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About Agent Orange articles Page 2

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Help an American Who Served in Vietnam

I took the same danger... while bringing to the soldiers a welcomed visit from home.

(SALEM) - Lesli Moore Dahlke When I first met Lesli Moore Dahlke, I was duly impressed. Here is a Vietnam Veteran who didn't serve in the Marines, or the Army, but the USO.

She was bathed in Agent Orange, the chemical the USA used to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam; contaminated again, and again...

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2013 11:33)

Agent Orange - Heather Bowser Co-Founder of COVVHA Visits Japan

“Traveling Around the Globe Towards our Future” is the theme of the symposium.

(LANGHORNE, PA) - Heather Bowswer Heather Bowser, Co Founder of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance (COVVHA) will Visit Tokyo, Yokohama, and Okinawa Japan educating others about Agent Orange dioxin this month.

Peace Boat is a Japan-based international non-governmental and non-profit organization that works to promote peace, human rights, equal and sustainable development and respect for the environment. Heather Bowser was the Agent Orange guest international educator aboard the 77th Peace Boat voyage from Yokohama, Japan to Da Nang, Vietnam in 2012.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 18:51)

House Passes Gibson Bill to Help Blue Water Navy Vietnam Vets

Congressman Christopher Gibson (R, NY-19)) hopes his legislation, if also approved in the Senate and signed by the President, helps ease the burden somewhat.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Blue Water Navy The House of Representatives has passed a bill sponsored by Congressman Christopher Gibson (R, NY-19)) that would move the ability of Vietnam veterans who were assigned to ships off the coast and were afflicted with Agent Orange to receive benefits.

Military personnel who served on the ground and contracted the disease have been covered automatically, but those onboard ships off the coast of Vietnam have been required to list detailed specifics of how they contracted it, making it almost impossible to gain benefits.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2013 00:27)

Agent Orange Awareness Month, COVVHA Steps Up and Speaks Out

Children of Vietnam Veterans feel it’s their responsibility to speak out against Genetically Modified Foods manufactured and grown by a chemical company that has killed and sickened their fathers, and created havoc in their own lives.

(LANGHORNE, PA) - Children of Vietnam Vets October brings visions of cider, warm sweaters, shorter days and time with our families. The colors of foliage quickly turn to yellows, reds, and orange.

For people suffering the long lasting effects of the herbicide Agent Orange, which was sprayed as a part of Operation Ranch Hand during the Vietnam War, October is a yearly reminder of the need for continued Agent Orange education. October is Agent Orange Awareness Month.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2013 22:22)

Dusting Off the Government Mouthpiece for Agent Orange Denial

The Korean government spent 1 1/2 million dollars and did their own studies and testing when they discovered that the Department of Defense was fudging the test results.

(DETROIT) - Evidence of Agent Orange in Okinawa For years the Department of Defense and Col. Alvin Young have lied to the Vietnam veterans about Agent Orange. Because they cannot admit that they screwed up when they sign on with the (military contractor)) Monsanto Chemical Company to (WEAPONIZD) Dioxin better known as the rainbow herbicides.

Recently Col. Alvin Young was once again was dusted off and brought out by the Department of Defense to go on record in an article in the Stars & Stripes newspaper to try and explain away the discovery of the toxic landfill at the and chemical drums clearly marked and legible Dow Chemical Company Midland Michigan at the farmer Kadena US Air Force Base in Okinawa.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 13:14)

Paul Gets His VA Claim Approval Letter - HE WON!!

This 66-year old retired lieutenant colonel and former Army paratrooper had been on an emotional elevator since his claim was first denied by the Manchester NH VA office.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Monday was an emotional one for my dear friend Paul. His two-year quest for VA medical care and recognition of his Agent Orange exposure came to a satisfactory end.

He opened his mail and inside the big brown envelope found the stunning language...100% service connected and backdated to the date of his application.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 12:19)

Okinawa Dump Site May be Proof of Agent Orange: Experts

Dioxin spike raises fears of local health risks.

(OKINAWA) - Agent Orange barrel in Okinawa The recent discovery of 22 barrels buried on former U.S. military land in the city of Okinawa could be posing the same level of risks to local residents as dioxin hot spots in Vietnam where the American military stored toxic defoliants during the 1960s and 1970s, according to two leading Agent Orange specialists.

At least three of the barrels are labeled with markings from Dow Chemical Co. — one of the primary manufacturers of Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (Aug-03-2013 19:32)

Blue Water Navy Veterans Sue Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki for Failure to Grant Disability Benefits

The plight of the Blue Water Navy veterans has support in Congress.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Eric Shinseki In a suit filed in federal court in Washington DC, two veterans organizations have filed suit against the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki, for failing to provide benefits to a group of Vietnam War veterans who served aboard ship off the coast of Vietnam.

Over a hundred thousand of these Blue Water veterans were exposed to Agent Orange through their drinking water while providing gunfire support, air support and logistic support in the territorial seas off the coast of the republic of Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2013 14:23)

Children of Vietnam Veterans Bring Healthcare Issues to Forefront

Agent Orange Institute of Medicine Official COVVHA Testimony

(IRVINE, CA) - COVVA There is a renewed push for the Institute of Medicine to take seriously the claims made by the Children of Vietnam Veterans and their families about the birth defects and illnesses they are suffering from.

The adverse affects of the dioxin laden herbicide sprayed over the jungles of Vietnam, AKA Agent Orange, have been well known since the government first admitted in 1991 to cause illnesses in Vietnam Veterans.

Read Full Article (May-29-2013 22:22)

AGENT ORANGE MAN (Better Living Through Chemistry)

New song illustrates the frustrating plight of despair for those unfortunate enough to be poisoned by their own government during the Vietnam War.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - Agent Orange Man The song "AGENT ORANGE MAN (Better Living Through Chemistry)" is Recorded by Michael Gram (Former LHI Records Recording Artist).

It tells the story of the Chemical Poisoning of Military Veterans and the environment both in Vietnam and here in the United States of America.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
