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Voice of OC: District Attorney Investigator Drops by Santa Ana City Hall

A Voice of OC reporter was in the lobby of the top-floor administrative office when investigator Paul Litchenberg walked in...

(SANTA ANA) - Santa Ana city hall An investigator with the Orange County District Attorney's Office dropped by Santa Ana City Hall Monday to retrieve a bundle of documents from the city clerk.

These included meeting minutes and a contract with a towing company that has done business with Mayor Miguel Pulido and his family.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2013 18:14)`s Roger E. Bütow Joins Hydrologix®

"I’m joining Team Hydrologix because I profoundly believe that this corporation is composed of a caring and responsible staff that will make a difference for the industry both now and in the future" - Roger E. Bütow

(ORANGE COUNTY, Ca) - Hydrologix logo Today, we’re pleased to announce that Roger E. Bütow has joined our team.

Roger will serve as an advisor addressing regulatory agency compliance issues for clients. Here are his thoughts about coming aboard Team Hydrologix®

Read Full Article (Sep-21-2011 23:51)

Opening the Floodgates of Justice in Fullerton... Slightly

'Second-degree" Murder for one officer and a lesser charge for a second in beating death... four still on the street.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Fullerton Police Officer Manuel Ramos and Cpl. Jay CicinelliThe officers from Fullerton Police charged in the death of 37-year old Kelly Thomas The gang-like police officer beating death of 37-year old Kelly Thomas, who cried out for mercy, and for his father as Fullerton cops savagely struck and shocked him into a mortally injured state that led to his death five days later, is a terrible reality for the citizens of this city to bear.

Mr. Thomas suffered from schizophrenia. I'm sure we all know somebody who suffers from mental health issues, it is the hand some people are dealt.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2011 02:00)

5 of 6 Fullerton Cops who Murdered Homeless Man Gang Style Still Working

Orange County is known for its high levels of corruption as we all know, but cops working after doing this to a man...

(FULLERTON, Calif.) - Kelly Thomas Having grown up in Southern California, I have always been well aware of the brutality police officers are capable of.

There are many evil horrendous cases of unaddressed police abuse in this country, but some, like the case of Kelly Thomas, the schizophrenic man recently tortured and beaten to death in Fullerton, California remind us that this police abuse is taking place right under our nose.

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2011 14:44)

`We the People,` In Order to Form a More Perfect Union….

We require immediate action to assure our continued safety and security against what appears to me to be a federal government that is in the hands of a foreign power.

(FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif.) - Sandra Hutchens Dear Sheriff Hutchens: It is with a heavy heart I write you today. I am greatly disturbed by the recent turn of events where Mr. Obama, acting upon his own, without any known provocation and without consulting or seeking the approval of Congress, launched an unlawful and unconstitutional invasion against the country of Libya.

In the weeks that have followed, from what I can determine, no one as yet has a clear understanding of the reasons behind this action.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2010 03:09)

Water Quality: An Exploration of the Myths, Lies and Misperceptions
Part I of a Two Part Series

“All is water.”
Thales of Miletus, Father of Western Philosophy

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Water contaminants This is going to be a two part series, so sit down, buckle up and get good and depressed! It’s about some disturbing technical aspects the public knows little about, concerns I’d like to share, and some unpleasant things I’ve learned about the world of water on my (now) 13-year journey.

Hope your food is settled.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2010 03:20)

Protecting Native Endangered Species Keeps California Beautiful
Southern Steelhead Trout

"What is now proved was once imagined."
— William Blake
"The truth is more important than the facts."
— Frank Lloyd Wright
"Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."- Mark Twain (attributed)

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Fish in Aliso Creek Drought cycles that result in fresh water resource depletions, combined with increasing subterranean aquifer drafting down, renew the century-old battle in California to find a sustainable balance of protected wilderness and increased human population demands in my home state.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2010 15:30)

`Spiritual Warrior` James A. Ray Charged With 3 Counts of Manslaughter

How The hopes and expectations Of Spiritual Materialism are shaping many lives.

(LAGUNA BEACH) - James A. Ray "Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." John 8:31-32

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2010 21:42)

How To Build An Environmental Activist

PART III (Conclusion)

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Aliso Beach in South Laguna As I mentioned in Part II, after attending dozens of USACE and EPA-sponsored watershed workshops from late 1998 through early 2004, after traveling to several additional restoration conferences facilitated by professionals, the experts said that Aliso was toast, hopeless, could never get restored to health, hence never get funded.

The County of Orange, the entity that broke it, wouldn’t pay to fix it.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2010 21:25)

How To Build An Environmental Activist

PART II in a continuing series.

(LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.) - Aliso Creek photo by John Krill of Laguna Beach In October of 1999, after the TV and newspaper media began responding to our demand requiring the County to close this beach completely for recreation, the newly-formed consortium (Clean Water Now! Coalition) confronted Laguna Beach City Council requesting they take a more aggressive stance and litigate upstream polluters to protect our residents.

The Council blinked and the CWN!C co-hosted what was the first municipal meeting for this issue on November 9th, a greatly publicized and media saturated workshop with local ocean pollution as the sole topic.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley