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Salem-News.com (Jan-04-2012 22:02)

The Attack on our Seeds

Genetic engineering is an imperfect technology. It is a cell invasion technology through which inter-specie barrier is transcended.

(NEW DELHI) - India and Monsanto Once again, our seeds are under attack. Trans-national seeds companies like Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer are pushing GM seeds in India without proper biosafety assessment.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-04-2012 16:39)

The Land of the Chile Pilgrims

The chile pilgrims who come to Hatch every year get a glimpse of a rural society that has changed in many respects but still has passed on certain traditions.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Hatch water tower As the winter sky rehearsed a coming storm, noisy gulls out for cheap pickings swooped low over a McDonalds’ parking lot on the edge of New Mexico’s Elephant Butte Reservoir.

A half hour downriver in the village of Hatch, green and red Christmas decorations mimicked the colors that pump life into the community every year...

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Salem-News.com (Jan-03-2012 03:03)

Mysteries of Unseen Force: Racetrack Playa`s Sliding Rocks & River-Curved Rifles in France

Geophysics rendezvous with aerodynamics in Death Valley, possibly solving the 'traveling rock' mystery; while recovered war relics in France defy explanation...

(SALEM) - Mysterious Roving Rocks of Racetrack Playa. What elements of nature move solid objects with invisible force?

These questions and a possible answer to the first, are the nature of this article about seemingly unnatural occurrences, at least one of which, may not be such a mystery after all.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-02-2012 12:00)

Senate Declares US Bestial Military Dictatorship

For the Senate, in its infinite wisdom, not only has unleashed the military against dissidents – but also against household pets: Senate Repeals Bans on Sodomy and Bestiality in the Military

(SUNDANCE, Wyoming) - Sheep On December 31, 2011, Obama signed the NDAA, codifying into law for the first time in American history that the military can imprison citizens or non-citizens indefinitely, inside or outside the United States, without charges or trial. - ACLU

This obscene bill was the work of the US Senate.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-29-2011 13:51)

Vietnam-era chemical poison on US farms

America's farmlands are to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical if approved, in what is the latest example of how the US commits acts of war against humanity.

(WASHINGTON D.C. Press TV) - Salem-News.com Considered by world nations to be a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" (WMD), a key chemical in Agent Orange, 2, 4-D, may be dropped on US farmland in a few months time.

According to an article published on Tuesday, the US govt. may soon approve the petition of the Dow AgroSciences Chemical Company to unleash Agent Orange on agricultural land across the United States.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-27-2011 13:51)

The Biotech Industry Is Growing Bioweapons

Properly defined as bio-weapons, the public may be in a better position to stop the release of GMOs of all kinds.

(CHICAGO) - GMO corn The pharmaceutical industry (which is synonymous with the Biotech Industry) has, without public involvement or even awareness, created a situation in which people could be consuming "drugs" without realizing it. And people are already trapped into eating unlabeled, genetically engineered stuff that is not even food to begin with.

But the graver reality isn't mentioned. Though the pharmaceutical industry may say they are growing pharmaceutical crops, in reality they are growing genetically engineered diseases.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-23-2011 12:32)

Tell the EPA to Ban Glyphosate

Click "Take Action" to send a letter to the EPA that contains links to scientific research that is leading experts to believe glyphosate is even more dangerous than DDT.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Glyphosate The EPA is currently conducting a "Registration Review" of glyphosate. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide RoundUp. RoundUp is owned by Monsanto, recently named the worst company in the world by the Natural Society.

The EPA will be gathering data on glyphosate through the summer of 2012 and making a final decision no earlier than 2015.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-20-2011 23:08)

2012: The Year the Bankers and Corporations Intend to Take Over the US

If ever there was a need for loyal US police, national guard and military, and an aware population, it is now.

(NEW YORK) - slaves on money The US is on a schedule (video) to be ended as a constitutional country. Bush laid out 5 things that are to justify martial law here - the end of the Constitution. They are economic collapse, environmental disaster, civil unrest, an attack on the US and a pandemic emergency.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-16-2011 20:23)

Ron Paul: `I would like to restore your right to drink raw milk any time you want to!`

Congressman Rob Paul- a rock star in New Hampshire.

(SALEM) - Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Ron Paul is scoring big points with those who decry government control of food products by declaring an end to regulations on the sale of raw milk in the state of New Hampshire.

The Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate said, "The drug companies, the insurance companies, they are the big lobbyists and they promote things, and they would also prevent and would like to regulate all alternative care and vitamins and nutritional products and keep people from it."

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Salem-News.com (Dec-15-2011 20:16)

Top Foods for Cellular Health

In his first contribution for Salem-News.com, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD offers sound advice for health and wellness.

(SEBASTOPOL, Calif.) - Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD Your cells are your foundation for health. If your cells begin behaving or functioning abnormally, your foundation will begin to crumble, leaving you vulnerable to a wide range of health problems.

The body is incredibly resilient and efficient, but over time, a poor diet and lifestyle may weaken the health and vitality of your cells. The food you eat is also the food your cells consume, so by eating nutrient-dense food, you provide your cells with the support they need to keep your entire body healthy.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley