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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-19-2013 11:41)

Admiral Joe Sestak for U.S. Senate

Admiral Sestak always supported our veterans when he was in Congress, and we need him now in the U.S. Senate.

(MEDIA, PA) - Admiral Joe Sestak When Admiral Joe Sestak declared he would be running for the U.S. Senate this week, I was happy to hear it.

This is primarily because of one reason: he will take care of the veterans our Senators and Congressmen voted to send them to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (May-10-2013 00:18)

Amerasian Women Witnesses Baby Lift Crash in 1975, Suffers with Agent Orange Illnesses

Linda believes her health conditions are caused by the chemical defoliant the U.S. sprayed over Vietnam.

(LANGHORNE, PA) - Operation Babylift Mayday S06E05 - Operation Babylift, On 4 April 1975 Linda is an Amerasian woman, born in 1972 in Saigon, Vietnam.

The term Amerasian was coined to define Asian born children fathered by U.S. Military men, and has been used to describe children from Japan, Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines in an attempt to stop the negative term half-breed.

Read Full Article (May-09-2013 13:32)

Toxicity Found in Breast Milk of Mothers in Dioxin-Affected Areas

According to the researchers, newborns' heads in Bien Hoa City were bigger than in Da Nang; the babies who were born prematurely gained weight slowly.

(DONG NAI VNS) - Army personnels inspect an area for bombs and mines and treat dioxin pollution at Đà Nẵng Airport.—VNS File Photo During the war in Viet Nam, US troops stored more than 98,000 buckets of Agent Orange at Bien Hoa airbase in the southern province of Dong Nai.

After they overflowed several times, the contamination level far exceeded what regulations permitted.

Read Full Article (Apr-24-2013 12:03)

Did you say Rundown or Roundup?

Some serious thoughts on the ramifications of Scientology and Monsanto for Vietnam.

(HANOI) - Vietnam flag When I visited Vietnam for the first time in the early eighties, we were taken to a rehabilitation center that was located on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City.

There, drug addicts received a treatment that consisted of physical exercise, massage, and traditional medication.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2013 13:51)

Agent Orange Aboard the USS White Plains

What legacy do we leave behind for our children and grandchildren?

(MEDIA, PA) - Agent Orange Barrels Agent Orange herbicide being lifted off the deck of the USS White Plains (AFS-4) for delivery by an HC-3 helicopter during a 1970 deployment to Vietnam.

This is evidence that Blue Water Navy indeed carried and transported barrels of agent orange onboard US Navy commissioned ships to ports in Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2013 17:55)

Dying in Our Prime, No Answers for Children of Vietnam Vets

The VA denied my father’s service connected disability, and my birth defects are not recognized by the Veterans Administration.

(LANGHORNE, PA) - James Lange Please remember if you are a Vietnam Veteran, a wife of a Vietnam Veteran, or the child of a Vietnam Veteran, you are not alone.

There are thousands of us who have struggled for decades with illness, loss, and diminished quality of life due to the chemical defoliant Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2013 11:36)

Children of Vietnam Veterans: Their Voice Keeps Growing

COVVHA has also built a private support community for only children of Vietnam Veterans.

(WASHINGTON DC) - COVVA Children Of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, INC. (COVVHA), is an organization that was founded to address the specialized needs of the children and grand children of Vietnam Veterans.

This is a group that has been negatively affected by their parent's exposure to the herbicide, Agent Orange, during the Vietnam war.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2013 19:58)

US Government Released `Investigations into Allegations of Herbicide Orange on Okinawa, Japan`

The report also casts doubt on whether the Japanese Government honestly requested the US Government to carry out a thorough investigation with its aim of seeking the truth.

(OKINAWA) - Agent Orange in Okinawa At the request of journalists, on March 9, the US Government released a report “Investigations into Allegations of Herbicide Orange on Okinawa, Japan”.

It appears that the US Government wants to bring a closure to the issues of Agent Orange on Okinawa by providing the report, together with the Japanese Government.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2013 10:06)

Chemung County Continues Persecuting Sara and Gary Harvey

One of the ugliest stories in America.

(ELMIRA, NY - The Harvey's in happier times. It seems the tortured imprisonment of Gary Harvey in Chemung County New York, will never end.

Mr. Harvey who suffered a head injury as a result of a fall in his home seven years ago, has been a real cash cow for not only the hospital he is confined to, but also for numerous agencies, attorneys and predatory guardians.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2013 13:58)

Agent Orange Legacy In Washington D.C.

My mother and I have embarked on a journey as advocate for the rights of the children of Vietnam Veterans whose biological parent(s) were exposed to Agent Orange.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Agent Orange Legacy The children of Vietnam Veterans, who answered the call of duty, have been left without proper medical intervention. Some are dying, some are already dead.

Many of the children of Vietnam Veterans have lost their parent(s) due to exposure to Agent Orange which is laced with the toxic chemical, dioxin.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
