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Shannon Tavares (In Memorial) The Lion King

Shannon's contributions in this lifetime were amazing.

(CLEVELAND) - Shannon Tavares Broadway Actress Shannon Tavares, who performed in “The Lion King”, who was 11-years old, died Monday after losing a battle with leukemia. The news was confirmed by her family Monday.

After experiencing lower back and leg pain, Shannon was diagnosed last April with acute myeloid leukemia, which is also known as AML.

Read Full Article (Oct-22-2010 17:54)

Medical Teams International Responds to Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

Our staff in Haiti are working hard to care for those who are sick and to prevent the transmission of this deadly disease to others.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Cholera outbreak in Haiti Medical Teams International is rushing emergency shipments of cholera kits today to help save lives in Haiti, where more than 150 people have already died in the cholera outbreak.

A medical team of eight nurses from Washington State, assembled by North Shore Baptist Church, Bothell, Wash., is leaving today to join other volunteer medical workers on the scene.

Read Full Article (Aug-09-2010 02:11)

Camp Lejeune`s Sickness and Unexpected Déjà Vu

The people who fight this battle every day are ill veterans and family members. They have no champion, no General, no Admiral.

(ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.) - Camp Lejeune “Kidney Cancer – first dad now mom” was the title of the first posting I saw on the Discussion Board of the website “The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten”.

The details of the posting made my heart sink into my boots. Once again, a new member had joined the discussion, looking for information and help. Once again, the story was tragic beyond belief. All as a result of exposure to contamination at Camp Lejeune.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2010 18:11)

Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation: Drug Reaction, not Skin Disease, Killed Manute Bol

The non-profit organization dedicated to spreading awarness of Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and providing support to the families of SJS patients warns of rampant misinformation in the media coverage of Manute Bol's death.

(DENVER, Colo. ) - Manute Bol For many, the passing of humanitarian and legendary basketball player Manute Bol was the first time they had heard of Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS).

For others, it was a reminder of the daily challenges they must overcome due to their personal experience with this adverse drug reaction.

Read Full Article (Jun-18-2010 16:57)

Camp Lejeune Informational Meetings

The next meeting will be Saturday, July 10th in Roanoke, Virginia. Partian said they will need at least 100 people to hold the meeting.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, NC) - Jerry Ensminger, Mike Gros & Jeff Byron being sworn in at Congressional Hearing in June 2007 Veterans and dependents are holding a series of informational meetings to spread the word to others on Camp Lejeune’s water well contamination.

The Marine base’s water system was contaminated with organic solvents; exposure to organic solvents has been linked to cancer and other serious diseases.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2010 18:46)

PTSD & Alcoholism in a Real American WWII War Hero
Arthur `Dutch` Schultz, 82nd Airborne 505 PIR

The life challenges of a soldier.

(PHILADELPHIA) - Arthur 'Dutch' Schultz "HUT - TWO - three - four. Hut - two - three - four." The cadence of my childhood.

Echoing footsteps on the wooden floors. Memories of a spindly, pale child with purplish under-eye circles marching behind her athletic, paratrooper dad. Up and down the narrow Philadelphia rowhouse steps, past the shoebox-sized bedrooms, the stark no-sink bathroom, and the musty coal bin, the 6-year-old girl's mission was to not give up - just like Dad.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2010 12:46)

Army Lynch Mob Meeting at Officer Club Bar: Oregonian Exposes Medical Torture

A story about why Americans should not join the military.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Madigan Army Medical Center When I see a spade, I call it a spade. Finally the Oregonian prints a story by Julie Sullivan telling it right. They have done this very rarely in the past ten years.

Their headline Thursday, June 10, 2010, hits the nail right on the thumb, Oregon Guard Soldier’s Use of Medical Marijuana Runs Into Army’s Drug Abuse Policy.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2010 05:18)

PTSD, PTSD, PTSD, Continued: Battle Veterans Cruel Deadly Plague: Alcoholism is the Result

The VA is still not taking proper care of any PTSD Vets of all wars. Alcoholism is killing hundreds of thousands because VA drugs have bad side effects and are not tolerable.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Man with drink I had heard of SHELL SHOCK and BATTLE FATIGUE which are “waste basket diagnoses” even before I went into the WWII Army.

In 1943, I even read that there were about 15% “”Battle Neurosis” casualties in America’s invasion of N. Africa. The Army even sent a medical doctor Brigadier General to N. Africa to investigate...

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2010 07:08)

Only a Fool Would Let Their Kid Play in Irvine`s `Great Park`

Our Environmental Writer Roger Butow describes the conditions at our old base; MCAS El Toro, as "Toxic Soup de jour".

(IRVINE, Calif.) -'s Tim King interviewing Environmental Writer Roger Butow at their old base, MCAS El Toro in the city of Irvine, in Orange County, California. I can't believe we're still talking about this, and that somehow, some way, the city of Irvine is still trying to place a kids park atop one of the deadliest and most contaminated military bases in the world.

In the past, El Toro was used to kill... I mean, facilitate aviation Marines, like myself and Roger Butow, featured in the interview below.

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2010 02:08)

PTSD in World War II Vets: Direct Relation to Alcoholism & Drug Abuse

The alcoholism rate of Veterans is at least twice that of non-Veterans, the relative risks are appalling...

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - WWII Veteran There has been a lot of Bull Roar that WWII Vets do not/did not have PTSD as did Vietnam and Middle East Vets. I say Bull Roar. We WWII Vets got it too. In a previous article, I wrote that a WWII Ranger still had it 64 years later.

I can say the same about myself. I still have it and I don’t believe it will ever go away despite what some of the pseudo psychiatrists at the VA have been bleating, for instance “You’ll get over it in a few months. Take these Valiums”.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley
