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| Next Page (Jun-27-2013 17:35)

Please Help Defeat Anti-Iran Bills in Rhode Island

If you live in RI and are willing to send a short email in opposition to bills 521A and 5620, here is a list of email addresses for the members of House Finance Committee and Speaker Fox. You can copy the list into the “To” line or the “Bcc” line.

(RICHMOND, RI) - Rhode Island The RI House Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on two anti-Iran bills (521 Sub A and 5620) tomorrow, June 28. They would establish Rhode Island sanctions on Iran.

For the latest on the bills (including their texts) go to On the line labeled “bills” type 521,5620 and click on the word “Enter”.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2013 16:27)

Anti-Iran Bill 521 in RI Senate Committee

The committee has not voted. So letters and calls to committee members would be most relevant.

(PROVIDENCE, RI) - Rhode Island state capital Yesterday's Senate Finance committee hearing on bill 521 was scary. There was no attempt to hide the fact that 521 is an Israeli bill.

They had scheduled the hearing so that a certain high Israeli official could be there to testify.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2013 12:20)

Tell Me Again Why Same-Sex Marriage is Bad

Rod's statement to the RI Senate Judiciary Committee from March 21.

(RICHMOND, RI) - State capitol at Providence I’ve heard many reasons why same-sex marriage is bad – and I’m still confused.

The bible itself contradicts the argument that God required marriage to be “between one man and one woman.” Many men in the bible had multiple wives. Solomon held the record with 700 wives and 300 concubines. God offered to give David more wives if the ones he had were insufficient.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2012 15:18)

Is Sen. Whitehouse Really that Uninformed?

It is sad when policy makers live by the light of illusion.

(PROVIDENCE, RI) - Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. <br>Photo courtesy: Business Insider On Thursday Carole and I went to Providence for the taping of the WJAR debate for candidates for RI’s 2nd congressional district.

It was broadcast Friday on WJAR in RI. Our friend Abel Collins, the independent candidate, gave a fine closing statement.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2012 17:52)

Rhode Island Decriminalizes Possession of Marijuana

Gov. Chafee Signs Bill Making Rhode Island the 15th State to Remove Criminal Penalties for Small Amounts of Marijuana.

(PROVIDENCE, RI) - Rhode Island Today, Gov. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island signed legislation that will reduce the penalty for possession of marijuana to a $150 civil fine for most offenses.

Last week, the Rhode Island General Assembly voted in support of the two identical bills that will make possession of up to an ounce of marijuana a civil infraction...

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2012 17:08)

Ask Cicilline Why our Tax Dollars are Going to Israel

Congressman Cicilline needs to explain giving your money away.

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Congressman David Cicilline Photo courtesy: Congressman Cicilline owes an explanation to Rhode Island taxpayers.

While most of our larger cities contemplate bankruptcy, and citizens suffer the brunt of budget cuts, higher taxes, and slashed social programs, the congressman is lavishly giving your money away to a foreign country.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2012 11:37)

Help the Family of a Rhode Island National Guard Hero

“Actions speak louder than words”

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Dennis Weichel Here is the letter I just wrote to the two Senators and the Governor of Rhode Island. If you can send a similar letter in behalf of the family this young man left behind, I would personally appreciate it. Thanks.

Here are the addresses you would need if you can find it in your heart to dedicate the time it takes to write those letters.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2012 03:51)

Dennis Weichel Reminds Us Who Americans Really Are

Dennis Weichel's heroic death brings us the other side of the story in Afghanistan.

(SALEM) - Father of three Dennis Weichel gave his life saving a child The story of Rhode Island soldier Dennis Weichel makes it easy to remember why I left Afghanistan in 2007 thinking that a lot of good Americans were engaged in that conflict.

They were there then and they are there now, as this father of three who gave his life to save an Afghan child, showed us.

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2012 17:03)

RI primary Apr. 24 and a `drop-dead` deadline Wednesday, Jan. 25

I can’t believe my friends want four more years of Barack Obama.

(RICHMOND, R.I.) - U.S. Pres. Barack Obama Barack Obama escalated the war against Afghanistan. He started or continued wars in Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Colombia and… without congressional approval. He has kept U.S. military forces and military bases in countries around the world.

Obama has established the “authority” of the President to order assassinations without trial – even of American citizens.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2011 15:13)

Recently the Constitution took a severe beating in Congress as part of the `war on terror`

I can’t imagine John Chafee or Lincoln Chafee casting votes like these. Sadly, in 2006 Rhode Islanders replaced Senator Lincoln Chafee with Sheldon Whitehouse.

(RICHMOND, R.I.) - Constitution The Senate approved the indefinite military incarceration of suspected American citizens. No evidence, charges, trial or other aspects of due process would be required.

You might be suspected of being an “insurgent” depending on your ancestry or your physical appearance. (Recall the shameful incarceration of Japanese Americans in World War II.)

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