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Cuba Uncensored

Answers to some very pointed questions about Cuba

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Cuba This evening, February 9, 2015, a handful of visitors from the land to the north asked an assistant professor of philosophy about his studies and his teaching experiences here in Cuba.

One of our group made the mistake of asking whether this philosopher thought of Fidel as a philosopher. The result was an almost Fidel-length response that had little to do with philosophy and everything to do with criticizing the president.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 10:16)

Sri Lanka Gov. `War Criminal` Promoted by Cuba`s Prensa Latina

Upwards to 100,000 Tamils were killed in this civil war; some 40,000 in its final few weeks. There are as many dead, disappeared and in exile as the two million remaining in Sri Lanka.

(Cuba HAVANA TIMES) - Sri Lanka Foreign Minister G. I. Peiris. Foto: PL “Sri Lanka is fully able to undertake the tasks set out by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) and to guarantee the rights of its citizens”, Foreign Minister G. I. Peiris told Prensa Latina in an interview this year.

The LLRC is a commission appointed by the Sinhalese Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to look into any possible wrong doing that government forces are accused of having committed in the last months of the civil war between it and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Read Full Article (Jul-07-2013 21:07)

July 26: Cuba`s Revolution, Morality, and Solidarity with Tamils

True solidarity activists have no choice. We must stand by any people under attack by aggressors wherever in the world.

(COPENHAGEN) - Fidel and Che Sixty years ago, on July 26, 1953, 160 Cuban rebels attacked the Moncada Barracks near Santiago de Cuba.

Had the rebels been able to take the fort manned by 1,000 troops—a good possibility—it would have started a revolution that might well have defeated the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista within a short time.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2012 15:25)

Democrats Make Sure Gitmo Stays Open

Oregon's Ron Wyden did not vote in favor of keeping 'Gitmo' open.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Gitmo in Cuba President Barack Obama signed an order in 2009 to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility would be shut down within the year.

The nominally Democratic (but far right in fact) Senate voted 51-45-5 to prevent closing of the illegal Guantánamo prison in Cuba.

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2012 03:04)

Cuba: Detained Human Rights Defender Mr Antonio González Rodiles Charged with Resistance to Authority

Mr. González Rodiles is only one such human rights defender and activist who has been targeted by this government

(SALEM) - Antonio González Rodiles Five days ago, the family of noted Cuban human rights defender Mr Antonio González Rodiles, learned that he is being charged with resistance to authority.

He was arrested in Havana in a wave of police beatings and arrests of human rights defenders on 7 and 8 November 2012.

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2012 03:18)

Sri Lanka to be Tried for Genocide Against Tamils: How Will Cuba and its Allies Respond?

Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal was initiated in 1979 by the left socialist and anti-fascist resistance fighter Senator Lelie Basso.

(HAVANA TIMES) - Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal was initiated in 1979 by the left socialist and anti-fascist resistance fighter Senator Lelie Basso. An unprecedented move by internationalists and activists for human rights and justice, one that could inspire controversy among left oriented governments and peoples’ solidarity committees, will take place next spring.

Since the time of the resolution, Cuba has stepped up closer ties with the Mahinda Rajapaksa family government...

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2012 01:53)

Cuban Missile Crisis: Lessons for Iran?

Lesson for Obama: the Cuba missile crisis

(BERKELEY, CA) - Barack Obama Fifty years ago millions of people around the world worried that nuclear war would break out between the U.S. and USSR over demands that the Soviet Union withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba.

Many Americans still think that an angry Fidel Castro wanted to launch them at U.S. targets because he hated our country.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2012 21:17)

Ahmed Ben Bella: `I spent 24 and a half years in prison`

A candid interview with the historic, fascinating Ahmed Ben Bella.

(ROME) - Ahmed Ben Bella The first president of independent Algeria (1963-1965) Ahmed Ben Bella passed away on April 11th, 2012 at the age of 96 years. At the time of his death we are reprinting the interview he granted us in Geneva on April 16, 2006.

Ahmed Ben Bella is one of the great figures of Arab nationalism. He was one of the nine members of the Committee of Algerian Revolutionaries that gave birth to the National Liberation Front (NLF).

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2012 19:47)

Complaint in U.N. Alleges U.S. Interfered with Spanish Torture Investigation

U.S. and Spanish Authorities Attempted to Stop Cases Seeking Accountability of U.S. Officials for Torture and Unlawful Killing

(MADRID, NEW YORK, BERLIN) - Once a staunch opponent of such practice, torture has become synonymous with U.S. politics in recent years. Constitutional Rights groups submitted evidence from Wikileaks cables obtained that show U.S. and Spanish officials seeking to shield Americans from criminal prosecution for torture and unlawful killing.

The complaint focuses on three criminal cases currently before the Spanish courts in which all potential defendants are U.S. citizens.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2011 16:21)

Cuba-ALBA lands are Tamils` natural allies

Following is the text of Ron Ridenour’s talk in Chennai, where Ron launched the Indian edition of his books “Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka”, “Sounds of Venezuela”, and “Cuba: Revolution in Action”.

(CHENNAI, India) - Ron Ridenour's books. I start from the premise that Martin Luther King expressed: “Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere”.

In the country of my birth, The Devil’s Own Country, I experienced similar injustice committed against the native peoples and the black people as Tamils suffer, especially in Sri Lanka where they are subjugated to Shinalese chauvinism.

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