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| Next Page (Jul-28-2011 02:41)

Cholera Hits Haiti again; Medical Teams International Mobilizes Volunteers

Since last year, more than 5,000 people have died from cholera in Haiti.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Haiti child Cholera has resurged in Haiti, with more than 1,000 people affected in the past month.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2011 15:47)

In the Rockets Red Glare - An Independent American

I have carried no hatred, bitterness or negative energy into this battle. I do not believe it would have changed the outcome. It would only have changed the outcome of β€œme.”

(LOS ANGELES) - Rocket attack in Saigon, 1967. This July, Americans celebrate Independence Day. It is the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

It's a day of picnics, patriotic parades, ball games, a night of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to proudly fly the American flag. A day we celebrate the rights of all Americans, and the protection we share under our constitution.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2011 14:59)

E.coli and Radiation - Surprise! Surprise!

Irradiation of food would consolidate control of food by the corporations and would be the end of fresh and organic and local food.

(LONDON) - E Coli That European e.coli may have been genetically engineered. But there is no question it is doing what serves the interests of industrial agriculture and the food industry.

It has created a rationale ("whether real or promulgated") government officials to come forward on behalf of corporate interests with a "solution" that fresh food be irradiated.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2011 04:03)

New Film on Dr. Burzynski Cancer Treatment Free This Weekend Online

New film about cancer treatment could be the most important thing you ever watch.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Writer/director/producer Eric Merola If there is one piece of information that I would like to be able to get in front of all Americans in one fell swoop, it is the story of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and his non-toxic, cancer treatment program.

This weekend the new film will be available to watch for free for a limited time.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2011 22:26)

Laura Jo Hofsess: a Burzynski Patient`s story

From "three weeks left to live" to perfect health; never say miracles aren't true.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Larry and Laura Jo Hofsess outside of the Burzynski Clinic I was a healthy, active 57-year old when I began having difficulty opening doors, or checking the time on my cell phone.

Read Full Article (May-02-2011 01:22)

Are Vaccines Obsolete?

Autism and vaccines, a surprising connection.

(LONDON) - Girl receiving vaccine In the article, 'Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review,' Helen Ratajczak, surprisingly herself a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm, did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do.

She reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943; all of it.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2011 18:04)

60 Lab Studies Confirm Cancer Link to Polio Vaccine

A peer-reviewed, published study claimed that SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus had contaminated the vaccine as long ago as 1953.

(CHICAGO) - Maurice Hilleman Dr. Maurice Hilleman was a very angry man, and if his 2002 allegations are true he had every right to be.

Hilleman made mind-numbing allegations during an in-depth PBS television interview; alleging that giant pharmaceutical company Merck produced and distributed dangerous vaccines containing deadly viruses that have infected millions of people.

Read Full Article (Nov-20-2010 21:44)

A Loss of Innocence: My Story

From USO Tour girl in Vietnam to cancer patient; Agent Orange strikes a cross section of people...

(LOS ANGELES) - Lesli Moore Dahlke Recently, totally by accident β€” as I surfed the net for something β€” as I often do, I found out some information that has turned my world up side down and devastated me.

This revelation has shaken me to my core and has left me with a great sense of loss and betrayal.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2010 09:48)

Cambridge Laboratory Discovers Cure for the Common Cold

Clinical trials could begin in as little as two years.

(CHICAGO) - Common cold An age-old dream of the human race may have finally been realized. Painstaking research conducted by brilliant researchers at the Cambridge Laboratory of Molecular Biology proved that the body's own immune system has the ability to destroy the cold virus within human cells.

Thought by most medical researchers to be highly unlikely, the scientific investigation revealed that indeed, the body can kill the virus responsible for causing millions to suffer every year.

Read Full Article (Nov-06-2010 13:02)

Medical Teams International Mobilizes Medical Volunteers to Battle Spreading Cholera

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Cholera in Haiti Hurricane Tomas dumped several inches of rain on Haiti. "Haiti is under water," reported Ted Steinhauer, Medical Teams International country director.

The resulting flooding is spreading cholera in areas in northwest Haiti once thought to be under control. Officials reported 550 new cases of cholera.

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