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| Next Page (Feb-22-2014 10:47)

Eliminating Pre-Dispute Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts

While arbitration may be a faster, cheaper way to resolve a dispute, they are generally unfair to consumers because it eliminates the right to appeal and access to discovery, and arbitration clauses often prohibit class actions.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - arbitration Over the years, arbitration has become a take-it-or-leave contract provision in many consumer contracts.

And available evidence suggests that the arbitration playing field has tilted against consumers.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 17:16)

New Website Launched for JUDI IRANYI PHOTOGRAPHY

Three of my life passions are traveling, literature, and photography. This has allowed me to broaden my view of the world and appreciate different cultures. I want my photographs to resonate with viewers in this way.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Judi Iranyi I recently launched my website -- JUDI IRANYI PHOTOGRAPHY. I hope everyone will enjoy looking at it; I encourage everyone to share the link with your friends who are interested in photography.

For the past 46 years, I have been seeking simplicity, directness, and purity in my photographs by attempting to capture the dignity and substance of ordinary people in their natural environment.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2013 14:06)

Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 Crashes at San Francisco Airport

The plane, reportedly a Boeing 777, was coming from South Korea, according to flight tracking information.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Plane crash at SF airport A plane crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport Saturday morning after its tail came off while it was touching down on the runway.

According to a witness, around 11:20 a.m. the plane was just about to land -- its landing gear had come down -- when the tail of the plane came off. After wobbling for a minute, the aircraft flipped upside down, coming to a stop on runway on it's back.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2013 11:20)

Tim King Discusses Song Featured at San Francisco Pride Parade

Tim King and Agron Belica say, "Leave Those Babies Alone"!

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Tim King of Tim King of introduces the Bay Area Intactivists where Agron Belica's brilliant and powerful song "Say No To Circumcision, Leave Those Babies Alone" helped rock 1.2 million + people at the San Fransisco Pride Parade this past weekend.

The Bay Area Intactivists are beautiful people pouring their hearts and souls into spreading awareness to the "many" misconceptions of routine infant circumcision!

Read Full Article (Jun-23-2013 20:41)

Intactivists Contingent in San Francisco Pride Parade

This year's event will feature the song, "Leave Those Babies Alone" by Ace, from the Newsic Revolution album.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Anti circumcision parade Members of Bay Area Intactivists will march in the San Francisco Pride parade to raise awareness of the human right to genital integrity.

Bay Area Intactivist Jonathon Conte said, "We welcome all who wish to put an end to infant circumcision and other forms of forced genital cutting to join us as we carry signs and hand out goodies. More details about this event will be posted here in the future."

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2012 13:37)

Chevron`s Richmond Refinery Fire: Another Case of Environmental and Community Destruction

Chevron was the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in California in 2009.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Photo courtesy of Occupy Oakland Chevron's Richmond Refinery -- the company's second largest refinery -- recently spewed toxic smoke over Richmond and San Pablo, California.

It sent more than 14,000 people in the East Bay to medical facilities with smoke-related complaints.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2011 15:29)


The documentary provides perspectives from experts who helped shape the cell phone industry.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Steve Wozniak Disconnect is a documentary that exposes the truth behind the negative health effects of cell phones. Globally, 5 billion people own mobile devices but few know the potential harm they are causing.

Through extensive research and interviews with the world’s leading doctors, scientists, politicians, activists, and victims; Disconnect traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted public health.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2011 13:40)

New Ads on BART, Muni, and Cable Cars Call for End to US Military Aid to Israel

Commuters in Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco stations will see Israeli and Palestinian grandfathers urging aid cut-off for the sake of peace and justice.

(BERKELEY, Calif.) - Ads in the Bay Area take stand against Israel's military Eye-catching ads calling for an end to United States military aid to Israel will greet travelers on Bay Area transit systems beginning today.

Part of a year-old national campaign, the ads depict Israeli and Palestinian grandfathers, each holding a grandchild, calling for an end to the military assistance in the interest of building "peace with equality and justice."

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2011 14:17)

Rites of the Parents Against Rights of the Child; Circumcision, a Misdemeanor or a Crime?

Starting from a children judge point of view.

(PARIS, France) - Statue of Liberty This article had been written in support of the defenders of the child promoting the 2011 November ballot in San Francisco.

Learning Judge Georgi's decision quashing this ballot, we didn't change a line in it but we must say that if that decision is maintained, San Francisco, the USA and the world will lose much more.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2011 16:56)

Obama Silicon Valley Visit Neglects Suffering Communities

Communities Hit Hardest by Budget Cuts, Foreclosure Crisis Not on Itinerary.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - President Barack Obama President Obama is making a mistake if his visit to the Bay Area ignores the California communities suffering most from the recession.

Policy experts at The Greenlining Institute said today, “It’s disturbing that the president’s visit seems to be devoted only to schmoozing wealthy tech moguls while ignoring the communities that are suffering most.”

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley