk to the villagers and doctors, a plan that did not materialise. Later I heard that David's gone South.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2012 09:32)

Sri Lanka Still Unsafe

New documentary shows that Sri Lankan refugees are fleeing human rights abuses in their homeland and are not merely economic refugees, as claimed by the opposition. Kerry Brewster from Lateline reports.

(MELBOURNE, Aust) - Northern Sri Lanka today The war crimes against Tamil Hindus and Christians that ended in a terrible bloodbath three years ago have inspired many to write about this disaster.

Most who do lament the way the government of Sri Lanka planned and executed the crimes that left tens of thousands of innocent civilians dead and dying.

Read Full Article (Aug-17-2012 23:17)

Why are Human Beings Violent?

People are people so why should it be?

(BLACKBURN, Victoria, Aust) - Punch The recent shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin (not to mention the ongoing wars and other violence occurring around the world) again raise the perennial question 'Why are human beings violent?'

Are we genetically programmed to be violent? Is violence socially learned? Or are some individuals just 'psychotic'?

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2012 08:45)

Australia: Lead the Human Rights Movement in Asia

Open letter from Human Rights Ambassador William Gomes.

(HONG KONG) - Senator Bob Carr, Minister for Foreign Affairs Australia has expanded its human rights advocacy at the international level for the last five years, this includes its bid for a seat on the UN Security Council.

This commitment to engage constructively in human rights dialog leaves the country in an ideal position to lead other nations in the protection and promotion of human rights.

Read Full Article (Apr-06-2012 20:36)

Why One of the World`s Leading Peace Advocates Threatened to Punch Me in the Face

Gareth Evans, a former attorney-general and foreign minister in Australia, threatened me because I raised the issue of his support for the Suharto dictatorship in Indonesia.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Gareth Evans I have rarely ever come face to face – only inches in fact – with such anger. Certainly not at an academic conference.

And certainly not from such a prominent figure: chancellor of Australian National University, former attorney-general and foreign minister, former head of the International Crisis Group, and one of the world’s most prominent global thinkers.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2012 16:19)

Sri Lanka`s Missing

Where are they?

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Screengrab of a video obtained by Human Rights Watch shows LTTE leader Colonel Ramesh in Sri Lankan army custody-courtesy: What happened to dozens of LTTE members who surrendered to the army together with Rev. Francis Joseph, a Catholic priest, south of the Vadduvaakal bridge on May 18 2009?

“Aananthi” (not her real name), the wife of one of the disappeared, told Human Rights Watch that she saw the army load the priest and the LTTE members on to a bus and drive them away.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2011 17:37)

Ethnic cleansing of invented people

Israeli children are educated to see the Palestinians as a problem that must be solved and as a threat that must be eliminated.

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Blood stained Palestine flag Mostafa Tamimi from Nabi Saleh, Bahjat Zaalan and his son Ramdan from Gaza died on my fiftieth birthday and just a few days after Newt Gingrich declared them an invented people.

They were murdered by the Israeli terrorist organization, the IDF, an organization that is supported and funded by the US.

Read Full Article (Dec-20-2011 17:07)

Global Movement to Create a Non-Violent World Launched

People who wish to join the movement are invited...

(BLACKBURN, Aust.) - The Peoples's Charter banner in Seattle On 11 November 2011, the 93rd anniversary of the armistice of World War 1, a new movement to end human violence was launched around the world. 'The People's Charter to Create a Nonviolent World' was launched simultaneously in Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines and the United States and has already gained signatories in twenty-one countries.

The aim of the Nonviolence Charter is to create a worldwide movement to end violence in all of its forms.

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2011 12:50)

Tent Monsters at Occupy Melbourne

Occupy Movements supporting efforts on Wall St keep growing, however none were so clever as the Aussies...

(SALEM / MELBOURNE) - Melbourne Tent Monsters This might be one of the funniest and most rewarding videos published regarding the Occupy movement, and this one comes from those awesome blokes down under where innovation and courage have always been necessary tenets in their society.

It isn't every day we have a chance to laugh at the antics of cops who so profoundly, fail to see the ridiculousness of their orders. Of course there is a growing percentage of cops in the USA who are bailing out, they are ashamed of the thugs with badges in LA, New York and Oakland, Portland, Denver and so many other places.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2011 22:45)

Once Again, War is Prime Time and Journalism`s Role is Taboo

The role of respectable journalism in western state crimes — from Iraq to Iran, Afghanistan to Libya — remains taboo.

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - U/S/ flag and barbed wire On 22 May 2007, the Guardian’s Iran’s secret plan for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq." The writer, Simon Tisdall, claimed that Iran had secret plans to defeat American troops in Iraq, which included "forging ties with al-Qaeda elements."

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