(Aug-07-2010 15:27)
US Stunned: New Chinese Missile Capable of Sinking Every US Supercarrier
Terrence Aym
With the new generation of missile and more to come, the US position has weakened and may weaken more in the years ahead.
A new 'smart missile' threatens to tip the balance of power towards China, US military analysts say.
The latest generation of the Dong Feng 21D (DF-21D) is a supercarrier killer according to experts on China's armaments. The missile can be launched from land and strike an aircraft carrier 900 miles away.
Read Full Article (Jul-26-2010 02:30)
JPAC May Return Suspected Remains of Vietnam War Journalist to Cambodia
Tim King
Yujiro Takagi and Ankira Kusaka were captured and believed to be held with Sean Flynn and Dana Stone on 6 April 1970, in Cambodia; includes last footage of Sean Flynn ever recorded.
(VUNG TAU, Vietnam / SALEM, Ore. ) -
The man who set out to locate the remains of famed Vietnam War Photojournalist Sean Flynn, son of the acclaimed actor Errol Flynn, says the U.S. government is not cooperating with the Flynn family or his team, in helping properly identify the remains.
He says they appear to not be Flynn's, as it turns out, but possibly one of two missing Japanese journalists who were last seen in the same area.
Read Full Article (Jul-21-2010 09:50)
Maritime Traffic Control Ban Lifted as Oil Spill Cleanup Continues in East China
40 monitoring stations are watching over a 1,500-square-kilometer area off the Chinese coast.
(DALIAN, China Xinhua) -
Authorities lifted a partial ban on maritime traffic at a major northeast China port Tuesday, four days after explosions hit crude oil pipelines here and caused a lingering oil spill.
The Maritime Affairs Administration of Liaoning Province reported that the ports in Dalian City have fully re-opened to traffic as of 5:00 p.m. Tuesday as waterways affected by the oil slick have been basically cleared for the resumption of shipping.
Read Full Article (Jul-09-2010 19:45)
Petition Drive Hopes to Save India`s Dongria Kondh from Destruction
"The Indian government needs to know the world is watching. Tell the Indian PM to stop the Vedanta mine and save the Dongria Kondh people" - Care2 Petition site
The Dongria Kondh tribe in India call themselves the "protector of streams." But their streams -- and their entire way of life -- are threatened by a British mining company out to destroy their ancestral lands for profits.
The petition site Care2 is enlisting the help of those who want to help the Dongria Kondh save their home.
Read Full Article (Jul-07-2010 13:42)
Exploring the New and Old of Shanghai
Gerry Villani
Gerry Villani's continuing photo journal of China's 'Paris of the East'.
(SHANGHAI, China) -
Thanks for the reply re: the pic availability. It so happens the Chinese govenment blocks internet social networking sites, including myspace. So, it may be best to keep whatever setup you have, and us folks in China will just have to live with that fact.
I dont know what changes you could make that would help, but you are certainly welcome to try.
Read Full Article (Jun-30-2010 15:49)
Family Completes Horseback Trip Across the US for Akha Hill Tribe
The total trip back to Salem was 476 days.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
August will mark 20 years working for the Akha hill tribe in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, China and Vietnam on the part of the non profit based in Salem, The Akha Heritage Foundation.
In 2007 Matthew McDaniel and his family planned a trip across the US by horseback, to publicize the story and the plight of the Akha people in Thailand.
Read Full Article (Jun-25-2010 02:38)
Shanghai: the Paris of the East In The People`s Republic of China
Gerry Villani Writer Lands in a clean and vibrant city; and if one can tolerate the summer humidity, a great vacation spot.
(SHANGHAI, China) -
Shanghai is a modern Asian metropolis of about 20 million people, bustling with activity. The arriving visitor notices numerous banks, tall offices, apartment buildings and small businesses. I arrived the afternoon of June 24th, amid incredible humidity.
A woman by the name of Yi Bao, whom I met on the internet, was kind enough to meet me at Pudong Airport, and we lugged my baggage to a modern air-conditioned bus for a trip through the new Pudon section to the older part.
Read Full Article (Jun-24-2010 13:51)
Tibetan Gets 15 Years
A Chinese court convicts a prominent environmentalist and activist, who vows to appeal.
A court in China’s troubled northwestern region of Xinjiang sentenced a prominent Tibetan businessman-turned-activist to 15 years in jail and a heavy fine on Thursday on theft-related charges that were initially dropped in 1998, his wife and lawyer told Radio Free Asia (RFA).
Karma Samdrup, 42, denied the charges and will appeal, his lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang, said in an interview with RFA’s Tibetan service.
Read Full Article (Jun-17-2010 22:52)
Republic of Korea President to thank Korean War Veterans
A small token of thanks for those who fought the "Forgotten War" in Korea.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
The President of the Republic of Korea is expressing gratitude to American Korean War veterans by sending them a personal letter recognizing their service and sacrifice.
Read Full Article (Jun-15-2010 02:52)
US Wants South Korean Sinking Story Told Their Way: Russia and China Disagree
Christopher King for
The lack of evidence linking Pyongyang to the sinking, coupled with the history of US deceptions in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, makes it more likely that the Cheonan was sank by the US or South Koreans, accidentally or deliberately.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has “...warned Chinese officials that China could put itself in a ‘dangerous position’ if it refuses to accept North Korea’s role in the sinking of the Cheonan.
This is an apparent reference to the South Korean joint civilian-military investigatory report”, according to the website.
Read Full Article