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| Next Page (Jan-31-2013 22:36)

The Whitewashing of Bobby Jindal

A likely presidential contender in 2016, Jindal played his card as a person of color.

(PRINCETON, NJ) - Governor Bobby Jindal As a "rebuttal" to President Obama's inaugural address, Bobby Jindal, the Indian-American governor of Louisiana, delivered last week before the Republican National Committee what I consider a misleading and somewhat controversial address.

A likely presidential contender in 2016, Jindal played his card as a person of color. Referring to the string of offensive remarks and gaffes made by Republicans against women, minorities and the middle class, Jindal declared: "We've got to stop being the stupid party".

Read Full Article (Jul-27-2012 13:30)

American Federation for Children Condemns Teachers Union Bullying of Louisiana Schools

As low-income families access scholarships, threat from union lawyers aims to hurt thousands of families statewide.

(BATON ROUGE, LA) - Louisiana schoolchild A law firm retained by the Louisiana Association of Educators union threatened to initiate litigation against individual schools if they do not pledge to cease participation in a Student Scholarships program.

This, when a judge ruled two weeks ago to dismiss the union's attempt to get an injunction.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2012 15:36)

Environmental Coalition, Louisiana Truth, Says Attacks on Louisiana Landowners by Oil and Gas Industry Lack Facts

A recent study by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources confirmed that when “legacy lawsuits” are filed, these cases are decided strictly on the basis of objective scientific evidence.

(BATON ROUGE) - Louisiana Truth Louisiana landowners, who lease their lands to oil and gas companies to support the continued exploration and production of these resources in Louisiana say they are being unfairly attacked.

Representing 16 citizen groups, says the state's legislature should be deeply concerned about what they call irrational claims.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2012 11:32)

What do Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Occupy Wall Street, and Buddy Roemer, have in common?

Roemer, a former governor and member of congress, has ideas that are such a departure from the status quo you will not be allowed to hear them.

(JAMESTOWN, R.I.) - Buddy Roemer Who is Buddy Roemer? He is an unknown candidate for President, whose voice and ideas you are not allowed to hear.

All of the above represent refreshingly new and very different ideas about the problems of the US political system, but their ideas represent a threat to the political status Que.

Read Full Article (Oct-20-2011 03:31)

Marines Described Alleged JFK Assassin Oswald as `A rather poor shot`

Alleged assassin's former girlfriend, Judyth Vary Baker, sheds light on one very misunderstood man.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Lee Harvey Oswald and Judyth Vary Baker No American story in modern history has more importance than the tragic assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. It represents a pivotal moment in the development of the character and nature of the United States.

Author Judyth Vary Baker, the former girlfriend of Lee Harvey Oswald, says JFK's loss set into motion a pattern of corruption that is only now, in 2011, being addressed by the Occupy Wall Street movement

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2011 23:56)

Evidence Emerges that BP Gulf Disaster Not Over

New reports of fissures and oil leaks are routinely being suppressed.

(CHICAGO) - Deep under the Gulf of Mexico, beyond the light, beyond the waves, beyond most humans' sight, dark death lingers.

When the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster occurred the world's attention became riveted on the spectacle of horror and disaster that terrorized Gulf residents, sent the media into a frenzy, and galvanized environmentalists around the globe.

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2010 14:12)

`Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond`

The Louisiana State Museum opens riveting exhibit; a $7.5 million permanent installation mixing dramatic personal stories; moving artifacts and multi-media.

(NEW ORLEANS) - Hurricane Katrina Museum Riding a wave of interest building this storm season, the Louisiana State Museum officially opened its new exhibit on living with hurricanes.

Dozens of VIPs, including the director of the National Hurricane Center Bill Read, gathered in the French Quarter to unveil the $7.5 million, 6,700-square-foot installation Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond. It documents the Gulf Coast’s devastation and rebirth.

Read Full Article (Sep-06-2010 07:47)

Hurricane Katrina Survival:
The Fred Holley Story *Documentary

The process to restore all that nature swept away has been painfully slow.

(GULFPORT, Miss.) - Hurricane Katrina damage There was a night when Hurricane Katrina Survivor Fred Holley, a Vietnam Veteran, wondered if he would ever feed the seagulls along the Gulf Coast again.

I met this man one year after the tragic event, while enroute to cover the war in Afghanistan. He toured me through the devastation of his homeland.

Read Full Article (Sep-06-2010 07:31)

Hurricane of Inhumanity: Five Years after Katrina

Witness accounts show that there was almost a sense of official contempt for the people of New Orleans that often went beyond criminal negligence.

(LONDON) - Rebel Frequencies Five years after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans – a natural disaster with unnatural responses – led to the death of an estimated 1,800 people and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of others, the lesson has not yet been learned.

While US President Barack Obama acknowledged that the disaster was "a man-made catastrophe – a shameful breakdown in government that left countless men, women and children abandoned and alone" – he still missed the point, not only in New Orleans, but also in earthquake-wrecked Haiti and flood-hit Pakistan.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2010 00:39)

BP Gulf Oil Spill`s Walking Dead

"And I think the media now has to...tell the American people who’s getting money for poisoning the millions of people in the Gulf." - Hugh Kaufman, senior EPA analyst, admits millions have been poisoned in the Gulf states.

(CHICAGO) - NASA image of gulf oil spill A biochemical bomb went off in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010--as dangerous and destructive as a nuclear blast.

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