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About Louisiana articles Page 2

Page one | (Jul-19-2010 14:30)

Many Gulf Spill Cleanup Efforts Ineffective and Harming, not Helping Birds

New Report and Recommendations Issued Today by American Bird Conservancy.

(WASHINGTON D..C.) - Brown pelican A new report shows how some of BP’s oil spill cleanup efforts are actually causing harm to birds and their habitats rather than helping them, that cleanup vessels are inadequate and operating in the wrong locations, and that deployed boom has failed to protect some important bird colonies from oil.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2010 23:14)

DHH Partially Closes Additional Oyster Harvesting Areas Due to Oil Spill

Officials continue aggressive testing.

(BATON ROUGE) - Oyster bed closure area map Louisiana 2-6-10 The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals announced today the partial closures of oyster harvesting areas 17, 19 and 21 in response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2010 00:38)

Louisiana Governor Meets with Vice President, Calling For Greater Sense of Urgency from Feds

Louisiana's National Guard are continuing installing 8.5 miles of Hesco barrier on the shoreline of Cameron Parish.

(KENNER, La.) - Wednesday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal met with Vice President Joe Biden to call for a greater sense of urgency from the federal government in the war to protect Louisiana’s coastline from the oil spill.

Read Full Article (Jun-05-2010 15:34)

Don`t Forget the Rabbits

It’s long past the time for Americans to get with the program and live as if they share the planet with others.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - The European rabbit in Australia In my last story on the Gulf disaster, I mentioned the unexpected consequences of Thomas Astin releasing 24 non-native rabbits onto in his land in Australia.

Read Full Article (May-19-2010 02:21)

New Orleans Five Years About After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

About 1,836 people died in Hurricane Katrina.

(NEW ORLEANS) - Katrina survivors My wife and I visited New Orleans last month. While there, we toured some of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, and Hurricane Rita in September 2005.

Taking a guided tour left us feeling somewhat like a voyeur viewing human suffering. Yet, we were assured that New Orleans folk do not want America to let the horror of Katrina fade away.

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2008 09:37)

Hauntings Include Restless Ghosts, Chilling Sounds and Vampires

New Orleans, not surprisingly, has its share of local lore.

(SALEM, Ore.) - LaLaurie House. Photo by Schellene Clendenin  In a city that attracts crowds for Mardi Gras celebrations and blues festivals, beautiful architecture and fine cuisine, New Orleans is, in some circles, even more famous for its established inhabitants.

It's a shame they're all dead.

Many bars and shops boast of their ghostly inhabitants. Even La Petite Theatre du Vieux Carre is known for strange happenings and the eerie ghost Caroline. Reports say that Caroline was an actress at the theatre in the 1920s.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley