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| Next Page (Feb-24-2014 10:41)

New Advertising Campaigns Warning About the False Paradises of Drug Evasión

Drugs, sex, terror and fanaticism spiral are not successful havens of escape.

(MADRID) - musica dance para que tu no la bailes According to the National Department of Traffic (DGS), about 23 % of drivers up to 30 years who died in a traffic accident had consumed drugs.

"Bad night . Tonight may be your turn " is the slogan of another FAD campaign, which seeks to educate the youth against the alkaloids that cause hallucination or distress and can lead to suicide.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2014 12:45)

Family Needs Strong Support from Advertisers

In the last decade there has been a spate of marital stability.

(MADRID) - Advertising continues to employ "the couple" (of children) in the campaigns. This is a breakdown of the marriage institution that aims to procreate, to have many children.

Recent campaigns that disseminate this misconception in Spain are: The insurance company "Ocaso", the carpet factory "Hamid" the cruises "Nautalia" and the constructor of chairs save-stairs "Thyssen Krupp".

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 12:24)

Breast Cancer is the Second Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

A team developed a public health study of women in the state of New Mexico , attended by 692 women with breast cancer. The study explored the differences in impact among non-Hispanic and Hispanic women.

(MADRID) - The Spanish Association Against Cancer - AECC - has launched an advertising campaign requesting assistance under the slogan The Spanish Association Against Cancer - AECC - has launched an advertising campaign requesting assistance under the slogan "With your help we will overcome cancer."

Previous investigations showed a trend of lower survival in breast cancer in Hispanic women affected by socioeconomic factors, as lack of means to reach the healthcare and screening scores.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2013 10:59)

Spanish Language Placed on Twitter After English and Chinese, Ahead of Japanese

Twitter acts as a social soundtrack for the TV, which is still the media king.

(MADRID) - twitter In the social network Twitter Spanish is the second most used language, just behind English Chinese, and ahead of Japanese.

The data has been provided by the director of the Instituto Cervantes, Victor Garcia de la Concha, at the headquarters of the Center for diffusion of a language spoken in the world by 495 million people and that has grown in the last decade by 800% in Internet, standing on third.

Read Full Article (Mar-04-2013 12:56)

Religious Persecution Kills 150,000 Christians Every Year

Christians are now "the largest religious group that suffers persecution of their faith", as Benedict XVI said.

(MADRID) - Persecuted Christians Aid to the Church in Need is a foundation of the Holy See, promoted by Pope Pius XII and initiated by P. Werenfried van Straaten in 1947.

Its purpose is to help the needy or suffering persecution church anywhere in the world. It has offices in 17 countries and projects in 140 developing countries.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2013 11:45)

Children`s Education and Professional Development

"The wonderful thing about childhood is that anything in it is wonderful," - Gilbert Keith Chesterton.

(MADRID) - Children in Spain For about half of the women between 30 and 44 years, having a child has significantly altered their lives, forcing a reduction in working hours, or a temporary or permanent cessation of work.

The existence of children alone does not explain the difficulty of reconciling work and family.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2013 13:13)

Humanity has Misplaced Happiness

"The truth will set you free." - Gospel of St. John (8:32)

(MADRID) -  Pierre Joseph Proudhon It is spreading, with great force, an ethic that considers valid a double standard for many areas of human existence.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2012 13:07)

Tribute to the Teachers

During the early period of life, the family and the teacher act as the main reference for the child.

(MADRID) - Kids in class The Spanish Foundation for Aid for Drug Addicts (FAD) has launched a new advertising campaign.

It highlights the important role played by the school teachers who, side by side with the families, are leading trainers in values.

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2012 01:39)

88% of Citizens` Support for Chapels at Public Universities

Public spaces belong to everybody and not just to the State...

(MADRID) - Spain public univ The newspaper El Pais started in Spain a campaign to open an outdated discussion, with the following question: Did you support chapels at public universities?

Many people answered and the result was that an overwhelming 88% said yes and 12% said no.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2012 15:10)

Hindus Condemn Demolition of Gypsy Settlement in Spain

"Instead of unleashing repression, Spain and Europe needed to work on social inclusion and rehabilitation of Roma communities" - Rajan Zed, Hindu Statesman

(RENO, NV) - Spanish gypsy settlement of Puerta de Hierro Hindus have condemned the reported recent demolishing of a Gypsy (Roma) settlement on the banks of the Manzanares River near Madrid.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada today, said that it was unfortunate and simply inhuman to thus devastate the lives of voiceless Gypsy families forcing many into homelessness...

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