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| Next Page (Feb-12-2025 17:52)

The Promise of America and the Demise of Foreign Aid

An American man, Volker Franke, has been directing an innovative aid program in Liberia, a country that is resource-rich and in general loves America. The program was just ended by Elon Musk.

(Portland, Ore.) - USAID Dreams shattered. Hopes crushed. Visions for a better future destroyed. Possibilities replaced with anguish, anxiety and fear.

All with the stroke of a sharpie.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2024 20:20)

Democracy: Acting Like We Own It

Democracy is way deeper than one vote every few years.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - democracy When I was in prison for my nonviolent anti-nuclear actions, one of my disciplines was to write something for publication daily--a letter to the editor, an opinion piece, a book review, or even mediocre poetry.

One hundred percent of my writing was in opposition to nuclear weapons.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2015 20:55)

Former CIA Officer Convicted for Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information and Obstruction of Justice

CIA Whistleblower found guilty on all counts

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Jeffrey Sterling A former CIA officer was convicted Monday by a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia, of illegally disclosing national defense information and obstructing justice.

“This is a just and appropriate outcome,” said Attorney General Holder. “The defendant’s unauthorized disclosures of classified information compromised operations undertaken in defense of America’s national security.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2015 20:10)

70th Anniversary of of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

Survivors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in Poland were liberated by the Soviet Red Army after more than 1 million people were killed.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - holocaust remembrance day We have seen newsreels of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps at the end of WW II and a number of movies depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. However, newsreels and movies did not really prepare us for an actual visit to the site of the largest mass murder in history.

As many as 1.5 million were murdered at Auschwitz, mainly Polish Jews, but also Soviet prisoners-of-war, Gypsies, Czechs, Yugoslavs, French, Austrians, and Germans.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2014 09:27)

AG Holder Resigns, Reconfirms Support of Drug Policy Reforms

Lengthy Career Ends with Recognition of Drug Policy Failures

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Eric Holder Justice Department officials reported this morning that Attorney General Eric Holder is announcing his resignation as soon as a successor is nominated and confirmed.

His career, which spanned five and a half years, has been marked by a number of drug policy reforms to which he reconfirmed his commitment in an interview with Katie Couric Tuesday.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2014 22:10)

Police Chief Joseph McNamara, Who Fought to End the Drug War, Dies at 79

Retired San Jose Police Chief Leaves Behind a Remarkable Legacy of Public Service and Activism

(MONTEREY, Calif.) - Joe McNamara McNamara spoke out publicly against the drug war long before the issue had come to the political forefront. He was a speaker and advisory board member for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), a group of law enforcement officials opposed to the war on drugs.

“When you’re telling cops that they’re soldiers in a Drug War, you’re destroying the whole concept of the citizen peace officer, a peace officer whose fundamental duty is to protect life and be a community servant,” said McNamara at a presentation for the International Conference on Drug Policy Reform in 1995.

Read Full Article (Sep-13-2014 14:00)

Antique Typewriters on the Come Back!

I still have a manual Smith Corona typewriter and I don’t know how I ever had the strength in my fingers to produce anything on that machine.

(EUGENE, Ore. ) - typewriters Hang onto your old typewriters because they are coming back. After whistle blower Edward Snowden leaked information about the NSA’s massive spying program, computer users worldwide were faced with the dilemma of knowing that everything they did on the Internet was an open book and being monitored by the US government.

Assuming American leaders are capable of being embarrassed, most embarrassing for Obama was when Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel learned that the US government had been tapping her cell phone conversations for six years.

Read Full Article (May-26-2014 01:20)

Memorial Day, Do At Least One Thing

Memorial Day is a day for giving thanks, and respect...

(NEWBURGH, Indiana) - memorial day Memorial Day is a time to remember the men and women who have died serving our country. This special day is not the only time we should remember them but the holiday underscores the importance of having a time to revere and respect people who are sacred to our country. They are our heroes who are buried across America. They left home to go to hostile places and laid down their lives for us.

Take a moment and visit the grave of someone who died representing us. When you go take just a few moments and give thanks for that person who will be one of many, many thousands who have made what we have in America possible.

Read Full Article (May-21-2014 07:52)

Veterans for Peace is Banned From Duluth`s Memorial Day Parade

“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.”-- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(DULUTH, MN) - For the first time in recent memory, the Duluth-area Vets for Peace Chapter 80 float has been banned from participating in Duluth’s Memorial Day parade.

The Northland Veterans Services Committee, which is the organizing committee that is planning this year’s Memorial Day parade has informed the local chapter of Vets for Peace that it will not be allowed to participate. The decision was recently announced over the phone to VFP Chapter 80 president Phil Anderson. The person on the phone simply said that the planning committee "didn't like us or our group”.

Read Full Article (May-20-2014 22:09)

Veterans Affairs Scandal Investigated

Veterans dying while they wait for a doctor is beyond the pale for Americans.

(MEDIA, PA) - American flag The VA has been caught with its pants down. VA Medical Centers all across the Country are under investigation, a scandal that should not have happened.

40 plus Veterans died while waiting up to 21 months to be seen by specialist doctors for various life threatening illnesses at the VAMC Phoenix, Arizona. More deaths are also reported at other VAMC’s nationwide.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley